Chose to be a stupidvisor can I go back in the union?


Well-Known Member
So a time ago I chose to go into supervision thinking "yeah I'll be fine" but fast forward a couple years and uh it stinks. So is their anyway I could possibly get back in the union? So far the understanding is 6 to 1 which I don't even know how that works or quit and come back which I've also heard may not work.
Can you go back? NOPE
Serious question. I understand your situation but if you dont mind me asking how much do you actually make per hour? Several of my preload friends of a couple years made the move to part time sup. Now they are all miserable and want to quit and they just change as a person. Is the carrot they dangle really that appealing? Is it the hours? I get alot of mixed reaponses from guys at my center. Its an honest question no disrespect.
I took the job because I needed the money. Now looking back I could've went driving.


I used to be a pt sup which was one of the worst decisions of my life. You can go driving and go back in the union. By driving feeder or package with the 1 pt sup to 6 union ratio is the only way unless you are "promoted" full time sup and stay as a driver when they have you train to drive. Do not listen to anyone else who says different. It took me several years of begging for them to let me out though. The "upper" management finally got tired of me asking all the time and let me go.


I used to be a pt sup which was one of the worst decisions of my life. You can go driving and go back in the union. By driving feeder or package with the 1 pt sup to 6 union ratio is the only way unless you are "promoted" full time sup and stay as a driver when they have you train to drive. Do not listen to anyone else who says different. It took me several years of begging for them to let me out though. The "upper" management finally got tired of me asking all the time and let me go.
We have a center that has roughly 10-15 former sups, out of 60-70 drivers. Most of them are safety committee and very non-Teamster like :D

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Thirty years in and I still get the letter to be a supe every January. Of course the way the company thinks, if they can get just one union guy to go salary it's a victory.
So a time ago I chose to go into supervision thinking "yeah I'll be fine" but fast forward a couple years and uh it stinks. So is their anyway I could possibly get back in the union? So far the understanding is 6 to 1 which I don't even know how that works or quit and come back which I've also heard may not work.

I was a supervisor once. I just told my manager “I think I made a mistake going supervising and it’s really not for me” you lose any previous seniority you had if they let you. I’m the only one in my hub to do that in nearly 4 years from what he was saying. But then again, I could pull 500+ an hour on preload before the scanner.


Active Member
So a time ago I chose to go into supervision thinking "yeah I'll be fine" but fast forward a couple years and uh it stinks. So is their anyway I could possibly get back in the union? So far the understanding is 6 to 1 which I don't even know how that works or quit and come back which I've also heard may not work.
Find a training manager or full time HR and tell them you're interested in driving.. They will. Ask. You if youre interested in full time manamgent or just want to drive as a career. You can lie or be honest but either way they can send you out driving. They will send you to Integrad and you will have to pass or back to the polos for you. If you pass you have to qualify. If you don't qualify, they will either let you go or go pt package handler because you're considered a outside hire and you have no protection.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
I took the job because I needed the money. Now looking back I could've went driving.

Ask your manager and division manager what you need to do go on road. Make sure that you let them know your intentions are to become a driver, not a ft supervisor. Then hope. I’ve met 2 upsers that became part time supervisors, then went driving and got hired back as drivers using 6:1. It can happen but make sure everyone knows your intentions. IT CAN TAKE YEARS! I’ll say a prayer for you. You’re gonna need it. :)


Never seen a super go back union status. I think you'd just have to quit and start all over again. As noted above the driver option might be the only option. There is a ratio they use for inside outside.