Chelsea Clinton's wedding


I'm with Klein. Why in the world would you want to go anywhere near there?

I feel so sorry for all the fishermen. There is no way I will ever again eat fish from the Gulf. That industry is dead.

only for about 100 years or so . i am sure our great grand kids might be ale to eat some gulf shrimp. what do you think this has done to bubba gump shrimp co? it truly is a sad sad situation


Staff member
I'll never want to swim in those waters, don't care what they say, and how safe they claim it to be. All the oil and toxic chemicals are still in it for decades to come.
Atleast, that's what I believe.

So, I feel sorry for the tourisum industry there, because I believe many will think just like me, and choose other beaches, outside the Gulf instead.

+1 Me too.


I'm with Klein. Why in the world would you want to go anywhere near there?


He had no problem suggesting that others should go there and do cleanup duty. See post #1 in Oil Spill thread in current events to refresh your memory.


Staff member
He had no problem suggesting that others should go there and do cleanup duty. See post #1 in Oil Spill thread in current events to refresh your memory.

I would suggest all those fisherman and their families do that, seeing their livelihoods and their industry are dead.


Für Meno :)
He had no problem suggesting that others should go there and do cleanup duty. See post #1 in Oil Spill thread in current events to refresh your memory.

Wasn't possible anyways... I didn't know at that time, what I know now.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Klein. Why in the world would you want to go anywhere near there?

I feel so sorry for all the fishermen. There is no way I will ever again eat fish from the Gulf. That industry is dead.

Nature has an incredible way of bouncing back from adversity. Give it a few years and the Gulf will be vibrant once again.


damn, the knight I am attacking is being surrounded by the queen and rook, time to vamoose.


Für Meno :)
invalid argument, not germane to the central premise that Klein is a hypocrite.

You can't compare that pickup. Be normal just for one post, can ya ?
I'm not on national TV, showing pictures of "Starving Marvin" in Haiti, and pledge for relief money, but then turn around and have a party, and eat better then Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, and "waste" $5 Million in 1 day.

That has nothing to do with volenteer work at all.
Would you give me the money to go to the Gulf ?
I don't have it. You work, you could spare me some to go there.
I'll do the work, you pay the travel cost bills, fair ?


the clintons donate more than their fair share to charity. they only have 1 daughter so what they spent on her wedding is their business it is not like they took public funds to pay for it . i am sure there are plenty of rich canadiens who have done the same thing . we don't pick on your rich leave ours alone.


You can't compare that pickup. Be normal just for one post, can ya ?
I'm not on national TV, showing pictures of "Starving Marvin" in Haiti, and pledge for relief money, but then turn around and have a party, and eat better then Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, and "waste" $5 Million in 1 day.

That has nothing to do with volenteer work at all.
Would you give me the money to go to the Gulf ?
I don't have it. You work, you could spare me some to go there.
I'll do the work, you pay the travel cost bills, fair ?

First of all the reference to Starving Marvin made me laugh.

However this comment "I don't have it. You work, you could spare me some to go there." has been the basis on which u have supported ur trips to mexico and cuba. Whether or not u are receiving dough from the canadian gov't at this point is not the issue. Money is fungible. As for not working, u had plenty of opportunities, u told us that the dairy u once worked at would have taken u back in a heart beat, but u chose not to walk through that door.

u constantly brag about the robust economy of ur area and countrie and yet u couldn't find a a job while u were on unemployment benefits ? Pulesssse

u always find a way to justify ur trips, -saved on heating oil in the winter, saved on booze and cigarettes in the summer. Come on. The Clintons can justify their expenditures as well, I am sure the bride and groom took in a lot of dough that might have paid for the wedding, if u think about it. I would like to see the dollar amounts on those checks.

The wedding paid for itself and it was done locally , not on a remote island somewhere.

And no I am not giving u any money , so stop asking.


You can't compare that pickup. Be normal just for one post, can ya ?
I'm not on national TV, showing pictures of "Starving Marvin" in Haiti, and pledge for relief money, but then turn around and have a party, and eat better then Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, and "waste" $5 Million in 1 day.

