The anti-US Chamber of Commerce


Well-Known Member
Just curious but has anyone ever changed their mind based on what someone else posted here in Current Event?

Please resume your monologues. :peaceful:

I admit that while my mind has never been changed I have learned a few things and perhaps had my perspective changed on a few others here in Current Events.


golden ticket member
No, not closed. I've had the experience of 63 years and if I don't know what my views are after 63 years, then I'm a very slow learner. I know what I like, who I like, etc, etc, !!


Strength through joy
Anti-Obama Billboard Removed After Leftist Threats…

(Grand Junction Sentinel)
the owners of the billboard company, Bud’s Signs, removed it after receiving threats from people who didn’t care for it.


Well-Known Member well as the evil socialist run NASA Program as well. See how well when working together united rescuers for a successfull solution.

Aw, did I strike a nerve with you? Or did I just come close to exposing who you really are? ;)

The bottom line here is the white house admits it has no evidence to back its allegations up other than a liberal blog post who in itself had no evidence to back up its claim. The claims are bogus, they have no merit, and you are wasting your precious time trying to persuade anyone here otherwise. Now tell your democrat buddies to take cover on Nov. 2 because a hurricane is coming!

I appreciate your concern over my education and my new job as a feeder driver. I would like to point out that I will continue to take classes online as time allows in order to complete my degree. Thanks to people like yourself I cannot hang all my future hopes on UPS as my lifelong employer because the economy is just too unstable to be that naive.

As if you respect anything this White House admits to....Let's review your "no evidence" claim.....the Chamber is receiving at least $885,000 from over 80 foreign-based companies, co-mingling those funds into the same account that runs the political attack ads, and righteously refusing to disclose its donors.

The Chamber has a [video=youtube;KlHAekiDg74]
"]proud[/URL[/video] and receiving payments from companies that specialize in outsourcing. Obvisously, this is the “economic development” Brett is endorsing....

Carl Rove and the Brett-like Republicans just can't get American voters to accept outsourcing and those who take bribes from foreigners to lobby or vote for it. For some stubborn reason, the Silent Majority refuses give up their middle class lifestyle to become a third world nation.

Here ya go...chew on this

Reps. Driehaus And Kilroy Join Call For Investigation Into Chamber Of Commerce’s Foreign Funding

Oh, and ask you local Chamber of Commerce if they support their big brother.....

Local Chamber of Commerce Won’t Endorse U.S. Chamber Ads

Anti-Obama Billboard Removed After Leftist Threats…

(Grand Junction Sentinel)
the owners of the billboard company, Bud’s Signs, removed it after receiving threats from people who didn’t care for it.

Baba-Lue......What does Bud's racist billboard have to do with the anti-American US Chamber of Commerce ???
Except that when you guys are losing an argument, you figure cartoon pictures makes a great deflection shield....


Well-Known Member
As if you respect anything this White House admits to....Let's review your "no evidence" claim.....the Chamber is receiving at least $885,000 from over 80 foreign-based companies, co-mingling those funds into the same account that runs the political attack ads, and righteously refusing to disclose its donors.

I have never refuted, nor the chamber has refuted that they do take in money from foreign sources. Now, lets work with something your not very good at, and that would be numbers. The Chamber of Commerce has a $200 million budget, and you have already stated they have recieved $885k worth of foreign donations. $885,000/$200,000,000=.004425 or .4425% of their entire budget is foreign money. Not one dollar of which you, or the white house has proven went to a domestic political ad. That is taking into consideration your number of $885k is honest which I doubt considering it comes from a left leaning blog. I'm sure your going to come back with it went into their general coffers, but as a student of one of the top business schools in the country I have taken a lot of accounting, and I can tell you now its not difficult to separate money from differing sources which I am highly sure the chamber does with its foreign donations.

The Chamber has a
and receiving payments from companies that specialize in outsourcing. Obvisously, this is the “economic development” Brett is endorsing....

