Unsafe trucks


Well-Known Member
yea so there would have been more mister i fled america bc cost of living too high
No fleeing. If you work hard for a long time in an industry that offers a pension then you can cut out early too and finally escape Canada. Of course there's that work hard for decades thingy you're so against.


No fleeing. If you work hard for a long time in an industry that offers a pension then you can cut out early too and finally escape Canada. Of course there's that work hard for decades thingy you're so against.
u bailed bc capitalist cost of living too high.


Well-Known Member
u bailed bc capitalist cost of living too high.
I bailed because my neuropathy won't let me stand for long hours. I would've retired overseas anyways. It's not all about the money but living in some countries it certainly is easier to get by if you have U.S. Dollars or a few other currencies. You're spitting in the wind trying to fight the system. What you should do is learn what's available to you and make the most of it. Like anything else you've got to stop expecting everything to be handed to you and start working towards a goal. Whatever that may be. You're living in a fantasy thinking you and other critics can change the system. The reason we have capitalism is it works. Really well for some, poorly for some, but most can have a decent life as long as they apply themselves. When are you going to start applying yourself? Because railing against the system really hasn't worked for you has it?


Well-Known Member
no im saying if a person forms a business they should run it themselves.

and if they cant run it themselves, and say hire 1 person, then that other person should own half and they should reach an agreement on how to run it. at that point it wouldnt be capitalist, it would be socialist or cooperative.
OK Ricky, pay attention and try to imagine you being in the following position: One day you wake up with an idea. And you research the idea and realize that there is a need for it, and there is no one who has thought of it before. So, you draw the dimensions of this product you have In mind on paper. You don’t have the money to hire someone to engineer it for you, so you reach out to an engineer student to draw it. The student is happy to do so and uses it for a project in their college class. Both people are happy.
Next, you take your drawing to a fabricator and you pay him to build the idea and make it tangible.
Next is research and development, because your product has weaknesses. So, you hook up with a business that can use your product and at the same time test its reliability so you can work out the problems. You make a deal with this person that you will give him your product for free for his help.
Next, you have to research the most efficient way to build this product, itemizing all of its components so that it can be produced cheap enough for you to make money.
Next you reach out to an attorney to pursue a patent for your idea. You Learn how much it cost to get a patent. It’s a lot.
You and your spouse discuss the risks and decide to pursue the patent. But you have to sell everything you have to pay for the patent. And you choose to live with a relative as a sacrifice for the risk.
Next it takes four years and seven applications to the US patent office before you finally get your patent. You are so happy.
Next, you pay for a Website that shows the world your patented idea. You think that everyone is going to want it. But you learned that it takes more than a website to make sure people see your product.
So next, you have to spend more money to promote your product so that people will see it. You have to knock on doors, make phone calls, and prove that your idea is great.
Next, finally you’re beginning to sell your product, but you have to make your own tooling so that the product can be made fast enough for your customers.
Next you have to train the people who you hire to make your product. And you have to trust that they will Do it the way you want and not steal from you.
Now, 10 years has gone by and you are just now making enough money from your idea to pay yourself back for your investment and the massive sacrifice and hours that you have put into it. And you get a Calculator and add all the hours that you have put into your idea up to this point. And you calculate how many hours it took you to make the money you are currently profiting. And you realize you made less than a dollar an hour for everything you have made from this business.
Now you’re gonna give half of that business to an employee that was a tiny component of what the business is. Are you telling me that you would have no problem giving half of your company to someone you hired off the street to make your product?
Everything that I described to you above is exactly what I had to go through to create perfect shelving solutions, PRFshelving.com.
There is much that I left out that probably wouldn’t matter to you anyway.


Well-Known Member
marx, whos ideas were in the matrix, said unregulated capitalism will consume everything until it consumes itself and self destructs, like agent smith did in matrix sequels

so capitalism has the appearance of working, but it doesnt actually work. MIT predicts civilization will collapse by 2040. by 2030 the world will be 2 degrees C above normal, rendering large portions of it uninhabitable.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry buddy. You are fixated on an idea that has caused you to see it where it does not exist. The Matrix is absolutely not about capitalism, socialism, or government. It is about Self and learning the purpose of existence. You are making a fool of yourself.
Knock yourself out.


