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Well-Known Member
OK. And I'm OK with you believing whatever you want. However, the Christian majority doesn't get to tell everyone else how to live or believe, a concept you can't seem to grasp.
And you as well do not get to make the rules on right and wrong just because people express their faith.


Engorged Member
And you as well do not get to make the rules on right and wrong just because people express their faith.

No, I don't. I notice that Kentucky law is being re-written specifically so Kim Davis doesn't have to sign gay marriage licenses. How about expressing your faith privately? Like I said, I don't care who or what you worship, but why do you have to make such a big deal about it, as in whining your rights are being violated when it's US law that government employees do their job as assigned? So, we do have rules on right and wrong written into our laws. It isn't your religious right to ignore them.

For example, the football coach that was recently canned for praying on-the-clock after games. Any reason he can't just pray to himself? Instead, Mr. Attention Whore had to make it a public case, bring in Right Wing support, and put his beloved kids in the background by getting his 15 minutes of fame.


Engorged Member
Forgiven is the excuse USED to clear the conscience by christians.

IF you made serious err's in judgement in your life, like cheating on your wife, then no matter of prayer is going to wipe that off the board, you are still a scumbag.


I grew up in a heavily Catholic neighborhood, where many of them drank like fish, screwed around on their spouses, and did other bad things. As long as they did confession, went to church, and said 1,000 Hail Marys', all was forgiven.



Well-Known Member
No, I don't. I notice that Kentucky law is being re-written specifically so Kim Davis doesn't have to sign gay marriage licenses. How about expressing your faith privately? Like I said, I don't care who or what you worship, but why do you have to make such a big deal about it, as in whining your rights are being violated when it's US law that government employees do their job as assigned? So, we do have rules on right and wrong written into our laws. It isn't your religious right to ignore them.

For example, the football coach that was recently canned for praying on-the-clock after games. Any reason he can't just pray to himself? Instead, Mr. Attention Whore had to make it a public case, bring in Right Wing support, and put his beloved kids in the background by getting his 15 minutes of fame.
People do express their faith privately.... but guess what, they don't have to stop there just to appease you. Their faith is who they are and they show it publicly. That's not forcing it down your throat as you think it is. In NC reasonable accommodation is made for people who wish not to participate in handing out same sex licenses while still allowing same sex couples to obtain a license to get married. Things can be worked out for both sides yet I have a feeling you have a problem with that also. You want it your way or no way at all. Too bad. Christians don't need to hide in the shadows to express their faith


Engorged Member
People do express their faith privately.... but guess what, they don't have to stop there just to appease you. Their faith is who they are and they show it publicly. That's not forcing it down your throat as you think it is. In NC reasonable accommodation is made for people who wish not to participate in handing out same sex licenses while still allowing same sex couples to obtain a license to get married. Things can be worked out for both sides yet I have a feeling you have a problem with that also. You want it your way or no way at all. Too bad. Christians don't need to hide in the shadows to express their faith

There you go, whining about "hiding in the shadows". Too bad freedom of religion isn't applied equally in this country. This is where you have issues, because substitute "Islam" or "Hinduism" as the religion in all of these cases, and Christians would be outraged.

True hypocrisy.


Inordinately Right
What do muslims & atheists have in common in
Bladensburg, a small town in Prince George’s County, Maryland ?

Why they all want a 40 foot tall memorial placed in honor of the 49 men who died in WWI demolished, altered or removed , just because it's in the shape of a Latin cross .
It was erected in 1925 .
The simple solution would have been for the state to simply sell the land, then they wouldn't have been able to play this desperate argument of governmental religious entanglements. Instead a bunch of lawyers made a killing and will make more in appeals.

Of course, the government is our largest landowner and we know they're not going to give up that power easily.


Engorged Member
What do muslims & atheists have in common in
Bladensburg, a small town in Prince George’s County, Maryland ?

Why they all want a 40 foot tall memorial placed in honor of the 49 men who died in WWI demolished, altered or removed , just because it's in the shape of a Latin cross .
It was erected in 1925 .

I disagree with them. If it was being erected now, they'd have a point. Their lack of respect for WWI veterans is disgusting.


Staff member
All they can do is petition the court. If the court disagrees with their position then that's it.


Well-Known Member
The simple solution would have been for the state to simply sell the land, then they wouldn't have been able to play this desperate argument of governmental religious entanglements. Instead a bunch of lawyers made a killing and will make more in appeals.

Of course, the government is our largest landowner and we know they're not going to give up that power easily.


Tip of the hat to you for moving this discussion (or trying too) into this thread where it seems to me belongs as opposed to posting it in the Global Warming thread where it just serves (intentional or unintentional) as a derail attempt.

Great observation on your part about the gov't and land. So true.

As to Baba's post, I won't speak too and/or for muslims other than it's just one draconian form of theism against another but as it relates to "some" atheists (albeit the organization is humanist by name), IMO quite often they pick foolish battles to fight that do little to broaden any discussion of thoughts and ideas as it relates to religion and theism. If anything, it more often than not IMO harms as it further entrenches and closes off opportunity for discussion.


Strength through joy
A cross , a cross there .
No respect for our ancestors .
Our ways are not compatible with these new comers so they must be removed .
Sound familiar ?
Every invading army had the same principles thru out history .

Who will the muslims join ranks with next ?


Bad Moon Risen'
Your ancestors had no respect for the beliefs of the Native Americans. How does it feel with the shoe on the other foot?


Strength through joy
Most conquers used power in person to force submission .
These muslims are sneaky .
They are attempting to use our own laws against us .
They have no honor .
A tribe without honor are always deemed to be outcasts , unworthy of any compassion .


Staff member
They did lose in court , now they are appealing .
Who else will the muslims join up with to degrade this country ?
I'm gonna try and rally up with some the muslims in my neighborhood and see if we can't organize some kind of flag/bible burning party this weekend.
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