The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
You'll have to make your mind up. Either we have an economy that gives breaks to those who create jobs and provide the world's largest economy or we tax and regulate them into a stagnant economy that provides little opportunity. Playing the envy/punish the rich game for votes never ends up well.
Is it punishing the rich to have them pay a commiserate tax rate to labor?

If it benefits working people so much to “give breaks” to the wealthy ‘job creators’ then doesn’t it stand to reason we should make their tax rates 0%? How about a negative tax rate? Let’s just subsidize all of them! Shower them with even more money!

Or we could be sensible and award them a “I WON CAPITALISM!” trophy and treat their income like labor’s income. But I understand that’s a hard sell to people brought up on far right-wing culture nonsense that tied their moral superiority to the worship of wealthy “job creators.”


Well-Known Member
Is it punishing the rich to have them pay a commiserate tax rate to labor?

If it benefits working people so much to “give breaks” to the wealthy ‘job creators’ then doesn’t it stand to reason we should make their tax rates 0%? How about a negative tax rate? Let’s just subsidize all of them! Shower them with even more money!

Or we could be sensible and award them a “I WON CAPITALISM!” trophy and treat their income like labor’s income. But I understand that’s a hard sell to people brought up on far right-wing culture nonsense that tied their moral superiority to the worship of wealthy “job creators.”
You tax them too much, regulate them too much, and you take away the incentive to invest and create. All we'll end up with is stagnation. But it'll be just! Equitable!

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Some stagnation is good... Even the Fed wants 2-3% growth.
Governance is not business, and business is not life.

Sustainable, steady growth is easier to manage, creates less iniquity, and maintains a smooth functioning society and government. There is definitely a sweet spot, that is the most manageable and the most efficient.

(That being said, I am a swine that lives off of volatility and chaos.)

When economic volitility diminishes the overall happiness, it is an indication that some regulation is needed. With this approach, peace can be maintained and differences can be celebrated instead of resented.

Right now the world is spiralling into deep chaos, because no one is curtailing the volitility creators. They'll burn down half the world if you let them.


Well-Known Member
Some stagnation is good... Even the Fed wants 2-3% growth.
Governance is not business, and business is not life.

Sustainable, steady growth is easier to manage, creates less iniquity, and maintains a smooth functioning society and government. There is definitely a sweet spot, that is the most manageable and the most efficient.

(That being said, I am a swine that lives off of volatility and chaos.)

When economic volitility diminishes the overall happiness, it is an indication that some regulation is needed. With this approach, peace can be maintained and differences can be celebrated instead of resented.

Right now the world is spiralling into deep chaos, because no one is curtailing the volitility creators. They'll burn down half the world if you let them.
The Fed wants 2% inflation. 2% growth is anemic.

A major problem in my book is we're too aware due to the internet what's going on in the world. 24/7 news cycle. Every little problem, perceived or real, is in our face if we're looking at news or social media. Can't post anything about anything without someone having a grievance. Unless you're in Ukraine or Gaza the world isn't burning down around you. Just seems that way with the constant sensory overload bombardment.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
2-3% GDP
The ideal GDP growth rate is between 2% and 3%. The GDP growth rate measures how healthy the economy is. When the number is positive, the economy is growing. When the number is negative, the economy is contracting.

Now, fire up that Towncar, and go for a spin.
Fridays before the beasties get off work, are the bestñ


The Fed wants 2% inflation. 2% growth is anemic.

A major problem in my book is we're too aware due to the internet what's going on in the world. 24/7 news cycle. Every little problem, perceived or real, is in our face if we're looking at news or social media. Can't post anything about anything without someone having a grievance. Unless you're in Ukraine or Gaza the world isn't burning down around you. Just seems that way with the constant sensory overload bombardment.

the world is actually getting worse!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
hahaha o yes theres always that
Hard to believe that as a condition to our military support to Ukraine, they had to agree to not target Russia oil shipments. With US military support in question, Ukraine has begun to target Russia oil production and refineries. Good for them.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Is it punishing the rich to have them pay a commiserate tax rate to labor?

If it benefits working people so much to “give breaks” to the wealthy ‘job creators’ then doesn’t it stand to reason we should make their tax rates 0%? How about a negative tax rate? Let’s just subsidize all of them! Shower them with even more money!

Or we could be sensible and award them a “I WON CAPITALISM!” trophy and treat their income like labor’s income. But I understand that’s a hard sell to people brought up on far right-wing culture nonsense that tied their moral superiority to the worship of wealthy “job creators.”
What's rich? We are far from rich here but the extra we have gets invested. That is job creation.

We do not have a taxation problem, we have a spending problem.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
What's rich? We are far from rich here but the extra we have gets invested. That is job creation.

We do not have a taxation problem, we have a spending problem.
Have you ever sat down and figured out how much is collected in taxes? Look at your states income from just vehicle registration.