Employer mandates kicking in!


And Hoffa and your union let the Communist obama do that to you. Elections have consequences now don't they?

Communism (from Latin communis – common, universal) is a socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.[SUP][3][/SUP] This movement, in its Marxist–Leninist interpretations, significantly influenced the history of the 20th century, which saw intense rivalry between the "socialist world" (socialist states ruled by communist parties) and the "Western world" (countries with capitalist economies).[SUP][4]

Turn off Rush Radio for a few hours. It's gonna give you a ****ing aneurism if you haven't already started ****ting out what's left of your brain.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
And where do they get that money from? They will just pass along the costs to individuals. Same as the subsidies (which we are not ellligible for anyway but just for an example). If an individual pays a lower rate because they get a subsidy from the government, where does the government get the money to pay for the subsidy? From other taxpayers of course.

Same goes for private insurance subsidizing Medicare and medicade. Ill use nurse anestisa as an example. Since my wife is in the profession and I know these numbers to be very close to accurate.

Private insurance and government both billed $150 an hour. Private insurance will reimburse at 90-100%. Medicare and medicade they will reimburse at about $25-30 an hour. This is with the understanding that about 50% of those cases are charity because the government won't pay. Most likely because after "fixing" your billing paperwork 2-3 times your time allotment for billing will have expired.

If the government paid a reasonable rate of $75-90 an hour all of our insurance would be much lower.


My W-2 reflected a 20K disclosure of HC. I'm in SoCal. Thats family coverage under BC/BS PPO. Unions WILL not get an exemption under ACA. It would have to pass congress and would be DOA. My CPA says I'm paying taxes on this coverage, Its considered income. IBT tried to tell me that next years the amount will be much lower than the Cadillac tax level because we're going into the WR177. Thats the plan that is lower coverage than I already have, and uses my pension contributions to fund it.


Well-Known Member
Your CPA is incorrect-----you are not (currently) paying taxes on the amount shown on your W-2----it is there for informational purposes only. If and when we have to start paying it will only be on the amount over the threshold, not the entire amount.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Your CPA is incorrect-----you are not (currently) paying taxes on the amount shown on your W-2----it is there for informational purposes only. If and when we have to start paying it will only be on the amount over the threshold, not the entire amount.

​Highly unlikely that Cali is one of these states but some states are passing laws that override the federal exemption.


Well-Known Member
I am beginning to wonder if the employer mandate will become relevant at all. As it stands Obamacare is coming apart at the seams and repeal may be the only option left as it falls apart taking the country down with it.


Nine Lives
I am beginning to wonder if the employer mandate will become relevant at all. As it stands Obamacare is coming apart at the seams and repeal may be the only option left as it falls apart taking the country down with it.

Especially with the first step taken by the Democratic led Senate today.

The second step will be taken when the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Obamacare, or the more Socialist forms of centralized controls and government dictates, will be repealed by a Senate with less than 60 Repub Senators.


nowhere special
Especially with the first step taken by the Democratic led Senate today.

The second step will be taken when the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Obamacare, or the more Socialist forms of centralized controls and government dictates, will be repealed by a Senate with less than 60 Repub Senators.

When the Republicans regain control of the Senate Minority Leader Reid will be squealing like a pig when the same tactics are used against him.


Nine Lives
When the Republicans regain control of the Senate Minority Leader Reid will be squealing like a pig when the same tactics are used against him.

No doubt but he probably will not be a Senator. He was lucky last time.
He does get Nevada a lot of pork for re-electing him.


Man of Great Wisdom
Especially with the first step taken by the Democratic led Senate today.

The second step will be taken when the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Obamacare, or the more Socialist forms of centralized controls and government dictates, will be repealed by a Senate with less than 60 Repub Senators.

They will crap a brick if they actually have to think of something to replace it.


Livin the cardboard dream
Especially with the first step taken by the Democratic led Senate today.

The second step will be taken when the Repubs control both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Obamacare, or the more Socialist forms of centralized controls and government dictates, will be repealed by a Senate with less than 60 Repub Senators.

Never fear because the next decade won't change what's in the White House. When Hillary runs, she's going to be a buzz saw. And she'll get two terms. And the main reason won't be because of Hillary, it'll be because of Bill. Personally, I wish it wasn't true as I'd rather have Christie in office, but the sheeple will still vote Dem and Hillary will have Bill to lean on. Expect 10 years of the same...Hillary championed single payer healthcare when Bill was in office. Obamacare is right up her alley.


Well-Known Member
When the Hoffa pens a letter to reid and pelosi stating...

"Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class."

...you should be concerned.

What is really sad though is the union supported the democrats who rammed this monstrosity down our throats - even though there were at least 4 other proposals to be considered...


Sadly, "We the People" never heard of these proposals becuase neither reid or pelosi would introduce them on the floor to be properly debated.

And, right now, I am already seeing the consequences of this monstrosity. Local practices are being closed and/or merged with larger health organizations. Doctors are now refusing to accept or add new patients. And some are even just refusing to accept any insurance.

Wait times to actually see a real doctor are getting even longer. However, if you want to deal with a lesser qualified pill-pushing nurse practitioner or "technician" just head to your local wally world or corner pharmacy and hope for the best.

If this law doesn't (hopefully) self-destruct in the very near future, soon, you're going to be asked "would you like fries with your flu shot?"