Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Echo chambers are fun.

They always remind me how smart and right I am.
I absolutely hate Echo Chambers. You can search around and see. I piss off both sides, but I don’t have time for drivel from a self important narcissist. My Time is valuable.

Now you have to excuse me’s Hogans Hero’s marathon is getting ready to start


Inordinately Right
I believe parental choice is paramount in all decisions regarding their children.
I will ask you again.
Are you against laws making pedophilia illegal?


Well-Known Member
You agree with every single point and every aspect of every politician you vote for? That's incredible. Good for you.
Absolutley not, there is a lot of things I disagree with Biden about, some vehemently

But if I believed “my” politician took credit for and released a dangerous and deadly poison and he continuously recommended I take it and told me it was safe, I wouldn’t vote for him


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
How about the parents who feed their kids the wrong food to set them up to be fat for life? Then they have an early death because of the parents choice.

Contrast that with the ones who get sex changes and grow up healthy and do not have a life of suffering from obesity.

Which parents are worse in your humble opinion? If your are consistent you would say both.
90% of the kids that have sex changes attempt suicide. How it that healthy? Just curious..


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Absolutley not, there is a lot of things I disagree with Biden about, some vehemently

But if I believed “my” politician took credit for and released a dangerous and deadly poison and he continuously recommended I take it and told me it was safe, I wouldn’t vote for him
When did Trump say that he took the covid shot?? Just curious..


Well-Known Member
Recommend? Or require?
I agree there’s a difference, but if it were proven that it was poison wouldn’t both be bad? Whether or not Covid vaccine is dangerous or not is really irrelevant at this point. It was the process that Trump championed of Rushing testing for medicine manipulating federal safety agencies unlike we’ve ever done before. A very dangerous president for medicine safety moving forward in my opinion.
I agree there’s a difference, but if it were proven that it was poison wouldn’t both be bad? Whether or not Covid vaccine is dangerous or not is really irrelevant at this point. It was the process that Trump championed of Rushing testing for medicine manipulating federal safety agencies unlike we’ve ever done before. A very dangerous president for medicine safety moving forward in my opinion.
Fact is you only have two choices, I choose the least worst.