Those type of firms would not have such strong market forces supporting their existence if it weren't for big government supporters such as yourself. As we regulate and tax more and more it makes employment here much more costly. A business has to do what it needs to do in order to survive, and if that means outsourcing jobs to foreign nations that is exactly what they will do. I am not surprised such firms exist in this kind of employment environment, and you only have your own ideology to thank for it.

Carl Rove and the Brett-like Republicans just can't get American voters to accept outsourcing and those who take bribes from foreigners to lobby or vote for it. For some stubborn reason, the Silent Majority refuses give up their middle class lifestyle to become a third world nation.

Its funny you should mention this as the democrats are doing everything in their power to turn our middle class into the poverty stricken third world status you mentioned. In Connecticut alone health insurers have been given the green light to raise rates 47% due to Obamacare. Your mission to impoverish the average American appears to be right on track.

Baba-Lue......What does Bud's racist billboard have to do with the anti-American US Chamber of Commerce ???
Except that when you guys are losing an argument, you figure cartoon pictures makes a great deflection shield....

Blah, Blah, blah...the whole term racist lost its meaning when it was redefined as disagreeing with a I mean democrat. Its too bad the more violent wing of the democrat party known as the progressives had such an accurate portrayal of our President removed.


Well-Known Member well as the evil socialist run NASA Program as well. See how well when working together united rescuers for a successfull solution.

Going even further to your point, Schramm Inc. who was briefly mentioned in the WSJ link posted by Tony along with CenterRock drill has itself a very interesting 100 year history in which after WW1 was able to grow as a result of gov't contracts via the US military in Europe. Not that Schramm is by any stretch alone but to call what we have today a free market leaves one to wonder how some people define the term free?

But then having a skewed idea of what a free market is should come as no surprise when some so-called experts of what is is and how to measure have such a questionable understanding themselves.

And let's not even bring up how the capitalist system uses govt's eminent domain powers to further it's own "free market" interests. Once you learn about Central Planning and NeoMercantilism, you start to understand that capitalism and socialism are more partners in crime than hardnosed opponents!

BTW: On the evening the first miners came to the surface I got home from work just as the 2nd miner was starting to come to the surface. The wife and I stayed up till around 3:30 am watching live coverage on TV and very thankful as each miner came out. After the 2nd miner surfaced and waiting through the turnaround, they interviewed the head drill operator from America who punched the hole. I found it interesting to the current point under discussion that this man thanked all parties involved for allowing him to leave Aghanistan where he was drilling wells (I assumed for water) and come to Chile to take part in the rescue. In that Aghanistan is occupied turf and a distant welfare state of Washington DC., again it's the state who made all things possible if you will. Would the guy been working at all (in business) without the State contract? And in Chile, let's not forget the state owned Copper Mining giant Codelco and how they may have played in all of this. Oddly enough, the CIA World Facts Book describes Chile as a market oriented economy as so it does for the United States. Therefore if the US is free market, then so is Chile? Both described as market economies! Funny that a market economy also entertains a state owned mining company who controls a huge amount of the country's copper market.

Also it should be noted that Pinochet was installed (1973') with US help to counter "the socialists" who took power in 1970' and who did such things as nationalize foreign owned copper mining companies into what is/became the State owned Codelco, yet these so-called friendly US power players, friends of the free market, didn't abolish this socialist beast and instead it remained even unto this day. And you think Obamacare will be abolished when the republicans take over?



Well-Known Member

I give say a $100 to a politican and ask that he only follow the constitution. The US Chamber of Commerce and other corp. interests give $1000's and $1000's to the same politican and they ask him to violate the constitution. Looking at the results of our gov't, whose contribution won the day but whose contribution in the manner and spirit of the law in the larger context should have held sway?

If we want to argue the importance of the founding father's viewpoint in crafting this nation, then one must ask if they envisoned such a system as we have today, then why did it take over 200 years to get there rather than they could have just done this from the get go themselves? From controlling guns from the get go, controlled public education and a tightly regulated market for examples, why not make these things direct and clear from the outset. That said, why not make corporations a person with all rights from the outset instead of needing 100 years to go by and a destructive war to be fought to achieve those ends?


