The Real Micheal Moore?


golden ticket member
Washington Examiner:
Louise Story of the New York Times writes an excellent piece on state subsidies for Hollywood films and studios – a frequent practice that often reaps very little in tax revenue or long-term jobs. [...]

According to the report, Liberal Michael Moore received $841,145 in incentives to film his documentary “Capitalism: A Love Story” in Michigan.


golden ticket member
Coming from a guy who needs a forklift to get off the couch.

Via Beltway Confidential:
On Current TV last night Michael Moore told host Jennifer Granholm that it was time for Democrats to “get off the couch” and organize against right-to-work victories.

Moore reminded Granholm that “right wing billionaires” were taking over the state legislatures to crush the middle class.

“They are out to destroy the lives of tens of millions of people, they don’t give a rat’s ass about any of this.” Moore warned. “Unless we get up off the couch, and get active and get involved they will win.”


golden ticket member
Morbidly Obese Lefty Michael Moore’s New Year’s Resolution: “Stop Saying, ‘I Support the Troops.’ I Don’t”…
What a piece of *****.

My New Year’s Resolutions — Michael Moore, HuffPo
… Stop saying, “I support the troops.” I don’t. I used to. I understand why so many enlisted after 9/11. Sadly, many of them were then trapped and sent off to invade Iraq. I felt for all of them.

I understood those who joined because of a lousy economy. But at some point all individuals must answer for their actions, and now that we know our military leaders do things that have nothing to do with defending our lives, why would anyone sign up for this rogue organization?


golden ticket member
C’mon cholesterol, what are you waiting for with this guy?

Via Newsbusters:
. . .“I beg any young person reading this who’s thinking of joining the armed forces to please reconsider,” Moore wrote as he crescendoed to a conclusion.

“Our war department has done little to show you they won’t recklessly put your young life in harm’s way for a cause that has nothing to do with what you signed up for,” he continued. “They will not help you once they’ve used you and spit you back into society. If you’re a woman, they will not protect you from rapists in their ranks. And because you have a conscience and you know right from wrong, you do not want yourself being used to kill civilians in other countries who never did anything to hurt us.”

“Don’t become the next statistic so that General Electric can post another record profit — while paying no taxes — taxes that otherwise would be paying for the artificial leg that they’ve kept you waiting for months to receive,” Moore exclaimed. “And please, next time some ‘supporter of the troops’ says to you with that concerned look on their face, ‘I thank you for your service,’ you have my permission to punch their lights out (figuratively speaking, of course).”


golden ticket member
Fat Slob Michael Moore: Harry Reid Is “The Biggest Weenie Leading A Party Of Wimps”…

Mikey was upset Hagel wasn’t confirmed.

Michael Moore @MMFlint
(3/3) And Harry Reid- U are the biggest weenie leading a party of wimps. U let the Repubs continue their 4-yr long filibuster. Disgusting.
2:35 AM - 15 Feb 13


Amatuer Malthusian
Q & A

I've seen some of Michael Moore's work and it had it's points but I also felt it somewhat irreverant satire more than anything else. This morning at 6 am I happen to be awake and watching C-Span when I was luckly enough to catch the above program. IMO, it's well worth consideration and pause for thought about Mr. Moore's intent and motive.

At the link above, look in the upright of the page and click on the link to watch the program. If you already hate Moore, it'll give you plenty of food to feed your appetite. If you love Moore, you may hate the program but if like me you have an open but questioning mind about Mr. Moore (I've never thought he was what he claimed in being indepenent or portraying himself as such and that's fine but be honest) this program will give you reason to pause and think about the man and his work as a filmaker.

Have you seen "An American Carol"?


golden ticket member
You’re in trouble now, Barack, you’ve made a powerful (and very hungry) enemy.

Via THR:

Michael Moore sees President Obama’s legacy as set. The progressive documentary filmmaker couldn’t help but express his disappointment with the legislative accomplishments of the politician.

“When the history is written of this era, this is how you’ll be remembered: he was the first black president,” Moore said during a discussion at The Hollywood Reporter’s video lounge at the Toronto Film Festival.

“OK, not a bad accomplishment, but that’s it,” the director said. “That’s it, Mr. Obama. 100 years from now, ‘he was the first black American that got elected president’ and that’s it. Eight years of your life and that’s what people are going to remember. Boy, I got a feeling, knowing you, that — you’d probably wish you were remembered for a few other things, a few other things you could’ve done