Cobra coverage??


Well-Known Member
We added my wife and kids to the insurance plan. Not sure If they will accept because it's not open enrollment, I was just informed wrong and was told it had to be my year mark I could add my family. Which was untrue. Anyway we sent it in, they then sent a letter to my wife about cobra coverage. What does this mean? I'm taking it they aren't under team care at the moment but maybe kicked this cobra insurance in for them until open enrollment? All the letter is, is about what cobra is and says that "you are covered as an individual under group plan teamcare" and cobra cobra is a continuation of coverage when you would otherwise lose group coverage"


Well-Known Member
Grab the nearest steward and ask them, and couldn’t hurt to ask someone in your bldg.

You are going to get a million different answers here because it depends on your region also ( I think).


Well-Known Member
Call your business agent not your local rep. Most drivers have no clue about healthcare changes. They change things all the time. How old is your wife?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Retired 22 years
Cobra insurance is SPENDY!!!!! You would be better off money wise getting insurance through an insurance agent--but don't take my word for it. I've been out of the game for too long. Check it all out before signing anything


Well-Known Member
Cobra insurance is SPENDY!!!!! You would be better off money wise getting insurance through an insurance agent--but don't take my word for it. I've been out of the game for too long. Check it all out before signing anything
Yup. Had cobra for either 6 months a year at a job I quit a long time ago. I believe it was $400 a month.


Well-Known Member
We added my wife and kids to the insurance plan. Not sure If they will accept because it's not open enrollment, I was just informed wrong and was told it had to be my year mark I could add my family. Which was untrue. Anyway we sent it in, they then sent a letter to my wife about cobra coverage. What does this mean? I'm taking it they aren't under team care at the moment but maybe kicked this cobra insurance in for them until open enrollment? All the letter is, is about what cobra is and says that "you are covered as an individual under group plan teamcare" and cobra cobra is a continuation of coverage when you would otherwise lose group coverage"
Just call teamcare and get correct answer... Period