Strength through joy
(The Hill) Democratic leaders in the House and Senate criticizing GOP groups for allegedly funneling foreign money into campaign ads have seen their party raise more than $1 million from political action committees affiliated with foreign companies.
House and Senate Democrats have received approximately $1.02 million this cycle from such PACs, according to an analysis compiled for The Hill by the Center for Responsive Politics. House and Senate GOP leaders have taken almost $510,000 from PACs on the same list.
The PACS are funded entirely by contributions from U.S. employees of subsidiaries of foreign companies. All of the contributions are made public under Federal Elections Commission rules, and the PACs affiliated with the subsidiaries of foreign corporations are governed by the same rules that American firms’ PACs or other PACs would face.
“This is not foreign money per-se, but these PACs are certainly populated by people who work for foreign companies,” said Dave Levinthal, a spokesman for the Center for Responsive Politics.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Chamber Support for Democratic Candidates Not a Concern, White House Says

The fundraising practices of the Chamber of Commerce pose a "threat to our democracy," the White House says -- unless that money's going toward Democrats. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Sunday that he's not concerned about Democrats who are getting help from the Chamber, though President Obama has put the group in his campaign crosshairs and accused it of secretly influencing U.S. elections.
Gibbs edged off the administration's offensive during an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press." Questioned on whether Democratic candidates like West Virginia Senate nominee Joe Manchin should "rebuff" the support they're getting from the Chamber, Gibbs said he's not concerned about them.
"Look, the Chamber has certainly a constitutionally protected right to air ads. Nobody is arguing that they can't be involved in the election," Gibbs said.


Well-Known Member
I have never refuted, nor the chamber has refuted that they do take in money from foreign sources. Now, lets work with something your not very good at, and that would be numbers. The Chamber of Commerce has a $200 million budget, and you have already stated they have recieved $885k worth of foreign donations. $885,000/$200,000,000=.004425 or .4425% of their entire budget is foreign money. Not one dollar of which you, or the white house has proven went to a domestic political ad. That is taking into consideration your number of $885k is honest which I doubt considering it comes from a left leaning blog. I'm sure your going to come back with it went into their general coffers, but as a student of one of the top business schools in the country I have taken a lot of accounting, and I can tell you now its not difficult to separate money from differing sources which I am highly sure the chamber does with its foreign donations.

Those type of firms would not have such strong market forces supporting their existence if it weren't for big government supporters such as yourself. As we regulate and tax more and more it makes employment here much more costly. A business has to do what it needs to do in order to survive, and if that means outsourcing jobs to foreign nations that is exactly what they will do. I am not surprised such firms exist in this kind of employment environment, and you only have your own ideology to thank for it.

I've ran, and had my own business prior to UPS, there's no better learning process than the real world.
What ever skewed business school you attended preaching that outsourcing is a neccessray means of viability, oozes in a validation of a self centered narcissitic nature. Besides the Corperation ducking the overage perception of labor and taxation practises, and skewing advantagous (foreign and domestic) tax loop holes creates the loss of tax revenues. and as a contributing entity does more domino effect harm, than good to our society. Which is not up for debate as history proves. With jobs moving overseas, stagnant/declining-n-benefits, creates less money in the pockets of the masses, hence the lessoning of demand, which is basic economics 101. Ending up as a Unionized UPS truck/pkg driver, along with the rest of us Brown Slaves, emphasizing about your prowness as a savvy student of top notch business school really doesn't carry any wieght around here. Although, I'll concede to consider you as a possible candidate of doing my 2011 income tax return....

Anyhow...The Disclose Act was introduce, only to be struck down by every single Republican. What are they trying to hide ?
No one can have any proof, when they keep their books secret.......
SCOTUS, has opened the door of the Corperate takeover and tilt our elections....
Individuals have to disclose their donations with a cap of $2300 dollars, yet in the pararell shadows, these Captains of special Interest groups can donate hundreds of millions w/o disclosure which makes the Campaign finance system fundamentally fraudulent

But then having a skewed idea of what a free market is should come as no surprise when some so-called experts of what is is and how to measure have such a questionable understanding themselves.

