

Well-Known Member
You're not being truthful. The Tea Party didn't call for massive cuts to those programs. They called for the end of massive spending that threatened the existence of already established programs like Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously haven't read their well publicized political platform which was the driver behind it's successful shut down of the federal government in 2013. it also proved to be it's undoing.


Well-Known Member
I can answer now.
Jesus said " My kingdom is not of this world."
When Rome was the world power, during the time Jesus walked the earth, many wanted Him to "take over"... He wasn't interested then and he is not interested now. His kingdom He reigns over is a spiritual one, not physical.
Thank you for your interpretation, it's clear you make a fine truck driver for a theologian.


Well-Known Member
Once people realize that there actions have real consequences they may value education and it all starts at home. Asian and Indian people value education so good for them that they get into great college and great job.
I agree that it's great that asians(Indians are Asian too) value education, and I agree that everyone else should.

But that doesn't solve the problem I pointed out. In fact, it clouds it even more.

If everyone went to a university or technical school, and had an advanced education, we would not have enough jobs in their fields, and well paying jobs in general, that someone with an advanced degree would consider worthy.

It's already happened to a certain degree - just ask the twenty-something working the clerks job at any number of retail outlets, or the dude swinging a carpenter's hammer on your deck or delivering your package in a big brown truck...many of them went to college and do not or cant find work in their field.

Everyone can't be educated and work white collar jobs, we will still need these other jobs filled, and we will never have enough white collar jobs if everyone just went to school and all of the sudden demanded one.

College was meant for the best and the brightest, and along the way got watered down. Let's not water it down anymore - if anything, these kids need to goto vo-tech early, and technical college after high school. There's a whole :censored2: load of jobs in the trades and technology sitting there empty as the next 5000 early elementary teaching or 10000 psychology majors sign up for school to NEVER get a job after graduation. Half of those early elementary majors will be back in school to be vet techs or LPNs before their 5th year out of college is up, and they've never even had an interview for a job in their field, nevermind an actual job or step towards a career in their field.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes, it was an excellent dodge of the question, via bible mumbo jumbo, instead of an intellectually honest response.

About what I'd expect from you.
You asked WWJD.
Bible mumbo jumbo? Even you might admit that Jesus and the Bible are kinda related. You want know what Jesus would do? You can read it.


Well-Known Member
You asked WWJD.
Bible mumbo jumbo? Even you might admit that Jesus and the Bible are kinda related. You want know what Jesus would do? You can read it.

So I can trust BigJamesBrown?

He's connecting Jesus with the Bible, and a lot of other stuff.

As a non-Christian consumer of Bible information, should I trust you or BigJamesBrown?

Maybe I should trust WKmac, or Photog.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So I can trust BigJamesBrown?

He's connecting Jesus with the Bible, and a lot of other stuff.

As a non-Christian consumer of Bible information, should I trust you or BigJamesBrown?

Maybe I should trust WKmac, or Photog.
I asked you for the scripture he was using to prove his're still just trolling .

"Search the scriptures, in them you will find eternal life"--John 5:39 just rub the fat smiling it up


Well-Known Member
So I can trust BigJamesBrown?

He's connecting Jesus with the Bible, and a lot of other stuff.

As a non-Christian consumer of Bible information, should I trust you or BigJamesBrown?

Maybe I should trust WKmac, or Photog.
The only place to put your trust is in Jesus, you do that, discernment may follow, that will be left up to you.

I know you don't like scripture, I know you don't trust me, don't want you to, I offer this only to answer your question

1 John 4:1

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

The previous pertains to me, not you.

Based on my understanding of scriptures, of who should be glorified, magnified and worshiped, it ain't no clown @BigJamesBrown and what he preaches. Really, there are no lost tribes of Israel, Jesus has them all accounted for, still has the hairs on their heads numbered, there quite probably are lost in the tribes of Israel, but those original, deceased
members gain nothing extra for their station at birth.
Even more, @BigJamesBrown better cling to Jesus and drop the superior baloney he thinks he has.
There's the truth, don't believe me, Trust the Lord, search the scriptures.

I know you really didn't want the answer, I understand what your game is, it allowed me to respond to @BigJamesBrown in a backhanded way.

Question answered nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
I asked you for the scripture he was using to prove his're still just trolling .

"Search the scriptures, in them you will find eternal life"--John 5:39 just rub the fat smiling it up

You asked me for no such thing.

It’s fun to fk around, but don’t lie about it.


Well-Known Member
I asked you for the scripture he was using to prove his're still just trolling .

"Search the scriptures, in them you will find eternal life"--John 5:39 just rub the fat smiling it up

Get back to me, I’m just not sure which guy to believe...

(neither, I made up my idea about the Bible 35 years ago).

I’m down with Jesus, the rest is nonsense, stuff folk wrote hundreds of years later, or more.



Well-Known Member
The only place to put your trust is in Jesus, you do that, discernment may follow, that will be left up to you.

I know you don't like scripture, I know you don't trust me, don't want you to, I offer this only to answer your question

1 John 4:1

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

The previous pertains to me, not you.

Based on my understanding of scriptures, of who should be glorified, magnified and worshiped, it ain't no clown @BigJamesBrown and what he preaches. Really, there are no lost tribes of Israel, Jesus has them all accounted for, still has the hairs on their heads numbered, there quite probably are lost in the tribes of Israel, but those original, deceased
members gain nothing extra for their station at birth.
Even more, @BigJamesBrown better cling to Jesus and drop the superior baloney he thinks he has.
There's the truth, don't believe me, Trust the Lord, search the scriptures.

I know you really didn't want the answer, I understand what your game is, it allowed me to respond to @BigJamesBrown in a backhanded way.

Question answered nonetheless.


