Question for you Drivers and your shoes?

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Georgia boot company 208's. 9" high, so the protect your ankles, steel toes so the dogs feel it, and they last 9 months to a year, or longer. I am on month 14 with this pair. Now they are heavy, but you don't notice after the 1st week.

Aren't you in feeders? Must be nice to be able to pick out a shoe/boot based on balance for when you kick them up on the dash. Over here in package we need something a little more mobile. Back when you were a driver the average stops per car was only 120. I just had our IE guy saying how we are up to 150 now. So you can go ahead and keep those steel toes in your
International tactor where they belong. (PS - I keed I keed don't hurt me):funny::peaceful::wink2::happy-very:


Aren't you in feeders? Must be nice to be able to pick out a shoe/boot based on balance for when you kick them up on the dash. Over here in package we need something a little more mobile. Back when you were a driver the average stops per car was only 120. I just had our IE guy saying how we are up to 150 now. So you can go ahead and keep those steel toes in your
International tactor where they belong. (PS - I keed I keed don't hurt me):funny::peaceful::wink2::happy-very:

i second thats too funny, anyways i decided to pick up a pair of NB 977's well see how they do thanks for the suggestions