Everyone get the jab.

Will you get the shot now that's required?

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Well-Known Member

My wife had a 38 year old female coworker go home from work feeling ill, went to the hospital, and was dead in the morning. She got the booster last week.

That's one of many. I've been to a number of suspected vaccine funerals, and no covid funerals.

I'm quite content as a PureBlood.

My wife had a 38 year old female coworker go home from work feeling ill, went to the hospital, and was dead in the morning. She got the booster last week.

That's one of many. I've been to a number of suspected vaccine funerals, and no covid funerals.

I'm quite content as a PureBlood.
Are you willing to lose your job over it?


Well-Known Member
No they said it doesn't stop you from transmitting it to somebody else nor does it keep you from getting it
It's supposedly makes the symptoms less.
I got my vaccinations I just don't want to see my by Union Brothers and sisters lose their jobs
No, they still insist in slows spread to a level that makes a difference in their made-up body count.

They just finally admitted transmission can still happen. They haven't yet admitted it's as much or more than unvaccinated transmission.