I am sorry buddy. You are fixated on an idea that has caused you to see it where it does not exist. The Matrix is absolutely not about capitalism, socialism, or government. It is about Self and learning the purpose of existence. You are making a fool of yourself.
Knock yourself out.
The matrix is about many things which is why its so great, including wat u said

But @Box Ox insists its only about lgbt


OK Ricky, pay attention and try to imagine you being in the following position: One day you wake up with an idea. And you research the idea and realize that there is a need for it, and there is no one who has thought of it before. So, you draw the dimensions of this product you have In mind on paper. You don’t have the money to hire someone to engineer it for you, so you reach out to an engineer student to draw it. The student is happy to do so and uses it for a project in their college class. Both people are happy.
Next, you take your drawing to a fabricator and you pay him to build the idea and make it tangible.
Next is research and development, because your product has weaknesses. So, you hook up with a business that can use your product and at the same time test its reliability so you can work out the problems. You make a deal with this person that you will give him your product for free for his help.
Next, you have to research the most efficient way to build this product, itemizing all of its components so that it can be produced cheap enough for you to make money.
Next you reach out to an attorney to pursue a patent for your idea. You Learn how much it cost to get a patent. It’s a lot.
You and your spouse discuss the risks and decide to pursue the patent. But you have to sell everything you have to pay for the patent. And you choose to live with a relative as a sacrifice for the risk.
Next it takes four years and seven applications to the US patent office before you finally get your patent. You are so happy.
Next, you pay for a Website that shows the world your patented idea. You think that everyone is going to want it. But you learned that it takes more than a website to make sure people see your product.
So next, you have to spend more money to promote your product so that people will see it. You have to knock on doors, make phone calls, and prove that your idea is great.
Next, finally you’re beginning to sell your product, but you have to make your own tooling so that the product can be made fast enough for your customers.
Next you have to train the people who you hire to make your product. And you have to trust that they will Do it the way you want and not steal from you.
Now, 10 years has gone by and you are just now making enough money from your idea to pay yourself back for your investment and the massive sacrifice and hours that you have put into it. And you get a Calculator and add all the hours that you have put into your idea up to this point. And you calculate how many hours it took you to make the money you are currently profiting. And you realize you made less than a dollar an hour for everything you have made from this business.
Now you’re gonna give half of that business to an employee that was a tiny component of what the business is. Are you telling me that you would have no problem giving half of your company to someone you hired off the street to make your product?
Everything that I described to you above is exactly what I had to go through to create perfect shelving solutions, PRFshelving.com.
There is much that I left out that probably wouldn’t matter to you anyway.
Ideas are worth something extra but in no way justify exploitation.

Richard wolff has covered this, check him out. He is americas most famous marxist economist. listen to his ideas and reach your own conclusion

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I am sorry buddy. You are fixated on an idea that has caused you to see it where it does not exist. The Matrix is absolutely not about capitalism, socialism, or government.
The matrix is about many things which is why its so great, including wat u said

But @Box Ox insists its only about lgbt

"The Matrix films are about being transgender, the trilogy's co-director says.

"That was the original intention but the world wasn't quite ready," says Lilly Wachowski, who came out as trans along with her sister Lana after the films came out.

Fans have speculated about potential meanings behind the iconic films and Lilly confirmed the theory to Netflix.
"I'm glad that it has gotten out," she said.

The Matrix first hit screens in 1999, when Lilly says "the corporate world wasn't ready" for an allegory - a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning - about transgender people.

But the director says the films have always been "meaningful" for trans people."



"The Matrix films are about being transgender, the trilogy's co-director says.

"That was the original intention but the world wasn't quite ready," says Lilly Wachowski, who came out as trans along with her sister Lana after the films came out.

Fans have speculated about potential meanings behind the iconic films and Lilly confirmed the theory to Netflix.
"I'm glad that it has gotten out," she said.

The Matrix first hit screens in 1999, when Lilly says "the corporate world wasn't ready" for an allegory - a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning - about transgender people.

But the director says the films have always been "meaningful" for trans people."
Right on cue

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Right on cue

Seemed to be what you wanted given your tag. You can of course continue to push the cover meanings of The Matrix that were necessary when the movie was released in 1999. All I'm doing is posting what the director has said about it.


Well-Known Member
The matrix is about many things which is why its so great, including wat u said

But @Box Ox insists its only about lgbt
The Matrix is about The illusion of everything, all things that keeps us all in the Matrix. If one realizes that he is in the Matrix then the one becomes the One because he is no longer a slave to emotional attachments generated by the Matrix created by The Creator.
Ricky, you don’t realize that you are neck deep in the Matrix through your fixation of ant-capitalism. If you died tomorrow, would capitalism exist anymore if you are gone forever no longer effected by it?