Overallowance and harassment


Well-Known Member
I don't care


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe there are people who fold their mirrors in. They started that before I left 7 yrs ago. I wouldnt do it. Id rather them lose a mirror, than me lose my arm, or head.

Discipline has been handed out in my building for it this year.

There is also a grievance filed to have the policy reviewed and addressed by union and safety committee. Between the risk of injury and repetitive end range motion, who knows. Have to see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've only done that when necessary. The losing an arm argument is legit. They have no counter for it.

What I heard was that the counter here is “It’s a method”. It’s just a subjective thing a supe can hang on someone when they’re following a driver and want something.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
Hopefully one day as I’m pulling in the mirror, my hand gets ripped off by another vehicle driving by too close and I sue the hell out of them for putting my body in jeopardy for a five dollar mirror
We had a supervisor ride with a senior driver and at every stop he would get out of the truck on the passenger side, walk all the way around the back of truck to tuck his mirror. Then go get the package and deliver it. After about 3 or 4 stops the sup told him he didn’t need to tuck his mirror anymore.


Baseball, dart board
We had a supervisor ride with a senior driver and at every stop he would get out of the truck on the passenger side, walk all the way around the back of truck to tuck his mirror. Then go get the package and deliver it. After about 3 or 4 stops the sup told him he didn’t need to tuck his mirror anymore.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
We had a supervisor ride with a senior driver and at every stop he would get out of the truck on the passenger side, walk all the way around the back of truck to tuck his mirror. Then go get the package and deliver it. After about 3 or 4 stops the sup told him he didn’t need to tuck his mirror anymore.
isn't it funny how things like that happen when in the real world? Also if I was that driver I would have gotten that in writing. No paper record than it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe there are people who fold their mirrors in. They started that before I left 7 yrs ago. I wouldnt do it. Id rather them lose a mirror, than me lose my arm, or head.
You can look in the mirror before you fold it, smart guy. And why would you fold it with your head? And why are you still posting here 7 years later? Slow day at bingo?


Well-Known Member
might work on folding it in but how does it fold back out? so, you are either sticking your hand out blind or your head to look.
What are peripheral vision and hearing

Look down the road before you get in the truck and move out without delay

And most importantly, don’t choose a parking spot where you would expect big trucks to pass you at high speed.