And let's not even bring up how the capitalist system uses govt's eminent domain powers to further it's own "free market" interests. Once you learn about Central Planning and NeoMercantilism, you start to understand that capitalism and socialism are more partners in crime than hardnosed opponents!

Keep the poor, poorer......the upper middle class, lower..... and make the rich richer.

Unfortunately, we have a lousy example of bad capitalism, for it is all about self, profit, and free from liability. A good framework of a Capitalist society retains the principles of Capitalism, but ensures that society takes care of those who cannot take care of themselves from circumstances beyond their control..... Newsflash....I could be a fan of a "true" Free Market"....provided it be tweaked with a social conscience.


I give say a $100 to a politican and ask that he only follow the constitution. The US Chamber of Commerce and other corp. interests give $1000's and $1000's to the same politican and they ask him to violate the constitution. Looking at the results of our gov't, whose contribution won the day but whose contribution in the manner and spirit of the law in the larger context should have held sway?

If we want to argue the importance of the founding father's viewpoint in crafting this nation, then one must ask if they envisoned such a system as we have today, then why did it take over 200 years to get there rather than they could have just done this from the get go themselves? From controlling guns from the get go, controlled public education and a tightly regulated market for examples, why not make these things direct and clear from the outset. That said, why not make corporations a person with all rights from the outset instead of needing 100 years to go by and a destructive war to be fought to achieve those ends?


Strength through joy
(NYT) - Media Matters, the liberal activist group which wages a rhetorical war against Fox News Channel and others in the conservative press, will announce today the receipt of a $1 million donation from the philanthropist George Soros.

....................................................................\Doesn't Soros manage a foreign hedgefund ?
So just where does this $1M come from ...foreigners ?


Well-Known Member
I've ran, and had my own business prior to UPS, there's no better learning process than the real world.
What ever skewed business school you attended preaching that outsourcing is a neccessray means of viability, oozes in a validation of a self centered narcissitic nature. Besides the Corperation ducking the overage perception of labor and taxation practises, and skewing advantagous (foreign and domestic) tax loop holes creates the loss of tax revenues. and as a contributing entity does more domino effect harm, than good to our society. Which is not up for debate as history proves. With jobs moving overseas, stagnant/declining-n-benefits, creates less money in the pockets of the masses, hence the lessoning of demand, which is basic economics 101. Ending up as a Unionized UPS truck/pkg driver, along with the rest of us Brown Slaves, emphasizing about your prowness as a savvy student of top notch business school really doesn't carry any wieght around here. Although, I'll concede to consider you as a possible candidate of doing my 2011 income tax return....

Anyhow...The Disclose Act was introduce, only to be struck down by every single Republican. What are they trying to hide ?
No one can have any proof, when they keep their books secret.......
SCOTUS, has opened the door of the Corperate takeover and tilt our elections....
Individuals have to disclose their donations with a cap of $2300 dollars, yet in the pararell shadows, these Captains of special Interest groups can donate hundreds of millions w/o disclosure which makes the Campaign finance system fundamentally fraudulent

Keep the poor, poorer......the upper middle class, lower..... and make the rich richer.

Unfortunately, we have a lousy example of bad capitalism, for it is all about self, profit, and free from liability. A good framework of a Capitalist society retains the principles of Capitalism, but ensures that society takes care of those who cannot take care of themselves from circumstances beyond their control..... Newsflash....I could be a fan of a "true" Free Market"....provided it be tweaked with a social conscience.

The more you force business to do via government regulation and taxes the less you get out of business. That means less investment, lower productivity, and ultimately fewer jobs. I just cannot explain it any more simply than that. This is why the democrats and Obama are failing is due to their lack of understanding this simple truth.