Swings cover CSA's?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an excuse to lower the amount of couriers on vacation. Maybe the company expects a lot more sick calls this coming year do to the fact that most FT couriers will make more money on a day they call in sicks (8hrs) VS a 7 hour work day.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an excuse to lower the amount of couriers on vacation. Maybe the company expects a lot more sick calls this coming year do to the fact that most FT couriers will make more money on a day they call in sicks (8hrs) VS a 7 hour work day.

Not to mention you get paid better for a sick day than you do if you get it as MAP at the end of the year.
A paid sick day is taxed at the normal hourly rate. Whereas MAP is taxed as a "bonus" at a higher rate.