Warning letters


Well-Known Member
In my bldg it's usually 2 warning letters and 3rd is notice of suspension. They are now using anything that falls under the umbrella of "driving methods" to give you a warning letter so it doesn't have to be for the same offense. Total bs but we're fighting it

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Our bldg works as follows. First Warning letter, no action, Second warning letter for same offense within 9 months, 1 day suspension, third warning letter for same offense within 9 months of the first letter, 3 day suspension, 4th warning letter within the 9 month time frame, 5 day suspension, 5th warning letter for same offense within 9 months, results in termination. We have had several preloaders with 15 or 20 warning letters for misloads within a 9 month period work fired. It works out well for the Union members as it makes the warning letters more then worthless. As stated in previous posts if you fight a warning letter in our local, more often then not it will be dismissed.


Active Member
I think it depends upon whether they are for the same thing or not.
I am very very displeased with the way the union is not fighting this issue cuz all discipline acts are lined as "failure to follow methods and procedures" this is managements way out!!!! Why is the union allowing this to happen!!!???? We as UPS drivers are the backbone of this company an if management is wrong they don't get disciplined... They are moved or nothing happens!

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Well-Known Member
I've seen guys get 10 to 15 and nothing happened. You need to first rebut the letter or file a grievance. Whatever is the practice in your local. A lot of letters are easily rebutted and are t worth the paper and in that they are. The reason they give these letters is it lights a fire under some peoples asses and they fall in line. Remember you can always give management their own letter and it's called a grievance. The grievance has over a three hundred dollar figure in there eyes for the time associated to them. Enforce your contract and the letters will go away.
Great point. Should always file protest letter. Use a grievance form for it. Management hates it. If you ever go to a state panel for letters the panel will ask if the discipline (warning letter) was protested. If not you could be s o l.


A warning letter is only valid for five months. However you should automatically file a grievance immediately after you recieve it to get it removed from your file.


Active Member
Why is that they "the sups" say you are professional drivers so make professional decisions. We make decision and we did not ask sups!!?!?? But wait we are professional drivers????!!! But not problem solvers!!!!?? So does this deserve a warning letter ??!!

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No It's not green grocer!
I am very very displeased with the way the union is not fighting this issue cuz all discipline acts are lined as "failure to follow methods and procedures" this is managements way out!!!! Why is the union allowing this to happen!!!???? We as UPS drivers are the backbone of this company an if management is wrong they don't get disciplined... They are moved or nothing happens!

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In my Local the company gives letters for different offenses and when we have a hearing they are reduced to a warning.

For instance the OP would have gotten a warning letter for the air left on car and a pending suspension for the dr to an apartment, both stated as methods violations. We would have a local level hearing, usually with myself the center manager and the grievant. We would discuss the cause of the problem, make sure the member understands what to do differently in the future and reduce the pending suspension to a warning. Unless the member had in the time frame since the letter repeated the behavior that got the original letter.

The purpose of progressive discipline should be to change a behavior. If the behavior has stopped there is no need to pursue further discipline. If it did not then the member is asking for further discipline. If you have a manager that is using the progressive discipline in other ways they are not being a good manager and they need to have that pointed out to them!! The best way to point out bad management is to work EXACTLY as instructed!!


Active Member
Don't know how your building works but,,,in our building there is a lot of favoring drivers that produce numbers "that are better for management" for example finishing a route in better time then following method if doing business stops before houses..older drivers do this but the younger drivers are not doing this. This act is frustrating. It screws the drivers that come back to there route and managemnt asked why does this driver do more miles then this younger driver ??!! Well we are supposed to do commercial before houses right??!! And to add to this our shop Stewart is in the not agreeing with this!!? Does anybody else have this issue !!?

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Well-Known Member
Don't know how your building works but,,,in our building there is a lot of favoring drivers that produce numbers "that are better for management" for example finishing a route in better time then following method if doing business stops before houses..older drivers do this but the younger drivers are not doing this. This act is frustrating. It screws the drivers that come back to there route and managemnt asked why does this driver do more miles then this younger driver ??!! Well we are supposed to do commercial before houses right??!! And to add to this our shop Stewart is in the not agreeing with this!!? Does anybody else have this issue !!? Sent using BrownCafe App

Please show me in the 340 Methods where we are required to do commercial stops before residential.

