What happened to Harry & David?


Well-Known Member
As more and more states pass legislation that require Amazon to collect state sales taxes I see their market shrinking. As for the internet disappearing---not as long as there is porn. I do see Facebook being replaced by something----don't know what but someone is always trying to build a better mousetrap.

Is anyone still stupid enough to send fruit up north in the winter? When I used to deliver the frozen oranges if I met the customer I would say--Oh look --someone sent you a set of croquet balls. I don't know if it is true I was told that the oranges thawed out ok but apples turned to applesauce.

Amazon is pushing for online sales taxes.


Retired 23 years
Amazon is pushing for online sales taxes.

I'm missing something here. Why would Amazon push for online sales taxes? When my wife got her Kindle Fire every place we checked was $199.00 + tax. Amazon was $199.00 with no sales tax and free shipping. Guess who we bought from.


Well-Known Member
What happened to Harry & David?

Deliver the fruit all the time. Got a dozen or so that get the "fruit of the month".


Age quod agis
H&D went the way of Swiss Colony, Hickory Farms, and all the rest. Too expensive to ship food anymore. You can buy it locally. There's still a few boxes of it in the car. As usuall we'll see more during crunch week. I remember the old 4 cube selection tray full of cheese pkgs. That's when you could get 200 stops in a 4 and thought you were working as hard as a person could. But someone always had to ruin the day and get something in one of those P.O.S. O/S Fingerhut boxes.

Swiss Colony.
The are still around.
They still ship with UPS.


Well-Known Member
Remember the old 2nd day porn - manilla envelopes, Rush! Open Immediately! Usually a VHS tape.

Amazon is the bulk of my truck. Nordstroms would be the runner-up this year but not even a close second. All the perishables will probably arrive next week.


KTM rider
I'm missing something here. Why would Amazon push for online sales taxes?

It is coming state by state. Rather than do the state by state route, they want to make sure that everyone that does internet sales collects sales tax. Imagine if ebay had to collect tax for their transactions. Amazon is an easy target. They want everyone to play by the same rules, some will not be able to do it and will go out of business, increasing Amazon's share.

Amazon also knows that very few brick and mortars can survive on the margins they operate on. Amazon is Best Buy's largest competitor. The writing is on the wall that Best Buy is not long for the retail world.


Well-Known Member
I'm missing something here. Why would Amazon push for online sales taxes? When my wife got her Kindle Fire every place we checked was $199.00 + tax. Amazon was $199.00 with no sales tax and free shipping. Guess who we bought from.
Amazon knows that it is just a matter of time when the states all start to collect sales tax on internet sales. However, they usually go about it by suing. Amazon is the 900lb gorilla, so they will be the one sued, and they will eventually lose. So they will owe money on non collected taxes and be subject for all new sales. Meanwhile the other online web sites will have a period of time of an advantage on them.. Also, Amazon is so big, they need more warehouses. They have put a lot of warehouses where they are not subject to nexus laws. So they need to build warehouses in CA, NY etc etc. Also, they want to eventually do same day shipping. I can see them putting in a warehouse near a very urban area and use couriers to deliver a lot of same day shipping. They ship at noon, and couriers deliver that same day. Long term this could be a real threat to UPS if a customer likes amazon now starts using couriers. (perhaps even their own couriers) for the very dense areas of country.


Well-Known Member
theres actually a banner ad right now on bc for harry and david..weird but how bout figi --the red boxes, had 11 boxes shrink-wrapped -try grabbin those opposite corners