trump 2016

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
What is the answer, my friend?
......winning is the answer is the entire point !


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
NAH, we are satisfied with LIAR and PHONEY.

He cant dig himself out of that HOLE, he dug it himself. He wanted his 15 mins clinging on to DRUMPF and being used as an Uncle Tom, well, he got more than he bargained for.

Not only is DRUMPF exposed as a LIAR/PHONEY/CONMAN, so is MARK BURNS.

You wont see much of him anymore.


He's no man of GOD, he is another phoney profit, just like the rest of the Christian realm.

Maybe you miss the "irony"...?

How can DRUMPF run a country, claiming he will only hire the best people to run it, when he cant even VET his own campaign personnel?

Think about it.


You are one of the reasons why drumpf continues to attract the less informed citizen.

DRUMPF makes a campaign promise to "hire only the best people"... then he brings about many people into his campaign that have quit or were fired for wrongdoing, then he caps it off in one week with MARK BURNS, who WASNT the "best people" he could have hired, nor was he qualified to be in the position DRUMPF placed him into.

Second, DRUMPF sends out a mexican spokeshole who makes a claim, that if "we dont do anything about the mexicans, there will be taco trucks on every corner"...

These are the "BEST" people YOUR candidate could find to represent him, and YOU think he could run a nation?


What does DRUMPF even mean? That's not even funny or clever like Hitlery or Hillarious.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
just fine meaning the world did not come to an end?

Regardless of how the "country" may be doing presently, I do realize that in most trailer parks, things may seem crappy, its a trailer park and there is nothing that the economy can do to make it feel better.



Well-Known Member
Regardless of how the "country" may be doing presently, I do realize that in most trailer parks, things may seem crappy, its a trailer park and there is nothing that the economy can do to make it feel better.


I love your reference to the trailer park. it shows what democrats really think of their voters.