
Retired 23 years
I'm going to give you a blast from the past. it's 1988 and I had 13 years in as a full time driver. And everybody,
and I mean EVERYBODY, preload, delivery sups, center managers, and drivers really cared. And all the bull:censored2:
went away. Honestly, everybody and I mean everybody was on the same page. And on Christmas eve morning
the preload was having a catered breakfast and EVERYBODY, delivery sups, center managers and drivers were invited
to join in. And as a driver I went out Christmas eve and I was absolutely determined to deliver every package on the
car that day. And when I came in there a catered spread and we all, and I mean all, delivery sups, center managers
and drivers socialized and had a real sense of pride of getting the job done.

I feel bad for all of you today. Reading about how things are now really makes me sad. There was a great feeling
of teamwork. It was really a great place to work. I'm sorry it has all gone away.

Reminds me of some of my Christmas seasons. I have to add though that the week following Christmas when the layoffs began it was back to normal---us vs. them. The month or two after Christmas was always my worst time. You never knew what added attractions would be tossed in your truck.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real

What The Hawk?

No, that would be funny though.
Damn. LOL I really like Lucke..he was the teacher in training along with Paul. Both are outstanding teachers. They made a 5 day training fit into 2 and a half days and made it fun. I also ran into Gordon at Redmond. Was good to see him again.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of some of my Christmas seasons. I have to add though that the week following Christmas when the layoffs began it was back to normal---us vs. them. The month or two after Christmas was always my worst time. You never knew what added attractions would be tossed in your truck.

Well yeah sure, that was the norm. You went back to butting heads. But I never really hated anybody. Everybody
understood how the game was played. In the 32 years I put in and Lord knows how many delivery sups and center
managers I went through there was only one guy I truly disliked. And his fellow managers didn't like him either.
Everybody else was just trying to do the best they could.


Retired 23 years
Well yeah sure, that was the norm. You went back to butting heads. But I never really hated anybody. Everybody
understood how the game was played. In the 32 years I put in and Lord knows how many delivery sups and center
managers I went through there was only one guy I truly disliked. And his fellow managers didn't like him either.
Everybody else was just trying to do the best they could.

My worst center manager was a women (NO @Ms PacMan I don't hate all women). She and I were like oil and water.


Well-Known Member
Damn. LOL I really like Lucke..he was the teacher in training along with Paul. Both are outstanding teachers. They made a 5 day training fit into 2 and a half days and made it fun. I also ran into Gordon at Redmond. Was good to see him again.
M L did my orientation back in 1989. Good guy, but couldn't do a route now a days. Paul was my sup during the strike. That dirty dog couldn't do a route back then.

What The Hawk?

My worst center manager was a women (NO @Ms PacMan I don't hate all women). She and I were like oil and water.

My current center manager is a woman and she is just...GAH! I want my old manager back! :(

What The Hawk?

M L did my orientation back in 1989. Good guy, but couldn't do a route now a days. Paul was my sup during the strike. That dirty dog couldn't do a route back then.
LOL wow, 2 years before I was born.