Bid posted in absence...


Well-Known Member
Would I have any options if a bid was posted in my absence? For instance, say I take my weeks vacation M-friend then I am not due back until Tuesday the following week.If the bid is posted Monday to Monday does that mean i'm out of luck?


Well-Known Member
Would I have any options if a bid was posted in my absence? For instance, say I take my weeks vacation M-friend then I am not due back until Tuesday the following week.If the bid is posted Monday to Monday does that mean i'm out of luck?

When you say bid, is that a bid route -- or to cover a route for a week. Because for us in our building a bid is posted for 2 weeks .A cover bid is by the thurdays before vacation.


Would I have any options if a bid was posted in my absence? For instance, say I take my weeks vacation M-friend then I am not due back until Tuesday the following week.If the bid is posted Monday to Monday does that mean i'm out of luck?

I would ask a friend that is working that week to look at the bids and let you know via telephone what is up on the board. If one is to your liking, tell him to put your name up.


Well-Known Member
Would I have any options if a bid was posted in my absence? For instance, say I take my weeks vacation M-friend then I am not due back until Tuesday the following week.If the bid is posted Monday to Monday does that mean i'm out of luck?

Your mgt team should call you if a bid sheet is posted while you are on vacation.


Well-Known Member
No trust in workplace on this one... and very little faith in mgmt following procedure could I grieve it if it happened without my knowledge?


Well-Known Member
No trust in workplace on this one... and very little faith in mgmt following procedure could I grieve it if it happened without my knowledge?

If the bid is posted, you are qualifed for the job and want to bid on it, and they fail to notify you before the bid is awarded then, yes, you have the right to grieve.

I tried to find the specific contract language but did not find it.
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Package Center Manager
Would I have any options if a bid was posted in my absence? For instance, say I take my weeks vacation M-friend then I am not due back until Tuesday the following week.If the bid is posted Monday to Monday does that mean i'm out of luck?

You missed the bid, not our fault. We do not have to contact you to notify you of a bid. Sorry


Well-Known Member
You missed the bid, not our fault. We do not have to contact you to notify you of a bid. Sorry
I agree there isn't any language, but I would file a grievance for everything else that I could. A supervisor touchs a pkg I would file, harassment file, intimidation file, 9.5 file, get my drift. I would drive them crazy.


HERE, people coming off vacation can bump onto a bid they missed.
Wouldn't fly here. It's our responsibility to bid on week to week bid by Friday. Either by calling in or having steward sign us up on it.

Your mgt team should call you if a bid sheet is posted while you are on vacation.
Same as above. Mgt does not have to notify us.

I would ask a friend that is working that week to look at the bids and let you know via telephone what is up on the board. If one is to your liking, tell him to put your name up.
​Or steward...............


No It's not green grocer!
Your mgt team should call you if a bid sheet is posted while you are on vacation.

HUH, No way in he double hockey sticks would a management person call every person that is not present when a bid is posted. If they did it for one they would have to do it for every person in the future. Never happen!!


No It's not green grocer!
Your best bet is to get your local steward to let you know if a bid is posted and sign you up if your interested.

Upstate did not find the language because it does not exist. They do not have to notify you, you miss it you have no grievance recourse.


The only possibility you might have is with a 'past practice'. If you can prove that there is a 'past practice' of notifying drivers of bids then you could (maybe) win a grievance.


Well-Known Member
There is language regarding this in my supplement. basically it says have your steward contact you if you are on vacation...


Well-Known Member
I misread the thread. We don't bid on a weekly basis--the only time we bid is when we re-bid the delivery areas every two years. This is what I based my advice on. Our casual drivers do not bid on specific areas to cover--they are assigned based on seniority and area knowledge.


I misread the thread. We don't bid on a weekly basis--the only time we bid is when we re-bid the delivery areas every two years. This is what I based my advice on. Our casual drivers do not bid on specific areas to cover--they are assigned based on seniority and area knowledge.
What do you do if you have a rte that is vacated for what ever reason? Does the rte stay vacated until the next bid cycle?


Retired 22 years
They used to post bids like that all the time. Especially when they knew the person highest on the seniority list who wanted a different route (and they didn't like) was on vacation. Thats when its nice to have a friend or two to keep you posted on any shenanigans they try to pull. I tell ya its a constant battle.