

The reason I came here to ask is because no one at my center can answer the question, we usually get paid on thursday and as of right now my own supervisor cant tell my why i was the only one who didnt get a paycheck he said he is checking into it :confused:1 I really wish ups would not have bought us out things were much better before they moved in.

time will tell. If you're not sure then don't get the tatoo. Tatoo's are becoming more popular with todays kids but those who are in the position to hire still generally frown on them whether UPS or not.


Well-Known Member
:thumbup1:Ive been driving for 4 years, i have full "sleeves". I go in wearing a long sleeve shirt then change into a short sleeve on road. It gets old, but just cover them when your in the building. Its mainly for if the big management guys come in and see it, the on roads get **** on. However, they probobly know your doing it, but ive never been writtten up or "disciplined".