

Well-Known Member
LOL, I love it: "Priority seating for the 1%" !! "Criminal mischief"?? Please they were making a political statement. Those cars are already menaced with stupid corporate ads but of course it is ok to have corporate graffiti throughout the subway cars . Someone puts a small sticker on a seat and they are a menace. Sort of like the corporate criminals still not in jail but some kids want ot protest and campout in a park and expose their lies and crimes and THEY get arrested and have their property taken by the authorities!!


golden ticket member
LOL, I love it: "Priority seating for the 1%" !! "Criminal mischief"?? Please they were making a political statement. Those cars are already menaced with stupid corporate ads but of course it is ok to have corporate graffiti throughout the subway cars . Someone puts a small sticker on a seat and they are a menace. Sort of like the corporate criminals still not in jail but some kids want ot protest and campout in a park and expose their lies and crimes and THEY get arrested and have their property taken by the authorities!!

Corporations who put ads on public transportation actually PAY for that privilege. Realtors on park benches and cabs and buses. It's expensive. The ad space isn't free............implies stealing to me. Just like the house squatting.....illegal!!


golden ticket member
So there are no further's the entire story as it was from an east village blog.......I didn't write it. Yes, the title suggests it was OWS when if fact it was others.
File your complaints with the blog.

Monday, April 16, 2012 @ 10:01 am | NYC: Occupy Protesters Smash Starbucks, Shout “All Pigs Must Die”…
This was from the same protest where our favorite “global lawyer” was arrested for assaulting a police officer with a metal pipe.

Via NYT’s East Village Blog:
Last night’s riotous atmosphere resulted in a sergeant and lieutenant suffering minor injuries while scuffling with anarchist protesters at the Astor Place Starbucks, the police said.

According to police, around 25 people tried smashing the windows of the cafe with eight-foot long steel pipes at around 8:45 p.m. after attending the Anarchist book fair earlier in the day. “Patrons fearing that they would be hit by flying glass hid under tables,” the police said in a statement. “Several” officers were assaulted with pipes and bottles, the police added.

According to police, part of the rowdy group — some of them masked — marched near Washington Square Park, chanting “cops are murderers” and “all pigs must die.” The crowd eventually grew to around 150, with some tipping garbage cans and spray painting anarchist symbols on buildings, the police said.


golden ticket member
It turns out that 4 of the 5 arrested for trying to bomb that Cleveland bridge were from OWS.
See, Nancy Pelosi was right.....they are spontaneous and delightful !!


Well-Known Member
Again, all it has to do with OWS that the anarchist guys went to protest(with other thousand of protesters), that's like saying one guy got caught drunk driving from work so all UPS drivers do that. Please don't try to connect every single robbery or plot with the movement like the people just go nuts and want to blow up everything. There is a lovely Black Bloc too, that try to use the momentum for their playground. As you can read the FBI involvement is much more interesting.
Good job:
"The federal complaint filed against the alleged bridge plotters notes that the FBI’s “Confidential Human Source” has not been paid by the bureau “since beginning his/her probation.” The FBI probe of the five anarchists began after agents directed Azir to attend an October 21 Occupy Wall Street rally in Cleveland."
Unmasked: Meet The FBI's Bridge Bomb Plot Snitch | The Smoking Gun