We got it in MN last year, first couple of months were not good. We accrue 1 hr of pst per 32 hours worked. First few people that used it had an option day taken away. Have a very good steward and BA they all got there option time back.
When calling in we are instructed to either use the terms "Walz pay" or "sick or wellness day". There is a specific code for it 2* and time card will show sick pay but zero pay. But paycheck will have the day coded correctly and you will get your pay for the day. Strangely the supervisor that managed it didn't really know how to do it, so I always got paid 10 hours for a Walz pay day. Haven't used one since he left so not sure if that will still be the case
I'll continue with what you said. This is really more information for those not in Minnesota. We can only carry over so much sick time here in MN and I hadn't used any for most of the year so I had 60 some hours in my bank. So I made a bunch of appointments toward the end of the year and used my ESST (which is MN's sick time law). MN ESST also applies for your child's appointments as well. I was paid 10 hours for each except for one was at 8 hours. No idea why, but it was paid correctly from my ESST bank. We use code 47 in our hub, so if you have to ask for the day off ahead of time as 47, doctor, or ESST. For call ins it as quoted above or something of that nature. The state law does not apply to employers that already fulfill their sick time obligation on their own as long as they maintain at least the laws minimum amount of hours.
Our locals suggested that we not split up our option week into sick time days because that would qualify UPS as having supplied 50 hours of ESST time (FT). By not splitting up option week as sick days we get MN ESST separately (talk about

ing you over otherwise). And as said above it shows "sick day - no pay" on timecard viewer if coded correctly and does not count as a punch (like a holiday, PH or option week day) so your sixth day is not paid all day OT as it counts as your 5th. Since MN's ESST doesn't count toward your DOT I usually volunteer for Saturday those weeks I take a day off, then I get my full hours for the week plus an extra 10 added on.