Put in my 2 week notice today



Well, it happens to all of us eventually. I shutdown and left about two weeks ago. 14 years and gone. I hit the ceiling and could not live with that. Great company, but no longer my thing. I miss everyone, but not the work.
Take care everyone. I will check in periodically.


Why are management quitting in droves?
Is this a commentary on the state of our company?
Does this encourage others to go into management?
Based on our previous conversations, you seem like a really level-headed individual who I wouldn't mind working with/for. It's a shame when the good ones leave and the "less than good" ones stay.
Good luck in your future pursuits.


We had a supt that resigned and went with Dell. he said he was shocked when he went in the new job and all the senior supts there actually came up to him and introduced themselves and went all out to help....as a supt with brown, the people in management above him, never looked his way at meetings and let it be known that they did not need him.....no wander so many of management are getting out..


we had a manager retire a few years ago with like 32 years or something like that, and someone saw him and he looked 10 years younger and quit smoking


Thanks for the comments. It was not an easy decision. It is still a great company, but the recent changes really put everything into perspective.
I was a 2-unit manager, had been for several years. I relocated for the company, traveled, special assignment, etc. The recent changes in the staff functions really curbed any chance I had at moving up or moving out of the area I lived in. The MIP changes while good for the company really set quite a few people off - including myself.
Somewhere in the last 6 months it stopped being a career and turned into a job - if that makes any sense. Loyalty is now a one-way street. It may have been all along and I just did not see it.
I took a job that pays as well and I will be living in a much better area.
Should people be discouraged from going into management? No. I would not have the position I have now without the experience I gained at UPS.
I just did not see a future worth pursuing at UPS. I could have stayed another 20 years, retired at 55 and probably lived quite well, but at what cost to myself? I needed something that UPS was no longer able to provide. Competition drives companies to do strange things in the name of the greater good. I think many people in Atlanta have no idea what the undercurrent of the company looks like now - management and non-management. I still have many UPS friends who applauded my decision. I am sure I will not be the last one.
Watch the next few years. In my opinion dark clouds are on the horizon especially in the domestic market.
I salute all of you and will always have brown blood flowing through my veins.


One more thing. This should be a clear sign of how many people have left the company.

In my 14 years I never heard of management turnover being a problem. One of the sessions this year was on guess what? Management turnover. It discussed keeping good people and not becoming a training ground for the competition.


Too late. Every manager for FDX ground was at one time a UPS manager. Most of the Fedex drivers at the terminal here are ex UPS drivers and sups. Dont know about DHL. I do know we lost several to Yellow Frieght.

IT is funny that managment tells us that we have so many people wanting our jobs, but yet when we leave we end up going to the competition and showing them how it is done.

its too late to put the cap back on the bottle, the Genie has been set free. But one of the things UPS could do is to harness the capabilities of the average employee. If they did it nation or world wide, our proffits would grow by 40-50% each year, and not just 20%.

But of course that is wishful thinking. They might begin to realize that some of the people that they now have on staff have not really been doing all that well in their overpaid positions.
