

The political rhetoric every day on msm is attacking white straight Christian men and women. That’s what the lgbt crap is all about. That rhetoric will be escalated into actual attacks before long

What I really want is to be left alone but the other side doesn’t seem to have any interest in that they want total capitulation
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Well-Known Member
Not when they’ve made it clear they want Christians dead and I’m defending myself. The Bible doesn’t say I have to be a doormat
When they come at you defend your life. Saying the Nazis should have finished the job is wrong. As for the Jews not all Jews are wealthy. The number of Jews who are prominent in Hollywood or banking are a small percentage of their population. But they're noticeable because of their prominent positions.

Check out Nobel prize winners and see how many were Jewish. One of the reasons Jews are so prominent in many lucrative endeavors is because they tend to be more capable than some other groups.

Do you resent Blacks dominating football and basketball? It's commonly acknowledged that average blacks are more physically capable on average than members of other races. But are all blacks making big money playing sports? No, only the best athletes do.

Asian-Americans as a group tend to do better academically and have higher incomes than other groups. Should we hate Asians? They culturally tend to push their kids to spend many hours studying. They understand their key to success is education. Should we punish them for their work ethic?

What we should do is realize the world has changed. One race can no longer be the race in charge by dominating other races and forcing them into subservient roles. We still see that mindset in places like China and Russia and the Middle East. Today it's up to the individual but certain ethnic groups culturally work to assist their fellow members in succeeding. Instead of lashing out and resenting we should learn from that. If you aren't willing to push your child to learn and excel then you and eventually he will have to learn to accept less in life. Or we can go the socialist route and try to insure equal outcomes for everyone. And no matter how high minded socialists might be they and the rest of us will learn that doesn't work. Just as the communists before them. All we can really do is insure a fair playing field and let those that work hardest succeed. And not resent honest success.


When they come at you defend your life. Saying the Nazis should have finished the job is wrong. As for the Jews not all Jews are wealthy. The number of Jews who are prominent in Hollywood or banking are a small percentage of their population. But they're noticeable because of their prominent positions.

Check out Nobel prize winners and see how many were Jewish. One of the reasons Jews are so prominent in many lucrative endeavors is because they tend to be more capable than some other groups.

Do you resent Blacks dominating football and basketball? It's commonly acknowledged that average blacks are more physically capable on average than members of other races. But are all blacks making big money playing sports? No, only the best athletes do.

Asian-Americans as a group tend to do better academically and have higher incomes than other groups. Should we hate Asians? They culturally tend to push their kids to spend many hours studying. They understand their key to success is education. Should we punish them for their work ethic?

What we should do is realize the world has changed. One race can no longer be the race in charge by dominating other races and forcing them into subservient roles. We still see that mindset in places like China and Russia and the Middle East. Today it's up to the individual but certain ethnic groups culturally work to assist their fellow members in succeeding. Instead of lashing out and resenting we should learn from that. If you aren't willing to push your child to learn and excel then you and eventually he will have to learn to accept less in life. Or we can go the socialist route and try to insure equal outcomes for everyone. And no matter how high minded socialists might be they and the rest of us will learn that doesn't work. Just as the communists before them. All we can really do is insure a fair playing field and let those that work hardest succeed. And not resent honest success.
No because in basketball or whatever that’s merit based. What the Jews are doing with the power they have in the media is abuse and they know what they’re doing to undermine our culture


It’s wrong to say you wish hitler finished the job because there was no job the Rothschilds profited greatly from ww2 like they do every war. That’s why they’re doing their damndest to start one in Ukraine


Well-Known Member
No because in basketball or whatever that’s merit based. What the Jews are doing with the power they have in the media is abuse and they know what they’re doing
You're assuming it's the Jews behind everything negative. What went on at Twitter, working with Democrat politicians to shut down Republicans, was very much a white liberal issue, with plenty of other ethnicities participating too.


Well-Known Member
It’s wrong to say you wish hitler finished the job because there was no job the Rothschilds profited greatly from ww2 like they do every war. That’s why they’re doing their damndest to start one in Ukraine
And your proof beyond what you read on some internet forum?


You're assuming it's the Jews behind everything negative. What went on at Twitter, working with Democrat politicians to shut down Republicans, was very much a white liberal issue, with plenty of other ethnicities participating too.
You gotta get out of this Democrat bad republican good tunnel vision mindset. That’s just a big distraction. Neither side is a friend to the constitution


Well-Known Member
You gotta get out of this Democrat bad republican good tunnel vision mindset. That’s just a big distraction
And yet Republicans have been scoffed at for 2 years for saying the election was rigged. And now information about how Twitter helped influence the election with Democratic help has come out. The Democrats violated the First Amendment. While you're speculating about who is doing what behind the scenes I'm looking at actions that really happened that affects our lives. You think we'd have had the high inflation we've experienced if Biden hadn't been elected? Elections have consequences, and rigging elections to get the wrong guy in has severe consequences. Worrying about things because of rampant gossip and speculation doesn't put beans on my plate. And as always when a conspiracy doesn't play out as thought people move on to the next one. Can see the sheer amount of anger in your posts over things you've been told but have no way of knowing it's so until it actually happens. And it rarely does.
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Well-Known Member
And yet the Holocaust deniers keep trying. And all the other conspiracies too. And if one turns out to be true then they're all true.
it just boggles the imagination to think of the scope of creating such a fictitous event which would have had to start even as the allies were entering and fighting in those countries where the camps were located

So we went in and built those concentration camps for the pictures and tours we gave?
and the germans living with the guilt of those deaths don't speak up and say hey wait I saw the americans build those concentration camps. there was nothing there before they showed up?

i can see a debate about the number of people exterminated since there obvously was not anyone standing nearby and doing a stroke count as the nazi's fried them but to say it never happened is insane.


Well-Known Member
it just boggles the imagination to think of the scope of creating such a fictitous event which would have had to start even as the allies were entering and fighting in those countries where the camps were located

So we went in and built those concentration camps for the pictures and tours we gave?
and the germans living with the guilt of those deaths don't speak up and say hey wait I saw the americans build those concentration camps. there was nothing there before they showed up?

i can see a debate about the number of people exterminated since there obvously was not anyone standing nearby and doing a stroke count as the nazi's fried them but to say it never happened is insane.
It's jealousy and envy of those doing well. People want to believe the worst when they resent the success of others. That and the I.Q. of some who can't seem to grasp how ridiculous their belief in such a conspiracy is if they applied some logic to it.


Well-Known Member
It's jealousy and envy of those doing well. People want to believe the worst when they resent the success of others. That and the I.Q. of some who can't seem to grasp how ridiculous their belief in such a conspiracy is if they applied some logic to it.
yea I don't think any of them has thought it through.