Teamsters reach sellout agreement “in principle” with UPS


Frankie's Friend

Union members have been violating others rights and screwing each other over for over 30 years.
Pls explain your flippant statement with facts to back it up. I said leadership not its members.

Someone hurt your feelings since you can't seem to stay in one place?... very similar to management movement?

If you dont like the union job you may be in (you post garbage like either management or someone from upstate NY would) please leave it and give someone else a chance to be thankful for what you have.

Your constant inconsistency is giving blue collar workers a bad rap.

Big Heavy Package Handler

Well-Known Member
Maybe I’m alone here, but as a part time worker I welcome the opportunity to get a full time job as a hybrid driver. I can still become a regular driver once I can bid on a route and $20.50 an hour is great pay for a 21 year old with no debt. And $34 an hour is only $2 less an hour than what drivers make no at their full scale pay rate. I don’t understand what the big deal is? Everyone else had to wait to become a driver. Why can’t some of us part timers wait while actually getting some decent pay and hours?
Maybe I’m alone here, but as a part time worker I welcome the opportunity to get a full time job as a hybrid driver. I can still become a regular driver once I can bid on a route and $20.50 an hour is great pay for a 21 year old with no debt. And $34 an hour is only $2 less an hour than what drivers make no at their full scale pay rate. I don’t understand what the big deal is? Everyone else had to wait to become a driver. Why can’t some of us part timers wait while actually getting some decent pay and hours?
It's $34 at the end of the next contract and regular drivers will be over $40

Big Heavy Package Handler

Well-Known Member
Maybe I’m alone here, but as a part time worker I welcome the opportunity to get a full time job as a hybrid driver. I can still become a regular driver once I can bid on a route and $20.50 an hour is great pay for a 21 year old with no debt. And $34 an hour is only $2 less an hour than what drivers make no at their full scale pay rate. I don’t understand what the big deal is? Everyone else had to wait to become a driver. Why can’t some of us part timers wait while actually getting some decent pay and hours?
It's $34 at the end of the next contract and regular drivers will be over $40

$6 dollars isn’t that big of a deal to me if it means I’m working more than 3.50 hours a day. Doesn’t anyone agree with that? I can still become a regular driver once my time comes and I can win a bid. Then I’ll make the big bucks. For now... I want hours.


$6 dollars isn’t that big of a deal to me if it means I’m working more than 3.50 hours a day. Doesn’t anyone agree with that? I can still become a regular driver once my time comes and I can win a bid. Then I’ll make the big bucks. For now... I want hours.
Your missing the point. UPS could simply create more FT driver jobs at the FT rate to cover weekend shifts. Like others have said this would likely cut into future ft bid routes and you might be waiting even longer for one. Trust me you're going to love making more $ at first but eventually become bitter and resentful that you're doing the exact same job for less, a lot less.


Well-Known Member
@Big Heavy Package Handler

I agree with you that when you're not given any choices, the 22.4 is appealing. You can see how overtime they would just remove drivers and keep adding 22.4 jobs to save money?

If the job sss being a package handler on the weekdays and then delivering on the weekends, I would love that personally


Well-Known Member
Pls explain your flippant statement with facts to back it up. I said leadership not its members.

Someone hurt your feelings since you can't seem to stay in one place?... very similar to management movement?

If you dont like the union job you may be in (you post garbage like either management or someone from upstate NY would) please leave it and give someone else a chance to be thankful for what you have.

Your constant inconsistency is giving blue collar workers a bad rap.
No teamster should be forced on a route blind when you have knowledgeable coverage. No teamster should be exempt from the 9.5 list. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for a change. Because that’s what a leader does. Instead of putting them down when you can’t do their job.

Big Heavy Package Handler

Well-Known Member
$6 dollars isn’t that big of a deal to me if it means I’m working more than 3.50 hours a day. Doesn’t anyone agree with that? I can still become a regular driver once my time comes and I can win a bid. Then I’ll make the big bucks. For now... I want hours.
Your missing the point. UPS could simply create more FT driver jobs at the FT rate to cover weekend shifts. Like others have said this would likely cut into future ft bid routes and you might be waiting even longer for one. Trust me you're going to love making more $ at first but eventually become bitter and resentful that you're doing the exact same job for less, a lot less.

