any sugestions?



Have a problem that I hope someone can help me with. Just about every day for the last month now our new center manager is trying to force me to go back out after I get back, unload, and is about 1 minute from leaving. One driver told me to punch out mt board as I am walking up to leave, he says once I punch out they can't force you to go back out, any other sugestions???


How low on the senority list are you? If you are bottom, or near it, you are stuck...

Every day for a month sent back out? Talk with on road about what you are being sent out to do. Sounds like a dispatch problem that needs to be addressed. Best of luck.


Clocking out before leaving will not help at all. UPS can put you right back on the clock if they want to. If your a full time driver do you take your full lunch hour? Find ways not to be the first back in. Maybe go find another driver and take 10 stops to help them and yourself.

Have a great weekend.


If they put you right back on the clock.....don't they have to pay you for 8 hours?
Check with the BA about this language.
Also, maybe the computer isn't set up to put you right back on the clock without a certain number of hours off duty.
Also if they continue to do this, I would do as some other people have suggested and NOT get on my truck an hour early to groom the load.
Simply clock in 5 minutes before PCM, pretrip truck, close door and leave and, once again, be sure to TAKE YOUR MEAL.
When I was in pkg cars I sometimes had to take my meal around 6 pm at a burger joint right around the corner from the center. I used this time to read the newspaper, balance checkbook, make phone calls and eat. I also made real sure that my timecard reflects the true time I was on meal.

(Message edited by trickpony1 on July 29, 2005)

(Message edited by trickpony1 on July 29, 2005)


When I was a rookie, we had to call in everyday to see if help was needed elsewhere. I actually didn't mind going to help another driver, since it made me a lot of money. Making that extra cash made retirement at the "golden 80" a reality, and now I am no longer busting my butt. I actually know of one driver who took so many "r" days, he has been told he must work an additional year to get his pension.


Once you are dispatched and leave the building they can not redispatch you. So when you return to the building you have the right to refuse. Some dont mind the extra $ but if it happens daily your getting screwed


Once you are dispatched and leave the building they can not redispatch you. So when you return to the building you have the right to refuse.
Hmmm....could you point to me to contract article that covers "dispatch"? Specifically the section that says they cannot "redispatch" you? As far as I know, refusing work while you are still on the clock is a good way to get terminated, but maybe that's just in the Atlantic Area.


Depends on your Supplemental.

In the Central, Art 19, Sec 6 states:

"Drivers shall not be disciplined for refusing to go back out on the street once they have returned to the building, after having completed their full day's work."


Aha! I see the Atlantic area supplement needs some work. I still see some wiggle room in there for the company, however, in the qualifier "after having completed their full day's work". Have you ever been involved in a case where the company tried to discipline a driver for refusing to go back out by claiming that he had not completed a "full days work"? I'm just curious, some of the differences in the supplementals are fascinating. In the Atlantic area, refusing to go back out would result in a termination unless you claimed to be sick or or some other mitigating factor.


That article was put in to our Supplement when I was a young driver, so maybe a quarter of a century ago.

I remember in my first couple of years as a driver that if you needed to get out early for any reason you did all your paperwork (no diad) and COD turn in, etc out on route (you could guarantee the first ones back in would be going back out and end up being one of the last ones in ultimately) as management practiced extremely lazy dispatching, you parked in the back section literally coasting your package car into the building so to try to keep them from hearing you coming (we had a rear entrance and parking section that couldn't be seen from the supervision's offices) and do a forty yard sneak/dash to the safe, paper drop and time clock.

It was ridiculous and sophomoric, but hey, if you truly needed to get out you did what you had to do.

I remember being caught running up the stairs after successfully punching out on a Friday to attend a Rehearsal where I was the best man and the center manager yelling to come back down this minute and punch back in or I'd be fired!

I told him "fire me" as I blew by him on the way out and he said to come in an hour early Monday to do just that.

I came in an hour early and found out the manager was on vacation that week and never heard anything about it again.

That was the closest I ever came to actually being fired.

So this clause was one of the most significant improvements to the contract for a very long time in my opinion.

It actually forced management to plan efficient dispatch and you could partially control your destiny when you needed to without having to feel like a criminal.

No, there was never a local dispute regarding "full days work" here.

If you weren't told you were double tripping in the morning when you left you were safe.

Of course, there is leeway between official discipline and unofficial retribution from an unethical manager, but I am unaware of that actually occuring in my center, ever.

Unfortunately, On call air and the companies ability to directly contact the driver though the Diad has seriously erroded this "protection" over the recent years.

You see the section "go back out on the street" is pretty simple and clear as well.

They can increase your dispatch unlimited by bringing you work or instructing you to meet someone, etc.

When this article was drafted the only way they could contact you was pretty hit and miss by leaving a phone message at a pick up account if you had any or physically finding you out on the route.


Your right on Ok2bclever If you dont have it in the supplement you better get it in 2008.