trump 2016

10 point

Well-Known Member
Hillary will mop the floor with him in debates.

Oh look! Here she comes with a mop right now! Great timing.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Why on god's scorched earth would you want a huge government program that costs trillions of dollars, and a police state to enforce it when the border isn't even secure-able? It's pretty simple, allow them to be here. Problem solved.
Build a wall.

Enforce our immigration laws.


Problem solved.


Strength through joy
There are plenty of isolated islands along Alaska's coast that could easily used for holding areas to place those waiting for deportation .
Why spending a few months there could actually encourage many to self deport.


Well-Known Member
Rasmussen aside, all of the legitimate polls have Hillary walloping Trump in the general election.

So the Bernie supporters declined to vote or claimed they would vote for Hillary? its too early to do an honest poll with a huge chunk of democratic voters still backing a candidate who is vigorously contesting the democratic election. The Bernie supporters still have to be accounted for . The Cruz supporters may presently be upset about the republican race. Its way too early to put any credence in either polls or any poll for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Trump has never provided hard policy on anything, just ridiculous platitudes and red meat catch phrases for his low IQ faithful..

The democrats used to call those people the working families, the blue collar workers and support them and fight for the. Now they insult those same people and look down their nose at them and question their intelligence and IQ.

Trump has promised to make it much harder for corporations to move their jobs overseas or out of country. that's a message that is not only resonating with those blue collar workers but also one that will resonate with minorities who are still suffering under 8 years of Obama.


Inordinately Right
Trump has promised to make it much harder for corporations to move their jobs overseas or out of country. that's a message that is not only resonating with those blue collar workers but also one that will resonate with minorities who are still suffering under 8 years of Obama.
How did he say he's going to do that?


Staff member
You, and your liberal scum brethren, are, in fact, the very hateful, bigoted, and racists that you claim everyone else to be. If you savages keep up this behavior one day there WILL be a reckoning. The only thing that's keeping it from happening now is the fact that the rest of us are actually civilized and patient. But keep it up and see what happens. Even the most peaceful and understanding human beings have a breaking point.

The people that attacked the Trump supporter are the worst of your kind. Many of them don't belong in this country (whether they are citizens or legal permanent residents or not) and would have attacked the guy simply because he was white. You know this and you approve of it. You probably are just like them.

But rest assured that one day you will have to decide which end of a beating you would like to be on when the you know what hits the fan. Its just a matter of time. Every one in a while a civilized people have to put down the savage animals that people like you are.
Ghandi, Buda, Jesus, Mohammed, and MLK, would be amazed at your patience and self control.


Well-Known Member
How did he say he's going to do that?

you should listen to what he has said instead of what you think he has said. you liberals are so hell bent and determined to chase other issues. Donald has made a commitment to directly address the movement of jobs overseas and working class America ( those you like to mock for being uneducated) , ( those the democratic party used to represent) is listening.


Staff member
you should listen to what he has said instead of what you think he has said. you liberals are so hell bent and determined to chase other issues. Donald has made a commitment to directly address the movement of jobs overseas and working class America ( those you like to mock for being uneducated) , ( those the democratic party used to represent) is listening.
That doesn't answer the question.


Well-Known Member
you should listen to what he has said instead of what you think he has said. you liberals are so hell bent and determined to chase other issues. Donald has made a commitment to directly address the movement of jobs overseas and working class America ( those you like to mock for being uneducated) , ( those the democratic party used to represent) is listening.
So you have no idea?

Thanks for confirming.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
is he paying me now? Donalds said it so many times that all you have to do is pick any of his many speeches or press interview.
Translation of a drumpf speech: I said something I believe, but it was really, really unpopular and people started saying all kinds of really mean (but true) statements about me and now I want people to think that I didn't really mean it after all so I will make it sound as if I am very nebulous on the subject so people can think that I agree with whatever their position is.