$4.06 A Gallon


free at last.......
I heard gas is $.07/gal. in Venezuela. I guess you can afford to sell it that cheap when you have the U.S. by the short-hairs and can sell it at any price you want to.

Oh, by the way, I heard that one of the members of the OPEC board stubbed his toe. Expect another increase!!!

Average at Best

Well-Known Member
Many years ago someone tried to organize a boycot of exxon. I haven't bought from exxon since. Makes me sick to hear the profits those companies make. Meanwhile our president and congress keep telling us there is no gouging going on.

Okay, I'm not a tree-hugger by any means, but I find it ironic that Exxon made record profits last year, but in all of that net income they raked in, they STILL haven't paid their fine for the Exxon Valdez disaster and are appealing it in court. A $5 billion fine seems like chump change for them...


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
maybe it time to send a few thousand Marines into Kuwaite and tell em its time to pay up for saving youass. We will pay 50 a gallon


Retired 23 years
So far I like Covemasters idea about sending the Marines back to Kuwait best. May as well take over a couple other sandpile countries while we are at it. Eventually it's going to come to this anyway so may as well get it over with.:tank::2guns::osama:


Well-Known Member
Our troops never left Kuwait.
Its being used as our seaport for all personal and equipment in and out of Iraq.
How 'bout that $12Billion per month we are blowing over there? That could take our fuel prices down to reasonable numbers. $12 freakin' billion per month. Man does that piss me off!


Brazil is overrun with sugar cane fields. Thus making ethanol was a bonus for them. They had all this waste product available .
We on the other hand are not using a waste product, but a food source for ethanol production.
The tax credits for making ethanol has dropped thus plants in development will not be built.
Current vehicles will need complete gasket replacements to convert to E85 or biofuel usage.
There is no quick answer to our energy problems. Other than we completely stop using oil.
Just try to remember that half of the cost of oil has nothing to due with demand & supply, its about political unrest.

the answers can be quick. we are afraid of the consequences. Saudia arabia invests a lot of money in our economy. we are afraid to upset them. we are an oil rich nation between the resources we possess south in texas and LA and north in alaska. We should be enjoying a glut of oil as we convert to ethanol.


Well-Known Member
the answers can be quick. we are afraid of the consequences. Saudia arabia invests a lot of money in our economy. we are afraid to upset them. we are an oil rich nation between the resources we possess south in texas and LA and north in alaska. We should be enjoying a glut of oil as we convert to ethanol.

I agree that we need to convert ourselves to a different fuel source, but ethanol is not the answer right now. Last I read we can convert every kernal of corn we produce into ethanol and it will only satisfy 12% of our current fuel needs. Ethanol can be a good fuel source, but we need to research better methods of extracting it. A process currently in development would produce what is called "cellulostic ethanol". Basically converting the cellulose in plant cell walls into ethanol allowing us to convert practically any plant material into ethanol. We could convert not only the corn, but the stalks, leaves, roots, etc. Getting refineries online that can do this process is still several years away. For right now we just have to suffer. :biting:


Retired 23 years
The only ones making out on this ethanol scam is "big oil" and the ethanol plants themselves. Do you realize how much fossil fuel energy is envolved in making this crap. If it wasn't for substities (that's $ out of YOUR pocket) ethanol would be $5.00 a gallon or more. It might be different if they weren't using corn but for now it's just a shame what the American public is being brainwashed into believing about ethanol.:angry-very2:

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
ps Ive got a 06 vw jetta TDI diesel....I get over 40 mpg , 50 if I drive very carefully... If everybody got twice the mileage, we would use half as much..
There is a Catch-22 to this. As we all know, the state and Federal governments add a tax to motor fuels. If we cut our consumption by half, then their tax revenues are cut in half. We all know what that means. Double the taxes!


Active Member
too bad management and corporate hasn't caught on and start putting there pockets aside. i have to put 22 gal. in my p1000 every night because they're sending me on retarded splits, i.e. 95 stops but 150 miles driven. i thought EDD/PAS was supposed to help the company with cutting down time and costs. all i see is our stock going down and losing customers because of it.


Well-Known Member
The only ones making out on this ethanol scam is "big oil" and the ethanol plants themselves. Do you realize how much fossil fuel energy is envolved in making this crap. If it wasn't for substities (that's $ out of YOUR pocket) ethanol would be $5.00 a gallon or more. It might be different if they weren't using corn but for now it's just a shame what the American public is being brainwashed into believing about ethanol.:angry-very2:
So true. Ethanol is the biggest General Motors/US government brainwash program of all time. If you factor in everything used to make it, it is worse on the environment than using gasoline. And it costs way more to produce, goes less distance, etc....etc.... We used to be the pride of the world, the U.S. economy was the best, we led the technological world, made the best cars.....we were the envy. Now we are hated by 95% of the countries on this planet and have become the technological laughing stock of the planet. Seriously, our answer to the energy crisis is ethanol. What a joke. I am ashamed.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Based on what I have seen recently, if you really want to throw a wrench into the US economy keep raising the price of oil. This is our achilles heal. If oil prices continue to climb to 200 or 300 dollars per barrel the US economy will start to implode. I am no economist but I fear that we are not far off what we can tolerate before the start of a major collapse.

On the other side of the coin.... maybe it is for the best. We need to be rid of our dependance on foreign oil.