Can you be harassed with facial expressions


Industrial Slob
Maybe all employees should just fill out this form.....

Name:______________________________ SOCIAL SECURITYNo:____________________ADDRESS:___________________________CITY:__________________________________STAFF ELEMENT:_____________________ HOME PHONENo.:________________________MALE:___________ FEMALE:___________ OFFICE PHONENo.:______________________SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Male - Female Female - Female Male - Male All of the Above None of the Above - Please Specify:_____________________I CONSENT TO THE FOLLOWING FORMS OF SEXUAL HARRASSMENT:Salutatory Greeting: _____________________Eye-to-Eye Contact: ______________________Eye-to-Bust Contatct: ____________________Eye-to-Below Waist Contact: ______________Heavy breathing on neck: _________________ ear: __________________ other: ________________Hands on body: ___________________________ shoulder: _______________________ waist: __________________________ Gluteus Maximus: ________________ other: __________________________Feelies: _________________________________Gropies: _________________________________Penetration (however slight): ____________Other: ___________________________________All of the Above: ________________________MISCELLANEOUS: I WILL / I WILL NOT1. Assist in procurement of various potions, lotions, products,appliances, etc. to be used during sexual harassment.2. Assist in procurement and maintenance of various types of substaining apparatus.3. Clean up.I CERTIFY THAT I WILL ACCEPT SEXUAL HARASSMENT FROM:Anyone: __________________________________Anyone But: ______________________________Only: ____________________________________SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE:____________________This form is to be reviewed by immediate supervisor annually, prior toperformance rating and evaluation.
do you have this form in [SIZE=-1]Español? :w00t:

Can't you just feel the love in this thread? :lol:
i feel harassed :mad:


Steffie could you describe the feeling. Do you feel he is oggling you or looking at you as a boss would look at a slacker? How does he talk to you. Is it with stern contempt or dripping with innuendo. You have to be able to describe it a little more clearly before anyone can really tell you what to do.
That was a lame resposne about your theme song"T". But if you re-examine your earlier lame post you'll see what kind of tool you really are. Your inference as to this employee being a "slacker" is precisely what a true tool would say. So own your song you doddering relic from the pile of useless management just taking up space. Man when is your exit coming, as a stock holder myself it can't be soon enough.:laugh:
Just the other day I had two female OR supervisors ogle my position exactly the same way... :w00t: Then they wanted to close the office door and ...:sad: Is that sexual provocation ?

:crying:Trust me,, I was very much in fear of my ... lol


That was a lame resposne about your theme song"T". But if you re-examine your earlier lame post you'll see what kind of tool you really are. Your inference as to this employee being a "slacker" is precisely what a true tool would say. So own your song you doddering relic from the pile of useless management just taking up space. Man when is your exit coming, as a stock holder myself it can't be soon enough.:laugh:

Lets see you're soul contribution here is to show us you can memorize songs just like some kid or to brag that you are well endowed and require the big gulp cup or larger should you need to relieve yourself on your route. Woo Wee. I'm sure everyone here on this site was eternally gratefull that you decided to share such vital information with us. :thumbup1::thumbup1: Whats next junior you gonna tell us you can spit really far?
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Well-Known Member
There is a manager in my building that gives me and other ladies looks that make us uncomfortable. He has never said anything to me directly but the look and tone in his voice is very un-nerving. What should I do?

If this isn't a joke, which I believe in a way it may be, then you and the other ladies need to document the times and contents of these incidents with this bully and notify your local EEOC office. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is very effective in bringing this type of behavior to a quick end.

But first, legally, you have to tell the maroon to knock it off. That's the hard part and this is what EEOC will ask if you have done. Secondly, you have to follow up with the company if it continues. The EEOC is your final resort but if you take it that far, Macho Man will wish he'd never been born.

Unfortunately, a couple of the ladies I've worked with did have to take it that far. And who had the last laugh (not that any of it was funny...) when the offender was fired, the victim kept her job and also enjoyed a hefty settlement???

Or, call the guy's bluff and ask him out. I'll bet that would punch a big hole in his bravado!!! :w00t::w00t:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
If this isn't a joke, which I believe in a way it may be, then you and the other ladies need to document the times and contents of these incidents with this bully and notify your local EEOC office. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is very effective in bringing this type of behavior to a quick end.

But first, legally, you have to tell the maroon to knock it off. That's the hard part and this is what EEOC will ask if you have done. Secondly, you have to follow up with the company if it continues. The EEOC is your final resort but if you take it that far, Macho Man will wish he'd never been born.

Or, call the guy's bluff and ask him out. I'll bet that would punch a big hole in his bravado!!! :w00t::w00t:

First seriously, werent most of us women, and still are before UPS?. Didnt any of these women run into macho freaking idiots in the real world where there was no one to protect us?
Used to happen alot, :)
now not so much. :w00t: But I loved to shoot some idiot down. And it wasnt the hard part, it was the fun part, And they would never repeat the things I could say bout their manhood etc. To go crying to a boss. And they never come back and try it again. I think sexual harrassment, is one thing, and just crass individuals is another. If someone looks at me funny, I look back funnier:death:and they have never bothered me. I think mostly they are guys looking for dates, and dont have the Charisma to know how to get a girl.


Heavy Weight
As a woman, I am painfully aware of the common stereotypes associated with women in the workplace. We are generally exptexted to be nurturing or sexual and when we fall outside of these restrictions, we're labeled the bitch. My observations from the responses to this thread unfortunately reinforce these notions.

If the looks are preventing you from successfully completing your job or could potentially limit your upward mobility, then I say talk to him or someone in HR. Remove the degrading obstacles from your pathway to success (one sexist pig at a time.)


