Storming the Capitol

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Never in my lifetime did I ever think I’d see anything like this.
This makes me so sad to see. Our political process has always been admired around the world, and to see it falling apart so quickly....

Never in my lifetime did I ever think I’d see anything like this.
This makes me so sad to see. Our political process has always been admired around the world, and to see it falling apart so quickly....
Peaceful protesters. LOL.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
The D.C. police have handed out IQ tests to slow the crowd from advancing. It could take more than 24 hours before they figure out how to open them, giving the police enough time to reinforce their positions.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Your US Capitol Building.



Staff member
Yeah, take that cheating like a man!
This is the right sentiment, actually.

Republicans need to be above throwing a temper tantrum because they lost.
If you think the Democrats cheated, (Which I'd probably completely agree with), you take it to the proper channels.

We are better than this.


Staff member
Mitch McConnell stood up and essentially told you there is no evidence of widespread cheating and to stick it up your asses before the seditionist thugs moved on the Capitol Building. Congratulations on hating democracy.
This is pretty much just stirring the pot. Lol.

The right wing idiots here should be held accountable by conservatives.
They're idiots, and I'm of the opinion that they should be shot.

But even though your point is correct, coming from a democrat, it feels much more like a cheap shot.