Timecards changed


Well-Known Member
This is never cared about. I should keep track when I go back, but it isn't something that will ever concern me.
Oh I agree. I never cared about it either. We were a bonus center. I come in one or two ticks under and joke about making an extra
75 cents bonus. One time I checked my book for the year. I made 100.00 for the entire year.
We would have kids making that in 2 days.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's funny how the OMS can show drivers their "numbers" on the computer after their DIADs are uploaded but the following morning their numbers on the printed OR don't match what was shown by the OMS. Hmmm.....isn't UPS management such a fine example of integrity?


Well-Known Member
It's funny how the OMS can show drivers their "numbers" on the computer after their DIADs are uploaded but the following morning their numbers on the printed OR don't match what was shown by the OMS. Hmmm.....isn't UPS management such a fine example of integrity?
Well I must say that during my 30 year career I've seem 3 center manager's walked out of the building for lying about numbers.
Security made it a point to do it in the morning in front of the drivers to embarrass them and show every one
they were serious about it. None were a surprise. One got a standing ovation. He was always talking about "protecting the shield".
Guys were screaming "Hey we got to protect the shield". That was a fun day.


Menotyou is right, you need to get a print out of your time as soon as you punch out, if you can't find your immediate supervisor even a part time sup can do it for you. Encourage all drivers to do this, you could even go as far as to get the supervisor to initial and date the printout. I do this all the time for my employees as my supervisor (we think) likes to change time-cards so they now get a print out everyday and have not had a problem since.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Menotyou is right, you need to get a print out of your time as soon as you punch out, if you can't find your immediate supervisor even a part time sup can do it for you. Encourage all drivers to do this, you could even go as far as to get the supervisor to initial and date the printout. I do this all the time for my employees as my supervisor (we think) likes to change time-cards so they now get a print out everyday and have not had a problem since.

Only stewards are allowed print outs. We can view our time card but not get a physical print out. It's in the contract a steward must make a written request for a printed time card.


happy exupser
Notify lost prevention supv. they can pull the time card edit function report to see who changed anything in your timecard after it uploaded from diad.....


We use to also til one night the oms said sorry I was told not to print them out.

Another way UPS trying to cut cost? or screw over the employee without them knowing? As a supervisor if there is ever a discrepancy with time-cards I keep a monthly log in which I write down times and have them initial each day, that way if they are twenty minutes short one day it is either my error or someone else which I usually just double up unless it is a major discrepancy and I know it was not my fault then I encourage them to file a grievance


Active Member
I would NOT take pictures. There are rules against that. All property of ups is proprietary. They will fire you. Especially if they think they are cornered. A driver in my center was fired for this, and did not get his job back.


It's funny because the camara never favors us, We have a guy his car was scratched he asked lp to look at video.
lp came back 2 days later saying video didn't catch anything sorry, But if you were stealing something they would catch that on video
I meant taking pictures of OR, DIAD-punch times (i.e. when you punch in-out every day, take picture with cell phone).

These are indisputable. Of course, management will lie cheat and steal. We've all seen it- and it is rampant, as there is little integrity left. However, there are ways to safeguard your time worked.


I would NOT take pictures. There are rules against that. All property of ups is proprietary. They will fire you. Especially if they think they are cornered. A driver in my center was fired for this, and did not get his job back.
Already been clarified that if UPS gives itself permission to video and picture it's facilities, it is open to anyone doing so. Privacy is a two-way street.

Though it would be ironic, terminated for protecting oneself from a dishonest manager. :D


Active Member
I've had three center manager's get caught messing with time cards and they were never teriminated. One got moved to a bigger center. The second got sent away only to have his pee pee slapped and then moved to IE. My current center manager blamed payroll.


Well-Known Member
It's really stupid for a center manager to do this with all of the seperate records of what you actually did during the day. The times you actually punched in and out of the DIAD can be altered with a few keystrokes, sure. But you are going to most likely then have pick up or delivery records with time stamps outside your paid time. Plus the Telematics data shows where you were and when you were there.

I'm sure it's possible to get rid of all of these other records but it would look messy at best and would probably require a number of management people to conspire together to manipulate or destroy all of this data.


IE boogeyman
if you just want to get paid, go ahead and go the Teamsters route

if you want the center manager to actually lose his job, contact HR and your district security rep

they take it seriously


IE boogeyman
It's really stupid for a center manager to do this with all of the seperate records of what you actually did during the day. The times you actually punched in and out of the DIAD can be altered with a few keystrokes, sure. But you are going to most likely then have pick up or delivery records with time stamps outside your paid time. Plus the Telematics data shows where you were and when you were there.

I'm sure it's possible to get rid of all of these other records but it would look messy at best and would probably require a number of management people to conspire together to manipulate or destroy all of this data.

you don't need any of that crap

all timecard alterations are logged and passed to district

nobody looks at them until security or HR has a reason to

grievances alone don't generally count as a valid reason


IE boogeyman
Our oms changes time cards regularly regarding in building time, moving to sort and load and other things I guess to make their numbers look good.

i change those things all the time, because drivers put those times down in a way the system can't comprehend, and if i didn't amend them, your timecard would be rejected and you wouldn't get paid on time

an OMS isn't graded on ANYTHING a driver does, which is why they handle your timecards


Retired 23 years
First, keep track of your time. No excuse not to. Second, file grievances. This kind of thing can get a manager fired. If it is proven, it is theft, plain and simple.

You might be told that your manager was fired but the chances are very good that he will resurface at another center. Trust me---------------it happened at my old center. Our supposedly fired center manager showed up as a center manager at another center miles away. Had another one demoted after getting caught physically changing time cards. He was demoted to a driver sup at another center. Keep an eye on them boys (and girls) ----they like to juggle the books. They all do it one way or the other---some just get caught. KEEP TRACK OF EVERY SECOND YOU WORK.