Civil war


Well-Known Member
Yeah, let's just accept the myriad defects that donald displayed from his first day in the White House. What was just largely grist for the monologues of late-night talk-show hosts, has now turned truly tragic. They include his stunning disregard for science, his undeniable compulsion to spread misinformation, his complete refusal to take responsibility for anything negative, his thoroughgoing contempt for government, and his abrupt vacillations in policy.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
Yeah, let's just accept the myriad defects that donald displayed from his first day in the White House. What was just largely grist for the monologues of late-night talk-show hosts, has now turned truly tragic. They include his stunning disregard for science, his undeniable compulsion to spread misinformation, his complete refusal to take responsibility for anything negative, his thoroughgoing contempt for government, and his abrupt vacillations in policy.
Well said

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
It was nice to see a coherent and informed press conference yesterday from the White House. That's until the spray tanned, bumbling idiot took the mic. He should just stand off in the corner while the adults speak.