Covid Vaccine Aftermath


Well-Known Member
Here’s a great idea let’s vaccinate a group of people with a less than 1% chance of dying of Covid, let’s give them a vaccine that gives them a 1 or 2% chance (possibly even higher) of myocarditis and many other diseases but they never had a chance of getting before lol that’s a great idea. And I love all the places that keep saying “mild myocarditis” there’s no such thing as mild myocarditis. Your heart literally has a part that is now dead.


Well-Known Member

First one: 2 patients?
Second one: thin on information and from overseas.
Third one: that actually has some information/backing and should be followed up on.
4th link: seems thin.

Like I said it would be interesting to compare myocarditis in unvaxxed who got COVID and vaxxed who didn't get COVID or had mild cases.


Well-Known Member
First one: 2 patients?
Second one: thin on information and from overseas.
Third one: that actually has some information/backing and should be followed up on.
4th link: seems thin.

Like I said it would be interesting to compare myocarditis in unvaxxed who got COVID and vaxxed who didn't get COVID or had mild cases.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if they did any of these studies? Because that’s how medicine and science are supposed to work?

People who don’t understand that probably have “mild” brain damage.

And since the vaccine does not stop the transmission nor keep people from getting Covid what does it matter? This is the worst vaccine ever lol.

Remember it was like 95% effective originally. Of course they didn’t tell you that was for about 30 days😂😂
Lol not peer reviewed, almost like this vaccine was not actually tested well enough to know the truth if you look at every single one of the three sites I posted all of them saying “long-term studies needed” but hey let’s just keep vaccinating people and especially the young males even though there’s a correlation. And if we never Peer review “ie get money from the government or the vaccine companies” yeah that will happen😂, we can’t blame the vaccine lol it’s perfect.


Well-Known Member
The problem is the child myocarditis from COVID vaccines claim has one source that is anonymous and has not been peer reviewed.

I'm not saying we don't study this. Let's get the myocarditis rates for
-non vaccinated
-single shot/no booster
-double shot/boosted
-3 and 4 shot boosted
Let's get some data. But until then let's slow roll the COVID vaccine is killing our kids claims.
I agree, let's get some data. Lets slow the claims that it's killing our kids. But it seems to me that kids, especially young kids, do not need a covid vaccine. So you are adding risk but getting low if any benefit.
The recent boosters were approved for children as young as 5 by the CDC, FDA with no data on if it has a mortality benefit. IE does it net save more lives than it kills. You'd think that would be important to know.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Vaccinating grubby little boys, that congregate in groups and never wash their hands, was about stopping the spread, not protecting the boys.

Also... Everyone, including the government, hates your kid, and doesn't care if he croaks.


Well-Known Member
The problem is the child myocarditis from COVID vaccines claim has one source that is anonymous and has not been peer reviewed.

I'm not saying we don't study this. Let's get the myocarditis rates for
-non vaccinated
-single shot/no booster
-double shot/boosted
-3 and 4 shot boosted
Let's get some data. But until then let's slow roll the COVID vaccine is killing our kids claims.
I believe myocarditis has been reported in significant numbers on the VAERS website.


Well-Known Member
Like the one link from Israel. Lots of bad data on both sides comes from there: whether it be pro-vax or anti-vax. The sample sizes are small and the hard data is lacking.

Plus how many
Follow the science! Dentist recommended!
View attachment 404860
That’s from an era where we drove with no seat belts and persons of color had to use different drinking fountains, attend different schools and eat different places.

But then again you’d like that.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Like the one link from Israel. Lots of bad data on both sides comes from there: whether it be pro-vax or anti-vax. The sample sizes are small and the hard data is lacking.

Plus how many

That’s from an era where we drove with no seat belts and persons of color had to use different drinking fountains, attend different schools and eat different places.

But then again you’d like that.

“The hard data is lacking.”

Perhaps we’ll someday view mRNA vaccines like we view cigarettes today. Maybe both cause cancer and/or heart disease. Maybe only cigarettes do.

Not sure what all of the racial stuff in your post is about.


Well-Known Member
He's right you no. Trump's Blindspot was health. If he was innocent and his adversaries studied him, they knew how he would rely on the experts to run the response. Or maybe something else?
If he is the freedom, free market candidate, I'll give Trump a second try
What’s the total death of unvaccinated?

You'll never know. You can get the shot and boosters, and not be considered fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after your last shot. If you die before then, well I guess you're an unvaccinated death.

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
Genesis 3:1 KJV
