Whites Creek Pike - Nashville, TN - Beer and Drugs


New Member
This is my first post, and a very frustrating issue.

I work at the White Creek Pike hub in Nashville. While sorting this morning one of the guys working beside me was complaining about how hard sorting is and that he couldn't keep up. He wreaked of weed. He was late coming back from break and one of the managers told him, "Man, your odor is pretty stout and you are late from break." Guy replies, "Man I had to put my weed in my car. It was weighing me down"

So not only was the guy smoking weed on his break, but carry it in his pocket.

Why would they not fire this guy? He is slow and complains about how hard the work is, and obviously impaired while at work. He use to be an unloader and he complained so much they moved him to a sorter.

Does anyone think this guy and others like him are a safety issue to himself and others?

Previously the same manager said something to a guy about smelling like a brewery. Dude actually told the manager he had gotten drunk in the hub parking lot before coming to work.

I understand there are many people at these hubs that drink and do drugs, but when a manager calls them out on it, and it is obvious they are impaired.....are we that desperate for workers that we need workers like these two guys.

This has happened on numerous occasions. Looking forward to hearing replies.

My building has had several employees terminated for both drugs and alcohol use. Usually a word to wise is enough but when guys come to work falling down drunk it is too late.


Active Member
A lot of the guys I work with recreationally smoke weed. I don't really care. I sort of thought that was the norm when I started working here about two years ago, because people would come in stoned or come back from break smelling like reefer. But it never seemed to effect their production. I asked one of my fellow employees about all the weed around the warehouse, and his response was, "didn't you know what UPS stood for? You work for the United Pot Smokers buddy."

So maybe my hub is an exception. But that kind of behavior certainly wouldn't raise an eyebrow around here.

I don't think weed's the issue anyways, I think you're just dealing with a lazy individual who isn't that good at his job.


That’s Craptacular
A lot of the guys I work with recreationally smoke weed. I don't really care. I sort of thought that was the norm when I started working here about two years ago, because people would come in stoned or come back from break smelling like reefer. But it never seemed to effect their production. I asked one of my fellow employees about all the weed around the warehouse, and his response was, "didn't you know what UPS stood for? You work for the United Pot Smokers buddy."

So maybe my hub is an exception. But that kind of behavior certainly wouldn't raise an eyebrow around here.

I don't think weed's the issue anyways, I think you're just dealing with a lazy individual who isn't that good at his job.
Sure...a co-worker being drunk or stoned on the clock isn't the issue...till someone get injured because he does something stupid.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Whats almost as bad as well are Customers that reek of weed so bad it leaves a lingering odor on you.
On two occasions I have approached a residence to make a delivery, smelled weed, and heard someone taking a bong hit thru an open window.

What I did...was to walk silently up to the door, listen carefully, and wait for the exact moment that they pulled their thumb off of the carb hole in the bong and had maximum lung expansion. At that precise moment I pounded on the door and barked out "UPS!" in a deep loud voice in order to scare the hell out of them and get them to start coughing uncontrollably.When they were finally able to answer the door, their eyes would be red and watering and snot would be running down their noses and they would still be coughing and gagging a little. I would then smile, get a signature, and politely say "have a nice day" as I walked back to the truck.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised he's the only guy to bitch and moan at your hub. The guys I hear constantly muttering to themselves I stay away from. There are plenty of them in my hub. The world is out to get them. And they always seem to get along together. If you hang out with five miserable workers, chances are you're the fifth guy.
We lost a package car mechanic to random testing. Lost a PE mechanic (guys who fix the belts) for being under the influence of alcohol on duty. Yeah, climbing ladders and working on 480 volts equipment drunk.