Checking Out His Donuts

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
I hate it when I'm driving and I drop my donuts. They get all dirty and what not. Not to mention, the added degree of difficulty of navigating an interstate highway off ramp. Let this be a lesson to us all. Keep donuts firmly planted in your lap.:tongue_sm


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
So what you are saying could eat two, but hold 9 1/2 securely, unless of course they were eau claires....
Never mind I dont want to know.....where


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I could hold two dozen on my built in shelf....
And never have to put them on the floor, HAHHAHAH

And I could make up one heck of a better story than that if I rolled a rig.


Well-Known Member
Geez, and just today I dropped an M&M filled cookie one of my customers gave to me. And to make matters worse, it has been raining for a couple of days and i had just been at an industrial site which was a complete mud bath. Once that cookie hit the floor, there was no way I was going after it. :crying:


Retired 23 years
A deer or dog ran out in front of me always works. Or the old swating at a bee story. Anything but "reaching for a donut".


Well-Known Member
Geez, and just today I dropped an M&M filled cookie one of my customers gave to me. And to make matters worse, it has been raining for a couple of days and i had just been at an industrial site which was a complete mud bath. Once that cookie hit the floor, there was no way I was going after it. :crying:

Yeah the 5 second rule does not apply to UPS trucks..
once its gone, its gone..


Life is a Highway...
Why the need to throw donuts on floor?? I'm sure I could have found somewhere to hang it on..lots of knobs on dashboard.


Retired Senior Member
Why the need to throw donuts on floor?? I'm sure I could have found somewhere to hang it on..lots of knobs on dashboard.
EEEW! Unless I cleaned the dash, steering wheel, all door handles, gear shift and keys no food would that I eat would see those surfaces. Even then it would be a stretch. But then I remember Grandma saying you need to eat a peck of dirt a year to be healthy. That was long before all the virus's and bacteria we know about today.