UPS in a nutshell


Well-Known Member
Sadly, most of us may feel the same way but feel stuck at our jobs due to financial reasons. If I could afford it, I'd gladly put in my 2 weeks and stay with my kids!


Well-Known Member
Chicks in the workplace are the problem.



If you have any kind of positive work ethic & want to, you'll be fine. If not, it'll bother the shizz out of you. That's why the union is there, to help you with matters such as harrasment. As many on here have said, "It's a game." "Learn it, know it, live it." Play it... If you have to. In my early experiences at Brown, it's best to just stay off the radar.

Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.

I completely agree, at first working there it was very frustrating, and I always left confused as hell and mad. After realizing it is a "game" it made things so much better. How is a person who preloaded for maybe a week, that is now a supervisor going to have many constructive things to say? However, I am not going to let them change or wear away my positive attitude. I refuse to be jaded like the drivers whose trucks I load.


Well-Known Member
Job does suck 8 more years I can walk out with 25 plus years of service and do something different that I went to a technical college for

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Package Center Manager
The most ridiculous place to work! Took the job for benefits (husband self-employed) after spending 15 yrs. in Corp. America and thought it would be a perfect part-time job. Never worked in a union environment before and have to say that I truly pity the drivers and package handlers.

Being a PT Supervisor I've come to learn that UPS' Management philosophy is to lead by (bullying) intimidation. The Managers are not only uneducated but totally unprofessional. Their vulgar language, many indiscretions and deviant behavior is what drives and instills the hostile environment that exists. Union people are like their prey and they sit back and wait for you to make an honest mistake and go in for the kill. (I'm starting to believe that the success of a Manager is based upon how many people they reprimand.) What's surprising is that Management and PT Sups make mistakes daily with absolutely no repercussions. I've seen times where a Manager would make a mistake and turn around and find a way to blame it on a Driver.

UPS needs to wake up and realize that its success is based upon the service provided by their DRIVERS! They are the face that the customers see. In a customer's mind, the DRIVERS are the ones providing the service. I don't understand how UPS does not realize this and treat the Drivers with respect. (With publicity about drivers throwing, kicking packages ... one has to wonder if that driver was reprimanded before going on the road.)

In a nutshell, if you're contemplating working at UPS as a package handler or driver, know that you will be watched, threatened, harassed and without a doubt be disciplined throughout your time there.

I have given my two-weeks notice and have a week to go. I am by no means disgruntled but can no longer work for a company who treats people in such a way and has very little moral ethics. I hope that the above provides insight to those contemplating a job with UPS.

To the Drivers - you do a fantastic job and have made UPS what it is today. Keep up the good work and good luck to you all!

Sorry to see you leave Rox, however your comment about drivers.... well lets just say they are only doing it for .......I will leave the rest for everyone else to fill in.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see you leave Rox, however your comment about drivers.... well lets just say they are only doing it for .......I will leave the rest for everyone else to fill in.

The satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing to the stockholders dividend every quarter.