705 Layoffs

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It sounds like these air runs are part time. If you are laid off in the Central, you have 4 options.

1. Bump the least senior FT employee, in any classification you were previously qualified for, as long as you have more seniority.

2. Bump 1 or 2 part timers, as long as you have more company seniority. This will at least keep your insurance active.

3. After a week of layoff, you can bump to another building in your local's jurisdiction.

4. Take the layoff.

Central Region Supplement

Article 3

Section 5-Full-time Employees

In the event of a layoff of a full-time employee, he/she shall have
the right to displace the least senior full-time employee in any classification,
for which they were previously qualified, to remain in
his/her center. Previously qualified is defined as having regularly
performed said work sometime during the previous eighteen (18)

In the event the employee has not been qualified in any classification,
he/she may exercise their rights as per Article 3, Section 6 or
exercise their right to bump to another center as outlined below.

When an employee is laid off for one (1) week or more, he/she may,
on the following Monday, exercise his/her Company-wide seniority
to displace the employee having the least seniority in any other center
within the jurisdiction of the local union, provided he/she is
qualified to perform the job of such junior employee. It is the
employee’s responsibility to notify the Company of his/her intention
on the previous Friday. His/Her seniority shall be dovetailed at
such center and he/she shall remain there until work is restored at
their original center. Work restored is defined as the necessity for
another permanent employee in the original center in their classification.
This Section shall supersede the six-for-one provision elsewhere
in this Agreement.

Recalls and restoration of forces shall be in the reverse order of layoff.

In all cases of layoffs, reduction of forces, recalls and restoration of
forces, an affected employee shall select his/her desired classification
immediately in order to meet service commitments. Further, in
all cases, an employee must be qualified to perform the duties of the
job selected.

A laid-off employee shall be given two (2) weeks’ notice of recall if
the employee is laid off two (2) weeks or more. The employee must
notify the Employer within three (3) days after receipt thereof, as to
whether or not he/she intends to report for work at the designated time.
Failure to give timely notice to the Employer or to report at the agreedupon
time within the designated period will result in the loss of all seniority
rights and the employee will be considered terminated.

Full-time combination employees will work their bid job when
work is available. It is understood that daily adjustments can be
made to ensure all work assignments are covered. Employees will
work as directed when work is not available in the employees regular
assigned job. When combination employees are temporarily
moved off his/her job it shall be by total company seniority from
those employees qualified and available, in the immediate work

Total company seniority will be used when staffing reductions are
necessary within a work area that consists of full-time and part-time

This language will not supersede current local agreements.

Section 6

Laid-off, full-time seniority employees, in the order of their seniority,
may elect to take the work of one (1) or two (2) part-time
employees, for the duration of the layoff, provided they have more
total Company seniority. In such cases, the full-time employees
shall be guaranteed a minimum of three and one-half (3 1/2) hours
work at the prevailing rate of pay for the classification of work
he/she performs, or the rate of pay per Article 41, Section 3, which
ever rate is higher, in addition to all fringe benefits. Employees who
have not completed progression shall be paid in accordance with the
progression scale in Article 41, Section 3 or their prevailing inside
rate whichever is higher. Article 40 employees will be paid in accordance
with Article 40, Section 6. If a full-time employee bumps
two part-time employees, said full-time employee shall receive
time-and-one-half after eight (8) hours of work. After thirty (30)
working days in a ninety (90) calendar day period under this provision,
a full-time employee may elect to bump the least senior fulltime
employee in his/her building, excluding automotive, maintenance
mechanics and feeder drivers, and have up to thirty (30) calendar
days to qualify for said full-time position. If a laid-off, fulltime
employee elects to take a layoff rather than exercise his/her
right to displace a part-time employee, he/she shall be considered a
laid-off employee for lack of work for the purpose of unemployment

Wow! Bumping to other buildings? I wish we could do that.


Light 'em up!
Not sure. pretty sure all the air drivers have higher seniority than all of us
Then you can bump 1 or 2 part timers in the hub or building as long as you have more company seniority than them. For example, bump a preloader in the AM and an unloader/sorter in the PM.
Since our layoff we are expected to work the twilight from 5pm-9pm then preload from 4am-8am. is there anyway for a fulltime driver to do just one of these.
Side note: Worked 6+ hrs on the preload this morning. if i do that 5 days a week that should be considered full time.


Well-Known Member
Since our layoff we are expected to work the twilight from 5pm-9pm then preload from 4am-8am. is there anyway for a fulltime driver to do just one of these.
Side note: Worked 6+ hrs on the preload this morning. if i do that 5 days a week that should be considered full time.

I would think it would be your choice if you want to double shift to get your 8 or not; however, if you are trying to work just one shift and then filing for unemployment to make up the difference you may be out of luck.

TTown Brown

Southern is after 7 days in a layoff you revert back to inside building pay with whatever company seniority you have. But if they run air or ground with any part time TCDs you can file on them working and it will restart your 7 days.

What article is best to file on when the centers are using TCD's?