Take a peek at the new Contract before retiring?


Well-Known Member
My 6th grade class
Say CHEESE! Vintage School Photos Have Style. | Vintage school, Childhood  memories, School photos
Those kids are all a little TOO happy!

Time for some word problems to change the mood around here.


Well-Known Member
I still can. Vette actually gets pretty good mpg........if you uh, drive it conservatively...

Except I love to fly. Perhaps something you could only dream of.....while being hatefully envious/jealous.

I especially love to take the vette to the airport.....chuckle.

My retirement is all set....just livin out the end in style.....very comfortably.

Say, if you ever get the chance.....driving up to your hangar and just flying anywhere is pretty satisfying.......trading hello's with the airport guys. "Where ya headed...?" "Beautiful day to fly...." of course I add "fly safe".....chuckle at that one.
Wealthy? Hardly.....never said that. I'm comfortable...we all should be(UPS'ers).

I've just managed my money well over a long career and it's bearing fruit. You guys never consider that......because you live such a miserable existence.....retirement. So much so, you are retired and come on here to bully people you don't even know or have met. Let's all think hard about that....
Nobody is bullying you. Can't believe you are able to fly anything. Grow a pair.