Election is over.


Well-Known Member
If the election was stolen, it was by Putin and Trump, probably working together, or through the auspices of the RNC. If it is proven that Trump or the RNC were colluding with Russia, the election could be voided.

This is the angle Obama is probably pursuing. Link Putin and Trump, or the RNC and the hack, and Donald is toast, as in treason. That leaves open the possibility of a new election.

god you are desperate. Elections over Snowflake.


Well-Known Member
Obama to Trump: "Stop Whining" About A Rigged Election

Now here we are 2 months later AND..............

I don't know.

Seems like two different concepts.

When pre-election Trump was complaining about rigged elections, there was little 'there' there.

Post-election Trump says people are whining, except this time, there's a lot of 'there' there.

Trump will be the next President, no doubt.

It's humorous however that the Trumpatistas seemingly have no issue with Russian meddling in our election.

All of a sudden Republicans love Putin?



Well-Known Member
In addition, the irony isn't lost here: the CIA has been meddling in other countries elections for decades.

Funny that they're the vanguard of releasing info that our latest election was 'hacked'.

Our voting machines weren't hacked, but the kompromat was in full effect.

Something here about chickens coming home to roost, I suspect.


golden ticket member
I don't know.

Seems like two different concepts.

When pre-election Trump was complaining about rigged elections, there was little 'there' there.

Post-election Trump says people are whining, except this time, there's a lot of 'there' there.

Trump will be the next President, no doubt.

It's humorous however that the Trumpatistas seemingly have no issue with Russian meddling in our election.

All of a sudden Republicans love Putin?

Republican here....despise Putin !! He's a jerk just like Odumbo!!


Engorged Member
god you are desperate. Elections over Snowflake.

Intelligent people know Trump is a disaster in the making. His latest incident, the Tweet telling China to "keep the drone" is just one more indication he shouldn't be President. I know all you admire his shoot from the hip style, but that isn't going to work very well diplomatically.

He's an idiot, and an idiot shouldn't be our President. We lost, which is fine. Give us a President who is sane.

And stop using snowflake, loser. I'm sure one of the talk hosts used it and all of you jumped on board. Think for yourself, and come up with your own insult.

Tie, tell everyone who you really are, and how you were kicked-off the site and created the alternate site that insulted Cheryl and Tony so badly.


Well-Known Member
As of yesterday, December 19th, now the actual election is officially over. Under the category of "be careful what you ask for":

".....despite a pitched effort by some on the left who wrote letters to Trump electors trying to persuade them to switch their votes or not vote at all.........more electors tried to defect from Hillary Clinton Monday than from Trump, by a count of eight to two."

Donald Trump Secures Electoral College Win, With Few Surprises


Strength through joy
