APWA ???



To get results you need to start somewhere. Their just trying to get something started but with some negative people thats very hard. All of the things you guys are talking about are addressed at the meeting. Yes it may not be all true but its a start.


ok2bclever- You hit the nail on the head. I don't want to hear about how great the APWA could be. I want to see the results. As I've already pointed out we have good reason to doubt them and their claims. Maybe they should go start a shipping company of their own and come back to us when their people have a $7000 a month pension.


I agree any new organization needs to start somewhere, but you really need to evaluate what you are saying when you call skepticism and questions about pie in the sky promises negative.

It isn't negative to question things that can have such an impact on our future.

Those not willing to question deserve what they get and normally do.

Anyone asking for your money needs to be ready to prove themselves, over and over.


ok2bclever- If you would just come to a meeting they could prove all this stuff for you! Don't you understand?!?!? /sarcasm off


Numbers do lie. We see it every day of our UPS lives. They put numbers where it meets their needs to get to the result they need.

APWA claims they can do all the best medical benefits for $108.00 less per month than current. Doctor co-pay: $10.00. Thats what I pay now. Reteriee medical coverage will be $300.00 per month: I have been told it will cost us $50.00 per month. It will pay $2,500 for orthodontic appliances for each dependent child: It now pays $1500.00, more than many. Can keep benefits at same rate till 62: I called about life ins and it is portable, just will go up as age does, normal for any term-life policy. The info on APWA was found on their web site. We here in metro-phila have it better on many issues adressed and equal on others.


Back to the main point. Has anyone who likes the idea or been to a "meeting" given $$ to this cause. I don't think the APWA could really get me $7k/month, but I'd take $5k/month with a real 30 and out. Seems to be a lot better than what I have now with (CS).


Man, you people are thick!
Do you think that the Teamsters Union became a multi-billion dollar operation over night out of thin air?
NO, it was built the same way that the APWA will be built, one man at a time, one dollar at a time.
I believe that most of you are missing the point.
We all know what the Teamsters are doing to us and our pensions, we are being robbed!
As long as our hard earned money is going into a multi pension fund we will not get what we have earned (.40 cents on the dollar is what we get now).
The APWA is about seperating the UPSer from the crowd and forming a UPSer only union so that we get a dollar of every dollar that we earn. that is the math that you should be looking at, not to mention the fact that we could have much better health care for much less money.
For those of you like ddomino, that still have a good retirement plan, ask someone in the New England plan what happened to there strong pension plan. Most of them thought the same way a few months ago.


I find it amazing the few active APWA self appointed cheerleaders on this forum continue to use such terms as thick, lazy, etc to describe anyone who dares to question anything they mispell.

Frankly, it confirms the naive and unqualified nature of those supposedly here to save us.

Luckily, I believe the APWA is more competent than most of those that speak for it hear.

However, it wouldn't take a total revolution of throwing the Teamsters out to fix our pension problems.

It would take a significant participation of the UPS Teamster members to do that.

So we are doomed as that is unlikely to ever happen.

The Health and Welfare section of the Pension would be even easier as the only reason UPS retirees are getting screwed there is because of the wording in the contract regarding "equal to" the CSPF H&W that allows UPS the loophole of screwing it's own retirees.

A simple negotiated wording change there to get it back to it's original intent would fix that.

That will be a major contractual tussle as UPS as they have saved a ton of money since they cut our retirees benefits through this loophole and they won't be anxious to restore our retiree benefits to the level it was several years ago voluntarily.


Sawman, You say our pension is in trouble because the Teamsters are robbing us.

That is such simplistic BS, albeit the simple really can rally to such accusations.

If the Teamsters are the problem, how come far, far more single employer pension funds have gone bankrupt?

How come most of the world's leading companies pension funds are in trouble?

Are the Teamsters somehow robbing those funds as well or have they just taught all of those companies how to do it?


The Teamsters and CS, along with all the other multi employeer plans are robbing us by only giving us .40 cents on every dollar that is but into the fund for us. If UPS was struggling I could see it but they are not, and while I am not a big company fan either, I find it hard to put the blame on UPS when the money is being paid to give us the pension that we are intitled too, not to mention the pension and health care that we were promised by the Teamsters union.


I Re Member
dear unregistered (suggest you find another name as I think that one is already taken) ;),

Not sure how many times I have to correct this common misunderstanding.

The Multi-Employer pension funds such as Central States are mutually managed by a panel of trustees.

The trustees consist of fifty percent union representation and fifty percent company representation.

CSPF for instance has six union reps and six company reps.

UPS has one of the company reps.

So if the CSPF, which is a totally separate entity from the International Brotherhood of Teamster by the way (another fact not apparently well understood), is robbing us feel free to blame UPS as well as the Teamsters because they would have to know about it and have been letting it go on.