Heavy Weight
As a beautiful woman, who fights crime and sexism, I am painfully aware of the common stereotypes associated with women in the workplace. We are generally expected to be nurturing or sexual and when we fall outside of these restrictions, we're labeled the bitch. Unfortunately, it’s obvious from the replies to this thread that these rigid beliefs are still common in contemporary corporate settings.

If the looks are preventing you from successfully completing your job or can potentially limit your upward mobility, then I say talk to him or someone in HR. Remove the degrading obstacles to your success (one pig at a time).


Well-Known Member
As a beautiful woman, who fights crime and sexism, I am painfully aware of the common stereotypes associated with women in the workplace. We are generally expected to be nurturing or sexual and when we fall outside of these restrictions, we're labeled the bitch. Unfortunately, it’s obvious from the replies to this thread that these rigid beliefs are still common in contemporary corporate settings.

If the looks are preventing you from successfully completing your job or can potentially limit your upward mobility, then I say talk to him or someone in HR. Remove the degrading obstacles to your success (one pig at a time).

You are are full of it. I'm thinking you are a hairy 300 pound man with too much time on you hands.


As a beautiful woman, who fights crime and sexism, I am painfully aware of the common stereotypes associated with women in the workplace. We are generally expected to be nurturing or sexual and when we fall outside of these restrictions, we're labeled the bitch. Unfortunately, it’s obvious from the replies to this thread that these rigid beliefs are still common in contemporary corporate settings.

If the looks are preventing you from successfully completing your job or can potentially limit your upward mobility, then I say talk to him or someone in HR. Remove the degrading obstacles to your success (one pig at a time).

I'm intrigued could you post a pic of yourself instead of wonder woman so we can judge your beauty as a woman fighting these alleged stereotypes and acts of sexism.

Then perhaps explain the act of visual harrassment to us sexist pigs so we may better understand when our look of disgust for a poorly running operation crosses the line into the land of leering.

I appreciate your stepping into this discussion since the original poster seems to have dissapeared.


Heavy Weight
Perhaps my post was a bit over the top but I still feel strongly on the issue. Further, the expectation then, is that I post an actual picture of myself so that my words can be judged as more or less credible depending on my level of attractiveness? I suppose the assumption is that the less attractive I am, the less right I have to stand up for myself and other women. Is that a request you often ask of your male counterparts?

It appears the original poster does not feel the need to further engage the conversation. Perhaps she was disappointed with the comments about her grooming and manner of dress, which all assumed she asked for it. For what it’s worth many have weighed in; perhaps we can let the subject rest. I’m late for my abs class.


Perhaps my post was a bit over the top but I still feel strongly on the issue. Further, the expectation then, is that I post an actual picture of myself so that my words can be judged as more or less credible depending on my level of attractiveness? I suppose the assumption is that the less attractive I am, the less right I have to stand up for myself and other women. Is that a request you often ask of your male counterparts?

I'm sorry I'm afraid I set you up on that one. You brought your looks into the discussion in your previous post. At that point your looks are now fair game for the discussion. I knew you would respond as you did.

It appears the original poster does not feel the need to further engage the conversation. Perhaps she was disappointed with the comments about her grooming and manner of dress, which all assumed she asked for it. For what it’s worth many have weighed in; perhaps we can let the subject rest.

Perhaps or perhaps she realized she was chasing an intangible. People have no problem agreeing that specific physical action can be viewed as harrassment. If I pinch your rear then thats clearly crossing the line. People don't feel as comfortable when you start getting into the abstract and you start trying to define how someone looks at you. That manager making her feel uncomfortable could have been thinking of a million other things when he looked in her direction. If he is like I am sometimes he might have had his mind somewhere else and actually been looking through her. For all we know he might not have even realized she was there. Its a real grey area to get into and razing the issue of sexual harrassment affects peoples lives and careers.


New Member
i am a male and have received of form of what i think is sexual harrasment. Another male coworker calls me by another name frequently. It is a female name. I am not sure how to take this, but it really makes me uncomfortable. He calls me Rosanne. My name is nothing even close to this. He says it in a very suggestive way. What kind of action should i take with this? it really has been bothering me, and he says it almost every day. Am i just over-reacting.

thanks for your time. i am new here...first time posting on something like this.


Well-Known Member
i am a male and have received of form of what i think is sexual harrasment. Another male coworker calls me by another name frequently. It is a female name. I am not sure how to take this, but it really makes me uncomfortable. He calls me Rosanne. My name is nothing even close to this. He says it in a very suggestive way. What kind of action should i take with this? it really has been bothering me, and he says it almost every day. Am i just over-reacting.

Thanks for your time. i am new here...first time posting on something like this.

Welocme to Brown Cafe and enjoy your stay.

Talk to your co worker and advise him you don't appreciate him calling you Roseanne.
Tell him if he persists in this manner, you will have no choice but to file a harrassment charge against him.

If that doesn't work, let your supervisor or manager know your concern and get HR involved if necessary.

This is a tough situation to be in, but you need to stand up for yourself. You have a right to work in a workplace free of harrassment.

Good luck


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
i am a male and have received of form of what i think is sexual harrasment. Another male coworker calls me by another name frequently. It is a female name. I am not sure how to take this, but it really makes me uncomfortable. He calls me Rosanne. My name is nothing even close to this. He says it in a very suggestive way. What kind of action should i take with this? it really has been bothering me, and he says it almost every day. Am i just over-reacting.

thanks for your time. i am new here...first time posting on something like this.

midwestblondie, welcome to the Brown Cafe.

Have you tried to just ignore him when he calls you Rosanne? I would pretend that I didn't hear anything and not even look at him. Maybe after a while, he will get the message. I would try that before going to the boss.