

golden ticket member
By Weds. I hope I have a new book in my hand.......

My Political Demise" by Harry Reid
subtitled......."...but for me the news would be dull."

(fingers crossed)


golden ticket member
Full disclosure: This is a political speech by one physician on behalf of another physician who is running against Representative Dingell. The speaker, however, provides facts, which interested viewers can check out for validity. He draws an interesting connection between the Stimulus Bill and Obama Care.



Staff member
Went to my polling place as soon as it opened this morning. We had a choice of electronic or paper vote, and I chose paper because I don't trust those infernal machines. As I sat down to fill it out something didn't seem right when I looked at the list of candidates. I took my ballot over to one the workers and said "Aren't we the 10th district? Why does this ballot say the 11th?" His eyes got real big and he ran to get his supervisor. Much hilarity ensued, but I eventually got the correct ballot :happy-very:.


Staff member
Went to my polling place as soon as it opened this morning. We had a choice of electronic or paper vote, and I chose paper because I don't trust those infernal machines. As I sat down to fill it out something didn't seem right when I looked at the list of candidates. I took my ballot over to one the workers and said "Aren't we the 10th district? Why does this ballot say the 11th?" His eyes got real big and he ran to get his supervisor. Much hilarity ensued, but I eventually got the correct ballot :happy-very:.
Who needs gerrymandering?:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I understand that Idaho has a Senator by the name of Mike Crapo. Seems Idahoians are sending a message to Washington as with that name, he should fit right in with what the other 99 have been doing and will continue to do into the future. (I know it's pronounced Cray-poe so save it)

It will be interesting to see from the rearview mirror what has change.....let me rephrase in fairness, what has been attempted to be changed in about 2 years from now. The question if even no serious attempt to expend political capital to change anything by repubs. (I'm praying for absolute gridlock), where then will you redstate pom-pom shakers turn then? Politcal history suggests my cynicism on the morning after is very well justified and I look forward to uttering many "I told you so's" in 2 years.

I did hear on the radio last night a refreshing thought from an Ohio tea party organizer being interviewed by Cox Radio's Jamie Dupree who I happen to appreciate. This organizer told Jamie he and others with him held no illusions that things will dramatically change because of political history and he told Jamie that he's watching closely the next 2 years but (his words) "this is it for the republicans. This is their one and only shot" and even with that, he and others are already planning as a fallback for 2012' a 3rd party challenge.

If you are set to use the violence of the voting booth to effect change, then I do believe in this day and age that the 3rd party is the only means to do so as the Statist party and it's red and blue wings will never change a damn thing other than to change it all for the worse. Good to hear someone in the teaparty at least talking some sense as it relates to the electoral process. Good for him/them!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I understand that Idaho has a Senator by the name of Mike Crapo. Seems Idahoians are sending a message to Washington as with that name, he should fit right in with what the other 99 have been doing and will continue to do into the future. (I know it's pronounced Cray-poe so save it)

It will be interesting to see from the rearview mirror what has change.....let me rephrase in fairness, what has been attempted to be changed in about 2 years from now. The question if even no serious attempt to expend political capital to change anything by repubs. (I'm praying for absolute gridlock), where then will you redstate pom-pom shakers turn then? Politcal history suggests my cynicism on the morning after is very well justified and I look forward to uttering many "I told you so's" in 2 years.

I did hear on the radio last night a refreshing thought from an Ohio tea party organizer being interviewed by Cox Radio's Jamie Dupree who I happen to appreciate. This organizer told Jamie he and others with him held no illusions that things will dramatically change because of political history and he told Jamie that he's watching closely the next 2 years but (his words) "this is it for the republicans. This is their one and only shot" and even with that, he and others are already planning as a fallback for 2012' a 3rd party challenge.

If you are set to use the violence of the voting booth to effect change, then I do believe in this day and age that the 3rd party is the only means to do so as the Statist party and it's red and blue wings will never change a damn thing other than to change it all for the worse. Good to hear someone in the teaparty at least talking some sense as it relates to the electoral process. Good for him/them!

The Tea Party has done a great job of getting some "crap" out of office and hopefully some fiscal responsibility in office and as they said if they fail then they will be voted out the next time arround. Im watching Rand Paul to see if he sticks to his words as he seems like the best Tea Party candidate so far...it could be a wakeup call for Washington to shape up or get the hell out.

As far as a third party...it would be great and im all for it but i just dont see it happening...it would have to get even worse than it is right now for that to happen.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Arizona went from purple to bright red yesterday. All state office holders - both senators - more seats added in the legislature which the Republicans have held for 40 years. The only two Democratic districts border Mexico. The rest of the state is red.

The ironic thing is that I live in one of the few areas that probably has more dems registered. I live in a tree hugger area but that is ok by me. I have some tree hugger in me.


Well-Known Member
California legal pot referendum was barely defeted. Bummer. 53.3% No- 46.7% yes.

I still see 46.7% as a good positive. 10 years ago I'm not sure you'd get a 1/3rd of that vote on the same ballot initiative. Marijuana possession is becoming more and more unenforcable as even cops who find small amounts (obvious personal use) in traffic stops and no other offense is committed are taking the dope, giving verbal warnings and letting the people go. Several cops themselves have told me that they have done this and they know many others who do it too. Most cops say why should I go to court on my off day to testify on a small quantity marijuana possession when the fine will be about the same as a speeding ticket. Plus more and more studies like this one from Lancet are destroying the myths of Reefer Madness and the public is getting it.

Another myth buster has been Portugal who decriminalized all drugs in 2001' and illicit street drug use, drug overdose rates and HIV cases have literally crashed and this just destroys the typical mythology that legalizing drugs will lead to the end of life as we know it. It will lead to the end of a major component of the American police state so part of that thinking is true.

More and more Americans are learning they've been lied too and are responding in kind so if not California, somebody is gonna do it and then the clash between state autonomy and Federal power will begin.


Staff member
"two magnificent black faces"? Oh, the Republicans must be just elated with their own little "Rainbow Coalition".


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
A very interesting interview with Cindy Sheehan with some very insightful remarks about Obama and the democrats, the election results and not so kind words for Rahm Emmanuel. Some democrat supporters here might want to skip listening to this interview. She also discusses the myth of the 2 party state and her own observations about the electoral process that IMO are very good. Hats off to Scott Horton at Antiwar radio for this interview.


golden ticket member
Chill, dude !! Political cartoons are a part of everyday life, not just at election time. You know, you don't have to look.