That said, I will state we are not being robbed, although I would agree we are getting screwed, but it is by the circumstances and not by the Teamsters or UPS.

Wake up and look around you, read the papers.

Pensions are going under and are in trouble all over.

Not just Teamster, not just union, not just Multi-Employer, most of them.

In fact, non-union, single employer funds are failing and have been failing for years far more often than multi-employer funds.

The screwing is happening because not enough money is going in for too many retirees.

Retired employees of companies that have gone out of business are causing a steep toll on those still existing, but the only reason for that is the companies and funds were not collecting enough money for those retirees in relationship to their retired benefits when they were working and not because their companies are now out of business.

The only reference on the problem being related to companies out of business is more of the rob peter to pay paul pension fund philosophy that has been being used as they are having trouble paying paul what with less peters to rob.

The other major area where we are getting screwed is in the legistlation where the single employee funds are protected by up to $48,000 a year per retiree and our multi-employer funds are only protected by up to 12,800 per retiree (us).

That is a bunch of crap, but typical and the Teamsters are not to blame for that.


Well-Known Member
derf3733 said:
Cincinnati here, there has been no mention of the AWPA around here and most guys cant stand our local 100. They're always in trouble for something
West Carrollton here , local 957 , APWA was here in the summer last year, I joined in May of 2005 , We have been trying to get into Sharonville and Cincinnati , We did meet with some HAmilton drivers and they were very receptive to the APWA ,IF you are interested e-mail Van Skillman or Danny Eason from the Parcelworkers sight they are eager to get into Cincinnati


ok2bclever said:
Outside of this forum most of UPS haven't heard a word about APWA.

I haven't heard the slightest rumor of this outside of here.

I am in Michigan.
The apwa has hit the south first but if you need any information go to the web site and e-mail them and you will here from one of the two people who started the APWA and ask all the qoestion you want and they will give you the answers


Well-Known Member
nineball1 said:
The apwa has hit the south first but if you need any information go to the web site and e-mail them and you will here from one of the two people who started the APWA and ask all the qoestion you want and they will give you the answers

Just a little late to the game there 9ball. OK2BC no longer visits with us here sadly I might add. He may lurk but otherwise your comment to him was a waste of time and bytespace. Or was it really just another attempt to promote the APWA? I got no problem with that but just come out and be honest about it. This constant popping up under new alias' and disappearing only to re-emerge later under a new name is really pretty old and childest in my book. If you really are for the cause and it really is a worthwhile cause to place out there (all UPS Teamsters should have to guts to ask themselves the hard questions concerning our union) then stand behind those principles and stay the course here instead of hitting and running like a fly by night spammer. Makes the APWA effort look cheap which deep down with the folks at the ground level of this deal I really don't believe is the case. I applaud their effort!



:cool: APWA, Working toward a vote this fall if funds come in fast enough, have covered over 23 states. I am a member since march 05, meetings are taking place at some location every weekend. If you and as many people as you can get together on a Sat. or Sun. A representitive of APWA would be more than happy to meet you. The post that speeks to the expertise of Mr. Coleman, the one of many Lawyers that have been retained is one of the best in his field, just as the others are amoung the best in their respective areas (such as building a Union) . Jerry West spoke at the graduation ceremony for West Virginia U. in his speech he spoke of three types of people. 1) The Fleeer, this person runs from or ignors a problem hoping it will fix itself. 2) The Floater, ready to go along with whatever happens, knows something needs to be done and waits for someone else to stick their neck out and make his life better. 3) The fighter, this person is a doer, not content to wait on a hoped for outcome but a person who sees the worth or the possibility in a challenge. Our futures are hanging in balance. If you would like to ask question I wiil do my best to answer . Happy Trails


Well-Known Member
I just got back from our local Kroger and there was a new sign on the door stating the Kroger employees were represented by some grocery union, local etc. etc. I asked one of the workers about this union and that I thought they were with the Teamsters. Reply:

"WE WERE but voted them out and the new union in!"

Funny how our union local's magazine talked about organizing a garbage company with 10 garbage men but not a thing was said about Kroger's employees taking a hike. Now why would that happen?


I need to ask the Kroger folks next time I go if they were in the CS ill-health and no-pension plan! My guess is they were smart enough not to be but that's a guess.


Well-Known Member

I think that happened (Teamsters out in favor of UFCW) over 10 years ago. Prior to 1996. Was who you talked to a driver or an in-store employee? Drivers may have been Teamsters later than 1996. I'm not sure. In any case, I think that Kroger/Fry's left the Teamsters quite awhile ago, and it had nothing to do with the current CSPF debacle.

Back in the USA after a hiatus.

Better look around with a critical eye. Things ain't so good here as you may think. Heaven help us all.

Everyone's Fave,

Suzie (ex)Driver