That has nothing to do with volenteer work at all.
Would you give me the money to go to the Gulf ?
I don't have it. You work, you could spare me some to go there.
I'll do the work, you pay the travel cost bills, fair ?
Apple's and Orange's! The Clinton's didn't throw this wedding spur of the moment. This has been planned for and it's their right to spend as much as they want on their child, since it is their money.

As far as the Gulf deal goes, Klein, you had the money but chose to spend it in another part of Florida, living it up. Then you went to Cuba where, as you say, everyone knew Klein. So the way it looks from here, you like to talk a bunch of smack, but when it comes right down to helping out, you'd rather others do the dirty work.

You also say stuff about not believing what they say on TV about how polluted or not the Gulf is, yet you constantly talk about stuff that was said on the news, as though it was gospel. Which side are you gonna be on next time Klein? I can't wait to see. I won't even talk about how you tell pickup to be "NORMAL".


Für Meno :)
You know pickup. I'll go back to work when I want to.
I don't know why a lot of people in society think less of a person, because he takes a break from work around the 50year mark.
I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying my trips.
Do, I really need to wait until I'm 65, old and grey (hopefully have no walking problems), to travel like I did this year ?

I think everyone should (if they could, or have the opportunity), to do the same as myself.
I might not even live until retirement, like many others don't.

So, atleast I got this little break in my life, and again... I'm enjoying it.
You only live once, you know ?

Speaking of that, I got asked by a Calgarian in Cuba, how I can afoord to take this break and come here, etc.
I told him, that when I worked, I put $1100 a mth away into savings, ever since my house was paid off.
Was saving for early retirement.
He gave me tons of credit, because that's exactly what he did, and retired at age 55.
And that was my plan, too.

Other people go out on a spending spree, buy new cars, maybe a boat, etc... once house is paid...
Nope, I just continued living with as little as I was always used to, knowing I will benefit from it, sooner or later.
Early retirement has always been my wish.


You know pickup. I'll go back to work when I want to.
I don't know why a lot of people in society think less of a person, because he takes a break from work around the 50year mark.
I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying my trips.
Do, I really need to wait until I'm 65, old and grey (hopefully have no walking problems), to travel like I did this year ?

I think everyone should (if they could, or have the opportunity), to do the same as myself.
I might not even live until retirement, like many others don't.

So, atleast I got this little break in my life, and again... I'm enjoying it.
You only live once, you know ?

Thanks Stug, looks like I had a rook in reserve and he came to help out. I forgot about the trips to florida.

let's examine this little gem u just posted klein :I think everyone should (if they could, or have the opportunity), to do the same as myself.

Translation: I think everyone , if they have the opportunity of being fired, should run out the string of unemployment benefits and live upon the backs of others, pursuing hedonistic adventures. And I know ur counterargument klein - I pay for pregnant mothers, schools and parks I never use. Well, that is ur system, one that u defend and extoll, except when it is time for u to step up to the plate and look for a job while u are on the pogey as u canadians call it as oppossed to looking for the next travel deals.

I don't want to hear u were looking, the dairy offered u ur job back and u didn't take it because u wouldn't get ur seniority back so u would rather hold out , supposedly, for another job that if u took, would give u zero seniority as well.


it's okay, klein we are all hypocrites in some way or fashion, just don't get on a soapbox and take a stand on an issue, a stand which ur past actions indicate u don't really live up to in reality


Apple's and Orange's! The Clinton's didn't throw this wedding spur of the moment. This has been planned for and it's their right to spend as much as they want on their child, since it is their money.

As far as the Gulf deal goes, Klein, you had the money but chose to spend it in another part of Florida, living it up. Then you went to Cuba where, as you say, everyone knew Klein. So the way it looks from here, you like to talk a bunch of smack, but when it comes right down to helping out, you'd rather others do the dirty work.

You also say stuff about not believing what they say on TV about how polluted or not the Gulf is, yet you constantly talk about stuff that was said on the news, as though it was gospel. Which side are you gonna be on next time Klein? I can't wait to see. I won't even talk about how you tell pickup to be "NORMAL".

in case u missed it, thank u.


Für Meno :)
Trips to Florida were in November and January, long before the Oilspill !
But, you are right, wouldn't have gone to the Gulf anyways.

My neck of Florida, accomadation is free, besides a beach that you can still swim in.