RNC platform


Well-Known Member
Poor Bernie.
Sentenced to cut down the tree that Hillary and the DNC used to make into the shovel they politically hurried him with.

Feel the love after the Bern.
He needed to tell it like it truly is while he had integrity left instead of being the DNC's prostitue to support the lie.

Would you have voted for Bernie?

10 point

Well-Known Member
There's no good choices this time. Joe B would've been as bad or worse.
I wouldn't say that anyone in their right mind would want the job now.
It's like going to the plate to bat with two strikes against you before you get there.


Well-Known Member
Not one word said about the RNC's plan for a National RTW law by anyone on here. The single most destructive law against Collective Bargaining. I guess big government is ok if it is for the chamber of commerce

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AZ Retired

allegedly went "Brett Favre" with his cell.
Poor Bernie.
Sentenced to cut down the tree that Hillary and the DNC used to make into the shovel they politically hurried him with.

Feel the love after the Bern.
He needed to tell it like it truly is while he had integrity left instead of being the DNC's prostitue to support the lie.
Bernie, Bernie, talk about falling on the sword for an ungrateful master! You must have been promised something great in Killary's cabinet!
Sounds like the Teamsters!


You know me...
Forget the platforms, I don't trust either of them to do what they say. I have a deep loathing for Hillary Clinton, but I'm voting for her anyway. The Supreme Court Appointment means more than anything to me in this election, and if that appointment is the ONLY thing she gets right, I'll be able to put up with the rest. Trump will absolutely screw labor with his appointments, and they will post date his 4 years.

If you are pro labor and pro Trump, then you are going to be exponentially more disappointed than this Obama voter....



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Forget the platforms, I don't trust either of them to do what they say. I have a deep loathing for Hillary Clinton, but I'm voting for her anyway. The Supreme Court Appointment means more than anything to me in this election, and if that appointment is the ONLY thing she gets right, I'll be able to put up with the rest. Trump will absolutely screw labor with his appointments, and they will post date his 4 years.

If you are pro labor and pro Trump, then you are going to be exponentially more disappointed than this Obama voter....

What have the Dems done for the working man?

Send all of our jobs overseas?

No thank you, I'll take Trump.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Forget the platforms, I don't trust either of them to do what they say. I have a deep loathing for Hillary Clinton, but I'm voting for her anyway. The Supreme Court Appointment means more than anything to me in this election, and if that appointment is the ONLY thing she gets right, I'll be able to put up with the rest. Trump will absolutely screw labor with his appointments, and they will post date his 4 years.

If you are pro labor and pro Trump, then you are going to be exponentially more disappointed than this Obama voter....

Something is wrong with your candidate.

Besides the fact that she would ship every job overseas to get rich.

Besides the fact that there is no lie too small or that she can't tell enough times to get what she wants.

Besides the fact that the Clintons leave a trail of dead bodies everywhere they go.

She is sick or something.

Parkinsons, brain tumor or something.

She can't even stand up without holding on to something.

And she gets confused easily and often.

And that's your candidate?

I'll vote for the guy promising to bring jobs back to America.

This is who the Teamsters should be backing too.

I mean, what kind of union will we have in 25 years if jobs keep leaving like they have been?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Those two statements are synonymous.
One begets the orher one.
If you think that if Republicans had the presidency, and both houses of congress that a national RTW law would be passed, you are fear mongering.

It will never happen.

Acting like it would is manipulation to get union workers to stay on the plantation and keep voting for the Democrats.