Required Notification for Saturday

I'm in the Southern region and I have searched on this forum and read my supplemental agreement to not truly find my answer.

I'm wanting to know if UPS is required to give a certain amount of notice to part time (preload/local sort) qualified Saturday Air Drivers? I'm getting tired of a call at 7:45 saying "you know you are working today right?" I know the bottom up can be forced, but just looking for clarification if there is a 24hr, 48hr, etc time frame.


Well-Known Member
The sat sup in my building walks around or calls everyone Thursday to confirm call ins after accepting work is a write up

Peppermint Patty

Cardboard Pusher
We have a few different sups run our Saturday AIr Op all out of the same center I usually get a text on Friday with my start time it can be as late as 6pm or so. No sup runs it the same of course not that would be to easy. I usually just roll with it knowing I will work all day Saturday. Not sure if there is a specific tine they need to let you know by buy I understand your frustration.


Well-Known Member
I would think they would tell you no later than the day before that you would be working on Saturday.

What would happen if you were not given advance notice and decided to go out of town for the weekend?


Well-Known Member
I thought they had to give you at least 24 hours notice of any schedule change, no matter what. Can't imagine why that would be different for Sat air. I wouldn't answer the call....

We are supposed to get 24 hours notice of schedule changes of 1 hour or less and 72 hours notice of 1 hour or more.

Not answering the call may put you back at the bottom of the call list.
Not answering this past Saturday is exactly what I did :biggrin:. This week is chugging along and looking like no notification will be given either.

I did notice that they posted a fancy smhancy list of all TCD's/Air Drivers and they have the bottom 3 marked to work every Saturday.
Not answering this past Saturday is exactly what I did :biggrin:. This week is chugging along and looking like no notification will be given either.

I did notice that they posted a fancy smhancy list of all TCD's/Air Drivers and they have the bottom 3 marked to work every Saturday.
Yes UPS by contract can force from the bottom up all Air Drivers. Of course all Air exception drivers can disqualify themselves also.