To all retirees whom have dependent s under age 26!


An officially retired Oregonian .
On Friday this last week, we found out through a unpaid doctor bill, my Son was dropped from our plan. He is age 23. He was dropped the same day as his Sister who did turn 26. After admitting to this mistake they made, Blue Cross now refuses to reinstate him quoting the old law that anyone over 19 whom was not a collage student was not covered. Reminding three different employees the law under the ACA made no difference. So now we have to go through the appeals process! I want to know who else is having this problem, and if it might be necessary to file a class action lawsuit. The arrogance of these companies to admit wrongdoing is amazing! I'll be watching this link. Waiting to hear back from all of you!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't waste time going through their appeals process.

I would contact the corporation commission and/or the insurance commission in your state and file a complaint.
I looked into that before and searched and made some phone calls about it. I was told that if I was an active employee my kids would be covered until age 26 under Obama care rules. But since I'm retired the rules don't apply. Even though I have the same insurance as an active driver I fall under a retiree health insurance plan. I did read somewhere that some how this BS was overlooked when the new law got passed.


Well-Known Member
I looked into that before and searched and made some phone calls about it. I was told that if I was an active employee my kids would be covered until age 26 under Obama care rules. But since I'm retired the rules don't apply. Even though I have the same insurance as an active driver I fall under a retiree health insurance plan. I did read somewhere that some how this BS was overlooked when the new law got passed.

They probably figured that not many retired people would have children under the age of 26.
For what ever reason when you retire UPS moves you into the retiree insurance program and the laws don't apply.


Retired 23 years
Hell an 18 year old shouldn't be on anyone else's plan but their own or their spouse's.

18 might be stretching it but a 26 year old should definitely be on their own. Anyone with any ambition could be out of college by the time they are 23-24 years old so 26 is not a unreasonable age to insist they be out of the nest. Then again they usually come crawling back at least once but that don't mean its free room and board time again.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
My point was up here in the North we don't kick our kids to the curb the day they turn 18.
How do you know that? And how do you know that we all do that here? And whats the big deal if it does happen? There's still jobs that offer insurance that an 18 year old can perform.

18 might be stretching it but a 26 year old should definitely be on their own. Anyone with any ambition could be out of college by the time they are 23-24 years old so 26 is not a unreasonable age to insist they be out of the nest. Then again they usually come crawling back at least once but that don't mean its free room and board time again.

An 18 year old is fully capable of supporting themselves. Well, maybe not today's 18 year olds. LOL.

But 26? That's embarrassing.


Man of Great Wisdom
How do you know that? And how do you know that we all do that here? And whats the big deal if it does happen? There's still jobs that offer insurance that an 18 year old can perform.

An 18 year old is fully capable of supporting themselves. Well, maybe not today's 18 year olds. LOL.

But 26? That's embarrassing.
My 18 year olds were in college trying to be something other then a slug truck driver. I had no problem helping that cause.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
We've got 3 generations of rednecks living in a double wide around these parts
I saw lots of them as I was driving through the Northeast back in June. I was surprised to see so many trailers ad run down white trash areas up there. And here I thought that those people and that lifestyle only existed down here in the south. Boy was I wrong. In a few days of driving I quickly learned that many of the stereotypes about the south are either unjust or easily apply to the areas that the people that make them up live in.

My 18 year olds were in college trying to be something other then a slug truck driver. I had no problem helping that cause.

Good for you. I'm actually not against that (trying to help your kids). But what does that have to do with an adult aged person being on their parent's insurance?

And this "slug" nonsense......I assume you mean hefty? How does getting an overpriced education and piece of paper that proves it deter someone from becoming a "slug." I see just as many, if not more, people with jobs that required degrees walking around with plenty of extra baggage on them. Today the average college graduate that takes a job outside of the medical field or professional sports is likely sitting behind a desk. Whooopie freakin doo! LOL! Or do you say "slug" but mean slow? Surely not because that would make even less sense.