Again with this topic..


Master Loader
I don't think its so much that package count that is insane, but what is insane is that they are expected to have that loaded in 4 hrs they are at my building, that is 375 PPH and in preloading that just doesn't happen. The fastest I ever did (boxline to car) was about 300 and I was killing myself to get that as I just wanted to get the heck out of there on that particular day.

Yes, its insain. Due ot the new Pass system they want us out around 8:45 8:50am. Problem is a preloader is only as fast as the charger charges. Charging is cake man, I love being pulled to go charge. Its way too easy.

I want to get the heck out early everyday. People are always telling me you'll get paid less and less then. I dont care really. The pay isnt that good for someone with so little seniority. And in the end this job is all about the seniority anyways. You cant see it by hours or how much you get paid perhour. You have to see it day by day, week by week and so on.


Master Loader
Hey, the last time I had a gym membership it cost me every month, here they actually pay me to work out.:happy-very:

Heh, I told one of my drivers that today after reading your statment yesterday, he laughed.

I too at one time was working out 3 days a week. Playing ice hockey 4 days a week. It was tought man, but I was soon to find out what real work was. I've never been so beat up or sore over a four hour period.

Thing that stinks is the sups know I can lift quite heavey stuff with ease. Guess who does eregs!!

Preloading will make you a tank in all aspects.