Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
His response is dependent on what Republicans do. If republicans continue to pack the court by stealing seats, he’ll have to respond in a way to give the court legitimacy again. Mitch has done terrible harm to the legitimacy of the judicial branch.

how do you steal seats that were left open . did they give ginsburg cancer to steal her seat? Ginsberg was encouraged by the left to retire during the Obama administration to preserve the liberal seat . she chose to gamble and lost.


Well-Known Member
If Biden wins in a landslide and carries 8 senate seats with him and Mitch follows up by confirming a Justice in the lame duck in clear defiance of the will of the voters, should Biden just accept that? Would that be good for our democracy?

justice will be confirmed before november 3rd. The presidency is a 4 year term not a 3.5 year term.


Well-Known Member
SCOTUS to an ever increasing extent is becoming less of an impartial judicial body and more of a political body becoming very similar to the other two branches of government.

it was . 3 justices later it will be more interpretive of the constitutional intent and less activism.


Well-Known Member
He can’t say whether he will or not because he doesn’t know if he’ll have the votes in the Senate to do it. If he doesn’t have that, why would he even think about it?

not to mention he wont have his own vote. Trump or Harris will have that


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It’s as if you are incapable of making a point without a personal attack.

Mitch stole the seat in 2016. By ignoring his own precedent with this one he’s laying bare the partisan nature of the courts. That takes away the public trust in the institution. Biden has to remake the court appointment process to regain that trust.

Mitch knows the public doesn’t want conservative policy. That’s why he doesn’t pass laws and has resorted to stacking the judiciary so his picks can legislate from the bench for life.
The public? Or areas that vote democratic? They win, they control, they pick.


Inordinately Right
SCOTUS to an ever increasing extent is becoming less of an impartial judicial body and more of a political body becoming very similar to the other two branches of government.
Which is why we need more conservative justices that do their job by following the constitution, rather than liberal judges that try to legislate from the bench.


Staff member
The public? Or areas that vote democratic? They win, they control, they pick.
Elections have consequences. Win and it all goes away. If the democrats win, they’ll pack the court and water down the effect of the court until republicans take control again and so on and so forth until the SCOTUS really is pathetic.

But that’s where politics has brought every branch of Jeffersonian democracy. In time we’ll end up a parliamentary system instead.


Well-Known Member
Lol. You don’t really think you’re “not racist”, do you?

Its not a word i worry about. I'm a conservative as such I'm automatically a racist while a liberal can oppress minorities and often does and is never a racist.

Biden may the best example ever. Avowed segregationist, good friend of a former KKK grand dragon, created a crime bill that locked up more black americans than probably anyone in history and yet you blacks love your master dont you?

when you stop letting people force you into a word corner you can begin the process of having honest conversations.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
He can’t. Him and Tupac have the black chip on their shoulder.
That Two pack was something, wasn't he?