BTW, the word is "Steward".


swollen member
Don't know how your building works but,,,in our building there is a lot of favoring drivers that produce numbers "that are better for management" for example finishing a route in better time then following method if doing business stops before houses..older drivers do this but the younger drivers are not doing this. This act is frustrating. It screws the drivers that come back to there route and managemnt asked why does this driver do more miles then this younger driver ??!! Well we are supposed to do commercial before houses right??!! And to add to this our shop Stewart is in the not agreeing with this!!? Does anybody else have this issue !!?

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you obviously don't have ORION.... it will have you delivering Business stops between 12 and 1 and after 5....

Mack Grant

Well-Known Member
I got 1 for missing an air, yes I need to take more time. I know how it happened, but Im taking the blame as I should have noticed the guy threw it on in as I was tidying up the shelves, and didnt notice it was an air, and he didnt tell me. My bad.
Never understood how drivers get in trouble for delivering air late. If you can't find it or leave the building late, a simple msg to the center informing them of the situation is usually all you need to CYA.
If you think you might not be able to make your NDAs on time deliver them on trace, that's all you can do.
We had a driver get fired for pre-recording a NDA in traffic and then breaking traffic laws (via telematics) to try to get it delivered before commit. Let them know before you leave the building if you can't make all your air. Send a msg to the center if you can't find an air on route, not your job to load the car. Put the ball in their court, and who cares about late air! not ups. CYA and don't let them put the blame on you!


Well-Known Member
Orion had my last stop yesterday a bulk business at 20:07. My main business strip (dentists, foot Dr's and the like) between 12-1.

Not to mention I had 6 call tags for another route, my call tags remained missing. I was told, "the office has a lot they have to deal with so I need to make sure I have the correct call tags".

UPS knows how to make a good employee into a I don't give a rats butt. Clock in and clock out and work 100% as directed. Their loss.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Orion had my last stop yesterday a bulk business at 20:07. My main business strip (dentists, foot Dr's and the like) between 12-1.

Not to mention I had 6 call tags for another route, my call tags remained missing. I was told, "the office has a lot they have to deal with so I need to make sure I have the correct call tags".

UPS knows how to make a good employee into a I don't give a rats butt. Clock in and clock out and work 100% as directed. Their loss.

We dont have Orion yet, but the more and more things we have to do when we arrive, because they "dont have time", the earlier I need to start. I "dont have time" to sort through 200 call tags, at start time I am at the PCM. And I "dont have time" after because I have air. I also need" time to do things", it just does not automatically magically happen.

Mack Grant

Well-Known Member
We dont have Orion yet, but the more and more things we have to do when we arrive, because they "dont have time", the earlier I need to start. I "dont have time" to sort through 200 call tags, at start time I am at the PCM. And I "dont have time" after because I have air. I also need" time to do things", it just does not automatically magically happen.
You have to find your own call tags? Oh man I feel bad for you. If that happened here they would be left in the pile and wouldn't get attempted.


swollen member
If that happened here they would be left in the pile and wouldn't get attempted.

they're in your board right? then you have to attempt them..

Had a new center manager try to write me up because I had the physical Call tags, but they were split to another route... "they weren't in my board"....


Well-Known Member
Depends If you are on the so called "hit list".......different rules for different people!......

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/threads/warning-letters.354838/#ixzz2ua3wRfhT

A while back we had a division manager literally "move in".
He came up with an elimination list for what he called " The Posse". We were the top ten grievance filers in THE STATE!
I was number 7. He came after me..then decided to back off after I put in a letter to the Labor Relations Board for discrimination!


Man of Great Wisdom
Orion had my last stop yesterday a bulk business at 20:07. My main business strip (dentists, foot Dr's and the like) between 12-1.

Not to mention I had 6 call tags for another route, my call tags remained missing. I was told, "the office has a lot they have to deal with so I need to make sure I have the correct call tags".

UPS knows how to make a good employee into a I don't give a rats butt. Clock in and clock out and work 100% as directed. Their loss.
You have business stops planned for 8 o'clock? What time do you start, noon?