I totally get that but it’s not the same job. They said half the shift is working at a hub and the other half is delivering. It’s like a combo job.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know how my fellow coworkers would feel though when I'm making 34$ an hour and they're making 13 to do the same job. Seems wonk. But I guess 22.3 is no different


Well-Known Member
Maybe I’m alone here, but as a part time worker I welcome the opportunity to get a full time job as a hybrid driver. I can still become a regular driver once I can bid on a route and $20.50 an hour is great pay for a 21 year old with no debt. And $34 an hour is only $2 less an hour than what drivers make no at their full scale pay rate. I don’t understand what the big deal is? Everyone else had to wait to become a driver. Why can’t some of us part timers wait while actually getting some decent pay and hours?
Another case of; it's all about me. You welcome it now, but you may not embrace it so much when you become a seniority driver and hybrid drivers are cutting your throat.


Your missing the point. UPS could simply create more FT driver jobs at the FT rate to cover weekend shifts. Like others have said this would likely cut into future ft bid routes and you might be waiting even longer for one. Trust me you're going to love making more $ at first but eventually become bitter and resentful that you're doing the exact same job for less, a lot less.

How does a guy that doesn’t even work here “get it”

Yet the rest of these knuckleheads have no idea


How does a guy that doesn’t even work here “get it”

Yet the rest of these knuckleheads have no idea
Cuz it's the exact game Fred S has played at FedEx for the past 15 or 20 years. This how he has been able to keep the Teamsters out for so long. I can see for UPS the $ isn't the issue right now. It's divide and conquer the union membership and eventually breaking the union.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely agreed. Its how the auto manufacturers eventually destroyed the UAW. The auto workers union's brass was in the hands of finance capitalists and some were later appointed to the executive boards of the companies who they helped by destroying the membership. Its happened before. It will likely happen again unless the rank and file organize independently of teamsters.

When american trade unions had big #'s in industry they refused to be political and push for national reforms, today workers union and non-union alike are dealing with those betrayals and its proven by the homeless rate, the lack of health care, the lack of access to decent paying jobs, the lack of access to clean drinking water in large parts of the country.

Its always political.
We need to get political right back at them. Not to fight forcefully but smarter. I've been yelling out "c'mmon hybrid drivers" throughout my shift to see who knows what..they know nothing. Literally only management looks at me when I do it. The guys I carpool with I try to educate but honestly everyone's seems to be looking for quick cash (5 to 10 years worth). So I'm honestly ready to just take it! My own shop Stewart considered it a combo job and said its nothing.


Well-Known Member
$6 dollars isn’t that big of a deal to me if it means I’m working more than 3.50 hours a day. Doesn’t anyone agree with that? I can still become a regular driver once my time comes and I can win a bid. Then I’ll make the big bucks. For now... I want hours.

Trust me everyone who is PT wants more hours and more pay.

I highly doubt that 22.4 will be a even split of 4 hours inside and 4 outside. When you have never drove you don't understand. You'll be worked more hours then you want after a while. You have no protection from it either. Imagine 55 hours a week, every week for 10 years. Because trust me it's the norm.

FT drivers will be paid more and will have protection for excessive overtime. Such as 9.5 and 8 hours requests.

There is a reasons 9.5 is talked about so much. Don't be fooled by what's right in front of you and look deeper. 22.4 is a scam to work you harder then me and pay you less for it.

Frankie's Friend

No teamster should be forced on a route blind when you have knowledgeable coverage. No teamster should be exempt from the 9.5 list. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for a change. Because that’s what a leader does. Instead of putting them down when you can’t do their job.

I learned 26 routes in multiple towns and RRs I've never even heard of (most in the blind without edd, pick up times and location in log details, and without power steering in the P10s) in 30 months when I started driving.

Sorry. It may be hard core but I'd say suck it up. You get paid by the hour and the key for what doesnt get done is the 'D' key in the second screen down in the non-delivery function.