Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


Well-Known Member
All the little puns don't make a bad situation any better. This guy does, however, look like he'd cut your head off and not think twice about it.

That said, cute sayings and pictures of Air Force One with testicles might make you feel good, but a lot of innocent people are going to die, and soon.

Trump brags that he has 52 sites in Iran targeted. They have thousands, and that could be anyone or anything. Plus, good luck on proving that they did it, because Iran is very good at making it look like it wasn't necessarily their doing.

Have your fun, and then get real.

I'll put you down as terrified of Iranian John boats and pissing your pants.


Got the T-Shirt
because Iran is very good at making it look like it wasn't necessarily their doing.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Not If the diplomacy allows IRAN those weapons in 15 years.
They were following the deal. A good negotiator would have built on that and extended another deal to the mutual benefit of everyone. Trump bailed and started bombing. He has no plan and he’s a bad negotiator. Iran will have nukes because of Trump’s recklessness.


Well-Known Member
They were following the deal. A good negotiator would have built on that and extended another deal to the mutual benefit of everyone. Trump bailed and started bombing. He has no plan and he’s a bad negotiator. Iran will have nukes because of Trump’s recklessness.
No they weren't. The U.N. reported last November they had violated the deal, continuing to build their stockpile of Uranium.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No they weren't. The U.N. reported last November they had violated the deal, continuing to build their stockpile of Uranium.
That would be after Trump pulled out. How do you think Trump’s complete lack of credibility and bombing leads to a better solution than the deal that was in place? It was working according to everyone except right wing media before Trump bailed on it.


Well-Known Member
That would be after Trump pulled out. How do you think Trump’s complete lack of credibility and bombing leads to a better solution than the deal that was in place? It was working according to everyone except right wing media before Trump bailed on it.
Nope, takes some time and effort to build up that much uranium. And traces were discovered in an off-site that they hadn't disclosed to the U.N.. When are you going to learn that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror, can't be trusted?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nope, takes some time and effort to build up that much uranium. And traces were discovered in an off-site that they hadn't disclosed to the U.N.. When are you going to learn that Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror, can't be trusted?
So what’s the plan? More assassinations, more bombings until another open war and unending occupation?


Well-Known Member
And just like that, Poof! No more talk of an impeachment trial. The master of diversion has struck again. And all the the cuckservatives fall in line.:ninja3:

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No, let's go with letting Iran continue to develop a nuclear arsenal while committing acts of terror worldwide. What could go wrong?
How do you think the assassination prevented either of those? How will further military escalation prevent either of those? You really think Iran will say sorry to bother all of you, we’ll just sit quietly in the corner while you wreck our economy and murder our leaders?

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