The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?


Well-Known Member
President Bill Clinton balanced the Federal budget and started to pay off the National debt. So the country elected a Republican president who blew up the deficit.
Seriously? Bill Clinton caused the Democrats to lose control of Congress after 40 years of Democratic control in '94. It was Newt Gingrich and Republicans who came up with "The Contract With America" and balanced the budget. Clinton actually hired a Republican strategist, Dick Morris, to help him get reelected. Did that by becoming a centrist and claiming Republican issues as his own. Which would be very unpopular if tried with today's Leftists. Now if you want to say Bush started us down the road of high deficits that would be fair. But he had plenty of help from Congressional Democrats and spending took off like never before with Obama.


Well-Known Member

Nope, it'll never be repaid.
We should be very worried. All the printing they'll have to do to pay for this bill will inflate the currency. We count on many countries to buy our bonds to pay for our deficits. Between almost nothing interest rates and inflating our currency they are losing money buying our bonds. Under Obama they were doing so much printing that major buyers of our bonds were threatening to stop buying and to replace our currency as the world's reserve currency with a basket of other currencies. That caused the Obama administration to back off the printing. With China surging towards replacing us as the world's top economy if we continue down this path their currency may become the world reserve currency. Our Democratic leadership is practicing Cloward and Piven on a national scale. They think if they can break the country they can start over with a socialist model and finally rid us of capitalism. In the infrastructure bill there is a provision for giving all the illegal aliens green cards. That starts them down the road to citizenship. That will tilt the balance of power and essentially give one party rule. That will allow them to implement all of these changes. This isn't some off the cuff idea. They've been planning this for some time. It's why they wanted to get Trump out so badly. The last thing they wanted was some avowed capitalist being successful and giving average people better lives. As well as shutting down the border. He was interrupting their plans and had to go. We are in the midst of a massive coup. A huge paradigm shift. Elections have consequences. Especially rigged ones.


Legio patria nostra
President Bill Clinton balanced the Federal budget and started to pay off the National debt. So the country elected a Republican president who blew up the deficit.



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We should be very worried. All the printing they'll have to do to pay for this bill will inflate the currency. We count on many countries to buy our bonds to pay for our deficits. Between almost nothing interest rates and inflating our currency they are losing money buying our bonds. Under Obama they were doing so much printing that major buyers of our bonds were threatening to stop buying and to replace our currency as the world's reserve currency with a basket of other currencies. That caused the Obama administration to back off the printing. With China surging towards replacing us as the world's top economy if we continue down this path their currency may become the world reserve currency. Our Democratic leadership is practicing Cloward and Piven on a national scale. They think if they can break the country they can start over with a socialist model and finally rid us of capitalism. In the infrastructure bill there is a provision for giving all the illegal aliens green cards. That starts them down the road to citizenship. That will tilt the balance of power and essentially give one party rule. That will allow them to implement all of these changes. This isn't some off the cuff idea. They've been planning this for some time. It's why they wanted to get Trump out so badly. The last thing they wanted was some avowed capitalist being successful and giving average people better lives. As well as shutting down the border. He was interrupting their plans and had to go. We are in the midst of a massive coup. A huge paradigm shift. Elections have consequences. Especially rigged ones.
The young fools today never heard of Cloward an Piven. This scheme has been in the works for over 40 years. To achieve globalization you have to level the playing field first, can’t have a strong country like America. If you can’t bring everyone’s living standards up to America’s then you bring it down to everyone else’s. Flood Europe and America with 3rd world people, devalue the currency by ever increasing debt ceiling and print it like crazy. Starting to sound familiar? The left in this country is on a kamikaze mission to destroy America as we know it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The young fools today never heard of Cloward an Piven. This scheme has been in the works for over 40 years. To achieve globalization you have to level the playing field first, can’t have a strong country like America. If you can’t bring everyone’s living standards up to America’s then you bring it down to everyone else’s. Flood Europe and America with 3rd world people, devalue the currency by ever increasing debt ceiling and print it like crazy. Starting to sound familiar? The left in this country is on a kamikaze mission to destroy America as we know it.

I had never heard of that so I just read up on it a little.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Retired 22 years
I worry about nothing. I’ve did my share of it when I was younger. It’s now time for younger generation to do the worrying and apparently they don’t care because they either don’t vote or vote for idiots.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
President Bill Clinton balanced the Federal budget and started to pay off the National debt. So the country elected a Republican president who blew up the deficit.

This Jackass?


Well-Known Member
The young fools today never heard of Cloward an Piven. This scheme has been in the works for over 40 years. To achieve globalization you have to level the playing field first, can’t have a strong country like America. If you can’t bring everyone’s living standards up to America’s then you bring it down to everyone else’s. Flood Europe and America with 3rd world people, devalue the currency by ever increasing debt ceiling and print it like crazy. Starting to sound familiar? The left in this country is on a kamikaze mission to destroy America as we know it.
And they'll take us to the brink of breaking up the country if not over the edge.


Well-Known Member
I worry about nothing. I’ve did my share of it when I was younger. It’s now time for younger generation to do the worrying and apparently they don’t care because they either don’t vote or vote for idiots.

It was lost years ago, I worry about nothing.
Let them play their cards, I've nothing to lose.