
This is precisely why the Jews are the most disastrous people in world history: they have left such a falsified humanity in their wake that even today Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism.

-Friedrich Nietzsche, who wasn’t an anti-semite

“In Voltaire’s view, Christians could ultimately be transformed into good citizens for Christianity was no more than a “Jewish-imposed belief” on a European people whose cultural and ethnic inheritance should have rightly stemmed from Classical Rome. According to Voltaire, though Christians were steeped in narrow-minded superstitious nonsense, they could still be saved, for after all, they were racially Europeans. Christianity was merely an overlay on their basic noble character. But as the Jews were “Asiatic,” they never could be good citizens as their corrupt nature was a racial component. It was part of their physical essence and thus could not be abandoned.”
Voltaire sums up secular anti-semitism.

Some enlightenment era philosophy is scarred with anti-semitism, because they cross the line of critiquing Judaism and turn it into an immutable characteristic of the Jewish race. But they are right about Judaism, it’s hot garbage.
Most modern day Christians are more accepting of the fact they worship a jew, share a world view with Jews and are a continuation of Jewish morals/tradition.
The entire enlightment was a rejection of the irrational and the rise of human reason against dogma and authoritarianism. It’s what the country was founded in, deist enlightment era philosophy, John Locke, separation of church and state.

Christians are just little cry babies who can’t accept that and want to continue pushing their Jewish myths on the rest of society through government. They are anti-enlightenment. I doubt most the ruling class even believe in Christ anymore, they just want you to do so, because they fear you not believing. They think you’re too stupid to not be a good person without believing a Jew is going to punish you in the afterlife. It is very bizarre.
The Jews rejected Jesus because Jesus said he was God. Jews believe that God could not be a man.
Does anyone know what the Jewish Talmud says about Jesus Christ?
I'm not too educated on the Talmud. I know that the Torah is the first 5 books of the bible including genesis. So I know that the Jews recognize Genesis. This is what I find interesting in Genesis.

And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
Genesis 3:15 NKJV

In this verse God is talking to the serpent (satan). "Enmity between your seed and her Seed"

What I notice is that "Seed" and "He" is capitalized. Also, what woman has seed other than the woman who gave a virgin birth?

"He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel" I believe to be Jesus crushing the head of the serpent, and the serpent bruising Jesus' heel at the cross. Sort of like saying that Jesus will take a beating but it won't be fatal and He recovers. Just like he was crucified and resurrected.

I should study the Talmud more.


Well-Known Member
Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.
So you've been dutifully chastised so all that's left for you is to see if you can get a rise out of us by attacking religion. Here's a question for you...throughout history which group do you think were despised more, Jews or homosexuals?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So you've been dutifully chastised so all that's left for you is to see if you can get a rise out of us by attacking religion. Here's a question for you...throughout history which group do you think were despised more, Jews or homosexuals?
He’s a disgraced troll now.
Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.
Christians are just little cry babies who can’t accept that and want to continue pushing their Jewish myths on the rest of society through government.
You can't have it both ways

El Correcto

god is dead
So you've been dutifully chastised so all that's left for you is to see if you can get a rise out of us by attacking religion. Here's a question for you...throughout history which group do you think were despised more, Jews or homosexuals?
Why are you discussing moderator action?


Well-Known Member
No I brought up the terms of service. You brought up actions the mods are taking.
Which is also against the TOS.
But don’t worry you are a Christian so it’s all good.
Did I now? I took it that you were telling him verbatim what happened to you would happen to him if he wasn't careful. Thoughtful of you to warn him.


Well-Known Member
Discussions can be animated.

That was not a personal insult to someone.
I directed that comment towards no user, but toward an ideology. If they wish to defend their ideology terms of service dictates they should not resort to personal attacks to do so.
So which group was more despised, Jews or homosexuals?


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Yes I agree Christians do bully and insults gays on here a lot.
But that is part of the irrationality of religion for you.
Did Christ die for everyone's sins?

Because I feel there's some sins he definitely should not have done that for...

If that was the case.

Technically speaking.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.